The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1063 The devil's capital's successor, the ultimate goal

"This seat is broken and then erected, and its strength has improved to a higher level. You didn't expect a thousand-faced devil!"

Mo Beichen looked at the thousand-faced monster with cold eyes and awe-inspiring killing intent.

As for the Thousand-faced Demon, he wanted to swallow him deeply.

"Unexpectedly, I helped you out!"

The thousand-faced monster's eyes froze.

Then he looked at Liu Shi whose legs had been smashed, raised his palm, and directly grabbed the opponent to his side.

"help me!"

"Help me get my legs back!"

Liu looked at the man with thousands of faces and said devilishly.

"I will save you!"

when he speaks.

A terrifying suction erupted from his palm, and the blood and energy from Liu's body poured into the hands of the Thousand-faced Demon in a blink of an eye.

"You! You are so ruthless!"

Mrs. Liu struggled and let out a miserable cry.

"Just treat it as your last contribution to me."

While speaking, Liu's body turned into a skeleton, and was thrown aside by the thousand-faced demon.

With Liu's flesh and strength, the thousand-faced demon recovered from his injuries.

"Mo Beichen wants to kill me, can you do it?"

The breath on his body soared, and the rich momentum condensed, thickening the surrounding space.

"Magic shadow escapes!"

He let out a low growl, but instead of bursting out with all his strength, he ran away.

As soon as the voice fell, the whole person turned into a black rainbow and left towards a place far away.

In martial arts combat, fleeing if you can't fight is the first rule.Otherwise, if you can't beat it, you still carry it here, wouldn't it be courting death.

There is not only Mo Beichen here, but also Hai Wufeng.

Even if he burst out with the power of a demon.

I'm afraid I can't leave under these two people.

So run away first.


That Mo Beichen didn't expect that the thousand-faced demon who was still aggressive just now would run away.

His face changed, but his body didn't move.

Perceived that Mo Beichen didn't move.

The thousand-faced demon was overjoyed, but at this moment, a terrifying wave appeared around him, compressing his body.

The Shadow Escape Body was suppressed by this wave.

"Hai Wufeng!"

The thousand-faced demon growled.

Hai Wufeng made a move and blocked him.

"Thousand Frost Profound Dragon!"

Just as he was roaring, Mo Beichen made a move, shot out violently, and appeared in front of the opponent in a blink of an eye, punching out,

As soon as the Thousand Faced Demon's eyes changed, he immediately backhanded and punched out, and his body began to change at this moment, with layers of black mist appearing.

At the same time as the black mist appeared, there was also a cold breath descending, which made people's souls tremble, and there was a great sense of uneasiness.


In the dark, seeing this situation, Su Chen frowned slightly and said.

"It's demonization, but the degree of demonization is not serious, and the strength is average!"

Emperor Zhou said.

"Your Majesty, it is rumored that the monsters above the Tianmen are extremely powerful?"

"Monsters are powerful. At the same level, ordinary warriors cannot compare with monsters. Of course, monsters above the command level are terrifying. It is difficult to kill them!"

"Under the command, it is relatively easy to kill!"

When Emperor Zhou spoke, his eyes looked towards the battlefield.

Mo Beichen's fist collided with the palm of the Thousand Faced Demon, and the palm of the Thousand Faced Demon turned black, and black air gushed out.

But above Mo Beichen's fist, cold air surged, and a black dragon rushed out, instantly shattering the black air, and rushed into the arm of the thousand-faced demon.

The thousand-faced genie's expression changed, and his eyes instantly became hollow.

Four strange black air currents flew out from the body of the thousand-faced demon.

The black air flow formed a ghostly figure with a human head, and there was a miserable cry from its mouth. The ferocious face matched the miserable cry, which made people feel terrified.

These four black human-headed phantoms rushed towards Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen's expression changed.

Mo Beichen roared, and the terrifying sound wave moved towards the figure.

But the figure was not affected by the sound wave and instantly merged into Mo Beichen's body.

Mo Beichen was taken aback.

In his consciousness, four terrifying shadows appeared, sweeping towards him ferociously, and began to devour his consciousness.

"Hmm! So weird!"

Seeing this situation, Su Chen's eyes moved slightly, and the four faces showed strangeness.

He looked at Emperor Zhou.

The figure entered Mo Beichen's body, and Mo Beichen might be in danger.

"Don't worry about him, Mo Beichen's practice is the Heaven's Frost Protection Art, and the mind is not so easily destroyed!"

"Otherwise, after so many years of captivity, he would have collapsed and died long ago!"

Emperor Zhou said.

At this time, Mo Beichen roared,

Terrifying cold air erupted, and the surrounding space was frozen by this cold air.

As the cold air condensed, the four faces that rushed into his body were shaken out by a wave of energy.

The shadow rushed out, Mo Beichen raised his palm, and a terrifying vortex appeared, swallowing all four faces into the vortex.


Seeing this situation, the Thousand Faced Demon's expression changed.

But at this time, Mo Beichen's body was already in front of him, and he stretched out his palm to pat his body.

Frost turned into a giant blade and pierced through his body.

At this moment, the blood in the body was frozen by frost, and the whole body was covered with frost except for the head.

"Mo Beichen, spare your life, spare your life, I am willing to submit to you, to Emperor Zhou!"

"I am willing to tell you the news about the demon leader."

At this time, the thousand-faced demon immediately begged for mercy.

The qi and flesh in his body were frozen, and he could only beg for mercy.

Mo Beichen's palm, which was about to fall, landed on his head.

His eyes looked towards one place.

Emperor Zhou and Su Chen came out from the dark.

"Emperor Zhou!"

Seeing Emperor Zhou appearing, the Thousand Faced Demon's eyes showed horror, but then he relaxed.

"Emperor Zhou, Your Majesty knows the secret of the devil! I will exchange this for my life."

The thousand-faced monster said.

"You know the devil's secret. Do you mean that the devil took Dugu as my body? This is of no value. Of course, if the information provided is useful, the Great Zhou Dynasty and I will let you go!"

Emperor Zhou looked at the man with thousands of faces and said devilishly.

Hearing Emperor Zhou's words, the Thousand Faced Demon's expression changed. He didn't expect Emperor Zhou to know all about it.

"No, I'm talking about another thing, it's about Lei Di's core!"

The thousand-faced demon said hurriedly.

"I also know this. Lei Di's core is in Concubine Tian. If you have no other news, then Beichen will send him on his way."

Emperor Zhou said.

"No! I also know that the demon leader's human race is actually outside the capital!"

"He took Dugu as my body in order to lead troops to besiege and kill the capital. He used the blood sacrifice of tens of millions of people in the capital, plus the luck of the Great Zhou Dynasty, to fuse his demon body with the human real body, and then refine the Thunder Emperor. Core, let his monster body aptitude break through to the commanding level, so that he can break through to the commanding level when he returns to the Tianmen."

The thousand-faced monster said.

Hearing this, Emperor Zhou's eyes froze.

Beside him, Su Chen was also shocked, he didn't expect the devil to think like this.

"Su Shaolong, I promise not to kill him, you come and kill him!"

Emperor Zhou looked at Su Chen beside him and said. (end of this chapter)

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