"I hope you have some value!"

Zhou Di looked at Meng Xinchen and said in a cold voice.

Hearing Zhou Di's words, Meng Xinchen breathed a sigh of relief, she had saved her own life.

"Come with us!"

Emperor Zhou glanced at Meng Xinchen, turned and left.

Dealing with them is just a casual thing to do.

The real thing to deal with is the devil with thousands of faces, and rescue the imprisoned military giant Mo Beichen.

Meng Xinchen stood up.

It's just that when she stood up, a burst of energy surged into her body, and the power in her body was instantly blocked.

Hai Wufeng didn't look at her, and followed Zhou Di and the others out of the underground space.

Mo Beichen Mansion.

A figure came in from the outside, with black clothes removed, it was Mrs. Liu.

"It's done!"

Mo Beichen looked at Liu Shi and said.

"The people in Bulaotang have been informed, but they may not follow our thinking."

Liu said.

"Grandmaster Pang is dead. They have problems with the layout of the capital, and they need to find a breakthrough. What's more, Murong Qingchen has stimulated the blood, and the blood in the body is useful to them!"

"These bloodthirsty and crazy people will not give up such an opportunity."

There was disdain in Mo Beichen's eyes.


When Mo Beichen was speaking, his eyes froze suddenly.

He looked up towards the hall door.

In the courtyard
A figure was standing, seeing this figure, Mo Beichen's eyes froze,

"Hai Wufeng, have you returned to the capital?"

With a movement of his figure, Mo Beichen appeared in the courtyard, staring at Hai Wufeng coldly.

"You have been Mo Beichen for a long time, and you think you are the real Mo Beichen!"

Hai Wufeng looked at the man with thousands of faces and said demonically.

Hearing Hai Wufeng's words, Du Yijiang was startled, but his face didn't change at all.

"Hai Wufeng, this is Mo Mansion, you are a bit presumptuous."

The Thousand Faced Demon said in a cold voice.

While speaking, a terrifying cold air appeared on his body. The cold air flowed and formed a cold wave, which moved towards the surroundings, and the entire courtyard instantly became a place of frost.

"I didn't expect you to have cultivated General Mo's Heavenly Frost Protection Art to such an extent. I really admire you."

"But fake, you will always be fake."

Hai Wufeng said calmly.

"Hmph! Hai Wufeng, what are you presumptuous here? Who is my husband, don't I know?"

At this time, Mrs. Liu spoke in the hall.

"It seems that something happened to brother Mo, it should be your fault!"

Hai Wufeng glanced at Liu Shi and said.

Mo Beichen's strength is not inferior to him. If the Thousand Faced Demon wants to take down Mo Beichen, it is simply impossible for him to take down Mo Beichen head-on.


Seeing what Hai Wufeng said, Mrs. Liu's expression changed, and she looked at the thousand-faced monster,

"This Hai Wufeng should have discovered something? How should we do it?"

Liu secretly said.


The Thousand Faced Demon said in a cold voice: "I will contain him, and you will sneak up on him!"

"Hai Wufeng, you dare to spout blood, I kill you today, I don't think His Majesty will blame me!"

"Sky Frost Crossing Dragon Fist"

The Thousand-faced Demon snarled and punched out.

The fist blasted, and the frost condensed to form a huge ice dragon, heading towards Hai Wufeng,

At this moment, the cold air condensed, freezing the surrounding air, and there was a movement to restrict Hai Wufeng.

"Kill Mrs. Liu first!"

Facing this blow, Hai Wufeng said in a cold voice.

As soon as the voice fell, the body turned into an afterimage. The ice dragon impacted the afterimage, and the afterimage disappeared. The Thousand-Faced Man Demon's eyes were startled.

And at this moment, Hai Wufeng had already appeared in front of Mrs. Liu.

Punch out.

The fist turned into a giant fist like a mountain, blasting at that Liu Shi.

Liu Shi was concentrating and preparing to attack Hai Wufeng, but he didn't expect that Hai Wufeng would kill her first, so he could only slap her.

