Chapter 1072 Slaughter, one-sided, fierce beast toad body

"That's Ling Luoshi, the master of the First Moon Hall of the Azure Dragon Society!"

Seeing Ling Luoshi appear, some people quickly recognized his identity.

The person who spoke trembled all over, and could not help but take a few steps back.

The burly man also looked at Ling Luoshi.

"You are Ling Luoshi! Good!"

The burly man looked at Ling Luoshi, and said, "My seat, Bulaotang!"

Only when he speaks.

Ling Luoshi had already moved in front of him, and his figure rushed to the opponent in an instant like lightning, and punched out.


The burly man showed horror. He didn't expect that Ling Luoshi would make a move when he appeared, and immediately slapped Ling Luoshi with his arms desperately.

The sound is dull.

One face to face, the arm that the burly man was resisting with his curved arm exploded instantly, the bones burst apart inch by inch, blood spurted out from his mouth, and his body flew upside down. Before he landed, Ling Luoshi's fist blasted out again, another punch out.

This time, he punched directly between his eyebrows.

The terrifying power instantly tore through his body's protective zhenqi, splitting his brows on the spot, and his whole head exploded like a watermelon.

The headless corpse continued to fly upside down and hit the ground hard.

With one move, Ling Luoshi beheaded this man named Xiao Xiao.

The people who watched the battle, seeing this scene, were full of horror and couldn't believe it.

This old hall has a great reputation, but why are those who came to provoke them so weak, and they just broke their heads like this.

Ling Luoshi stood on the street in front of the door, his breath burst out.

"Bu Laotang, if it's just such a group of bastards, it will really disappoint us [Blue Dragon Club]!"

Ling Luoshi's voice was low, but it echoed around.

At this moment, a black light galloped towards Ling Luoshi.

It's just that when the black light was about to approach Ling Luoshi, a white light flashed and collided with the black light.

The black light was shattered.

Wearing a gray gown, Yuan Thirteen came out from one place,

"Yuan Thirteen Limits!"

Seeing Yuan Shisanxian appearing, some people quickly called out his name.


not far away
Sikong Bulao's eyes were gloomy and cold, just now his subordinates were blown off their heads with a blow, but it made them faceless.

This face must be brought back.

"General Envoy, I don't know if you can make a move and show your skills!"

Sikong Bulao looked at Guan Yutian beside him.

"These two people are not worth my shot. If you [Bulaotang] can't even solve them, then I think you should stay in one side and don't come out."

Guan Yutian said in a cold voice.

"The envoy of the chief officer underestimated us [Bu Lao Tang]!"

Sikong Bulao's eyes were fixed.

Then he looked at the fat man beside him.

"Hall Master, don't worry, I will get rid of them."

The fat man said in a cold voice.

As soon as the body moved, the whole person turned into an afterimage. Although the body was fat, the movements were extremely agile.

In the blink of an eye.

The figure appeared above the street.

"It seems that the members of the Azure Dragon Club have gathered, are they really gathered here?"

"My seat, Zuo Zun of the Buluo Tang, Tang Pang!"

"It is rumored that you [Azure Dragon Society] have twelve hall masters. I wonder if you can stop me, the twelve god-blood warriors."

Fatty Tang drank in a low voice and moved his palm.

Behind him appeared twelve uniformly dressed men in black robes.

Apart from the same clothes, these twelve men have one thing in common, that is, their body shapes are also the same as Fatty Tang!
From this point, it can be seen that these 12 people are under this Fatty Tang.

Just when Fatty Tang finished speaking.

The twelve figures shot out at the same time, six of them went towards Ling Luoshi, and six of them went towards Yuan Thirteen.

At this moment, a zither sound suddenly appeared, and the seven zither strings shot out suddenly, heading towards the seven figures among them.


These seven figures were suddenly blocked.

The moment their stature was blocked.

A black sword light suddenly appeared in one place. The black sword light followed the figure and pierced through the body of a man in black in a blink of an eye.

The body was pierced, and the body exploded in an instant, leaving only the head falling to the ground.

At the same time, a terrifying sword net instantly enveloped two of the men in black, with a murderous intent.

In an instant, it landed on the bodies of the two of them.

The two screamed, their heads and bodies were torn apart by the sword net,

Another place.

A black light appeared.

The black light instantly enveloped the two of them, and the palms were raised, falling directly on the other's head.

Terrifying suction erupted in his hands, and in a blink of an eye, all the blood in the two of them was absorbed, turning into shriveled bodies, and then their heads were twisted off and thrown aside.

Among the remaining two people, a black light pierced through their bodies, the same as before, except that one person was pierced in front, and this time the black light pierced two people.

a time.

There were only five people left and headed towards Ling Luoshi and Yuan Shisanxian.

"Xuemei, I think you need a few more strings!"

At this time, a voice fell, and then a terrifying black lightning shrouded it, heading towards the three of the five figures.

Lei Guang is terrifying and fast.

When the thunder passed, the three bodies were scorched black and were struck to death by lightning.

"Wang Xuemei, the master of the April hall, Chu Jiangnan, the master of the March hall, Xue Yiren, the master of the sword master, Yan Nanfei, the master of the June hall, Liu Shengyi, the master of the sword master, and Li Wuxie, the master of the twelve hall."

Seeing the falling figures of six paths, the street was completely silent.

There were 12 people who had just shot, and there were only two left in the blink of an eye.

These two people had already rushed in front of Ling Luoshi and Yuan Shisanxian.

It's just that their minds have been affected.

Yuan Shisanxian's sad little arrow directly pierced his heart and died, while the other person was directly blown to the head by Ling Luoshi just like the previous big man.

a time.

The scene was silent.

Tang Fatty who appeared had a grim face with horror at the moment.

These 12 people are masters who have been cultivated by themselves, but they were slaughtered by their opponents here.

"You, I want you to die!"

Tang Fatty's eyes became ferocious, and a scarlet color appeared in his eyes,

Step on the ground.


A terrifying force emanated from his body.

The palms were clenched tightly, and the huge force generated on the body began to contract violently.

All the space in all directions collapsed suddenly, creating an illusion like a world falling apart, and terrible pressure erupted all over Tang Fatty's body.

In an instant, the ground under Fatty Tang's feet completely collapsed and exploded, and pieces of shattered stones swept away from Fatty Tang's feet in all directions.

The entire ground was instantly sunken half a meter deep.

At this moment, Fatty Tang seemed to be the center of the storm.

However, under the eruption of this terrifying force

The clothes all over his body began to burst rapidly, and clusters of thick and strange pustule-like things continuously drilled out of his body.

It was so dense that it quickly covered his body surface.

At the same time, his body began to grow and swell rapidly as if inflated, and in a blink of an eye, his body turned into the shape of a toad, but his head was still a human head.

(End of this chapter)

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