Liu's body flew upside down and hit the wall. The wall collapsed, annihilating her body.


The thousand-faced demon's eyes changed, and with a wave of his palm, the bricks and stones that fell on Liu's body shattered, revealing Liu's body, and his palm and arms exploded.

The whole person was dying, but his eyes were staring at Hai Wufeng ferociously.

"Kill him, kill him!"

Liu growled.

"I didn't kill you, I'll leave you a sigh of relief, that means handing you over to Brother Beichen!"

Hai Wufeng snorted coldly.


Hearing Hai Wufeng's words, the Man with Thousand Faces' expression changed.


Just when his face changed.

A figure came over.

He is tall, with loose white hair and a handsome face, but his own temperament reveals a kind of sadness and depression. It is Mo Beichen who was imprisoned in the dungeon.

There was an incomparably fierce killing intent in the sad and bleak eyes.

As soon as he appeared, he moved in front of Liu Shi.

"Mo Beichen, why did you come out? You are locked by the Tianyun chain, even if someone finds you, they cannot open the Tianyun lock."

Liu's voice was full of disbelief.

Mo Beichen glanced at him, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and he raised his palm.

Two palms were slapped on Liu's legs, and the legs exploded instantly, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

Liu uttered a scream.

Mo Beichen didn't kill her with one palm, but temporarily crippled her legs.

The figure is going towards the thousand-faced monster.

"I didn't expect you to be able to come out of the dungeon alive. I should have killed you earlier,"

The thousand-faced demon looked at Mobei Chendao.

"Kill him, you're already dead!"

"You think you can hide your disguise from His Majesty. If you didn't know that Brother Mo is still alive, you would have died long ago."

"Brother Mo, I will leave this thousand-faced demon to you!"

Hai Wufeng walked aside slowly, leaving the battlefield to Mo Beichen and the Thousand-Faced Demon.

"Thank you, Brother Wufeng!"

Mo Beichen thanked him.

Looking at the thousand-faced demon, the originally desolate, sad breath disappeared instantly, and a soaring aura burst out, shattering the surrounding cold air,

These shattering cold air did not dissipate, but turned into a stream, pouring towards Mo Beichen's body.

"Don't you want to see the last stage of my Tianyuhanshuangjue?"

"I'll let you see it today!"

"Divine Power: Sky Vortex Frost!"

With Mo Beichen's low growl.

A phantom appeared behind Mo Beichen. This phantom was a layer of vortex, and the vortex contained a terrifying cold air, like a layer of white sand.

"This chill!"

The thousand-faced monster's eyes froze.

A layer of terrifying phantom appeared behind him, and the aura of the phantom was also extraordinary.

Just when his devilish energy erupted, Mo Beichen made a move.

"Thousand-faced demon, kill you today, Tian Yu Frost Fist!"

Mo Beichen let out a low cry, his voice rolling like thunder.

While speaking, Mo Beichen slapped out a palm, and a vortex of terrifying cold air erupted above his fist, and the power behind him was also in full swing.

Then, with the force of a thunderbolt, he instantly pressed towards the Thousand Faced Demon.

The shame of so many years broke out completely in this punch.

"Heaven Killing Demon God's Palm!"

At this moment, the thousand-faced demon also slapped out with one palm, and the palm also merged with the divine power.


With one click, the arm of the Thousand Faced Demon immediately shattered, the whole body screamed, and blood flew across the hall, hitting the hall behind it.

The house collapsed, covering his whole body,

"Get me out!"

Mo Beichen raised his palm, and all the ruins were shattered, revealing the injured thousand-faced demon.

The thousand-faced demon was blood-stained, his chest and bones were shattered, and a lot of the true energy in his body was blown away, his body was covered with a layer of blood-stained frost.

His eyebrows were white, his face was pale, and he looked at Mo Beichen: "How is it possible! How can you have such a strong power!" (End of this chapter)

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