The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1073 Sword God Ximen Fuxue, Killing the Murder with One Sword

Chapter 1073 Sword God Ximen Chuuxue, Killing the Murder with One Sword

"Incarnation of a ferocious beast, this old man really gave up his human body!"

Seeing this situation, some people couldn't help but speak out.

Fatty Tang's low growl in the storm, with terrifying power, merged with his body, making him look like an extremely terrifying beast.

But under this terrifying and fierce aura, a white figure slowly walked from one side of the street.

A figure appeared, and the white clothes were better than the snow. Because of this person's appearance, snowflakes appeared in the air.

Sword God Ximen Chuuxue, he held a long sword and walked slowly.

But the terrifying cold air swept out, resisting the fierce air.

"Sword in hand, cut you!"

Ximen Chuixue appeared with a calm expression, but the words he said seemed extremely contemptuous.

While speaking, the long sword in his hand was out of its sheath, and the white sword body was covered with rippling ice mist, which looked a little hazy.

"you wanna die!"

Hearing Ximen Chuuxue's words, that Fatty Tang's face was ferocious, and his footsteps moved.

The sound is terrifying, and the airflow explodes.

The whole space seemed to be sunken suddenly.

Fatty Tang shot violently, protruding out a terrifying big hand covered with tumors, and swung it directly, bringing a black shadow, and directly swept towards Ximen Chuuxue's body fiercely.

"Cut me with one sword, and I will slap you to death with one slap!"

An ear-shattering roar erupted directly from Tang Fatty's mouth, causing the air waves to burst instantly, containing billowing Tianwei.

"too horrible!…"

Seeing this, the people watching the battle showed astonishment on their faces, as if they hadn't expected that Fatty Tang had such a means.

Can't help looking towards Ximen Chuixue.

Ximen Chuuxue's expression was calm, but his eyes turned cold, he took a step forward, raised the long sword in his palm, and cut it out instantly.

Sword out.

Between the sky and the earth, swarms of cold air appeared between the sky and the earth, accompanied by the long sword, colliding with the huge palm.

The palm was instantly frozen.

Then it was cut off by Jian Guang.

Fatty Tang uttered a scream, but quickly backed away, looking at Ximen Chuuxue with horror in his eyes, his body exploded with a white mist above his head.

The sword strike just now not only chopped off his arm, but also a gust of cold air poured into his body.


Tang Fatty roared, driving away the cold air in his body, and looked at Ximen Chuuxue with an extremely apprehensive expression.

"I want you dead! I want you dead!"

Fatty Tang roared, a drop of dark black blood at the heart of his body began to burn and beat continuously, and a phantom of a toad appeared on his head.

The arm that was cut off before also began to grow again.

His eyes became red, his whole body was slapped on the ground, and there was a cooing sound in his body.

The voice was like thunder, and the abdomen was constantly rising and falling.

"Hallmaster Sikong, Tang Zuozun looks dangerous, I think it's better to send someone down."

Guan Yutian looked at this scene and said.

Sikong Bulao's eyes flickered, and he looked at the tall man beside him.

"Subordinates act immediately!"

The tall man glanced at Guan Yutian and rushed out.

"Could it be that there are no strong people around this Sikong Bulao, only these few people?"

When Guan Yutian said this, he actually wanted to see if Sikong Bulao would have any backup by his side.

"My sword, the sword freezes the world!"


At that moment, Ximen Chuixue's aura surged, and the aura surpassed the concentration in the sea.

At this moment, the Tiantian Gate appeared, and the sound of thunder and thunder appeared.

Cold, evil spirit, thunder.

Ximen Chuuxue's figure was above the gate of heaven.


"Death to me!"

All the terrifying power in his body gathered in his mouth!

Opening his mouth wide, the terrifying air flow blows towards Ximen like a bell.

Ximen Chuuxue had a long sword in his hand.

It was also cut with a sword.

With this sword, an incomparably icy chill appeared in the heaven and earth, and the chill condensed on the long sword, colliding with the swarming huge waves.

The huge waves were instantly frozen.

Then the sword light pierced through the ice and stood on top of the huge toad's body.

Toad's body was instantly frozen.

But at this time the thunder fell, Ximen Chuuxue slashed it with a backhand sword, cutting through the sky thunder, and leaping to step on the sky gate.

There was no hesitation at all.

Now is the time for him to leave this world.

Tianmen disappeared.

The world was silent, and everyone's eyes were on the huge frozen toad.

click, click

The ice cubes began to shatter.

"This is trying to kill me, how is it possible!"

A low growl erupted from the shattered ice, and then the terrifying bloody aura filled the air.

A giant toad appeared.

His face was ferocious and ferocious.

At this time, a tall man appeared on the street.

"Yang Cheng, why did you come down!"

The giant toad looked at the tall man who appeared, and said, stepping forward, ready to join the tall man.

But when he steps.

A white light appeared in the body.

The white light appeared, and the huge toad's body was like a broken egg, with various light spots appearing on the body.

Fatty Tang screamed.

Then the whole body exploded and turned into a pile of flesh and blood.

The scene was shocking.

But Fatty Tang was beheaded with a sword.

Looking at the tall man who turned into flesh and blood in front of him, his eyes froze, but a strange smile appeared on his face, and he raised his palm.

Form a vortex.

Sweep all of Tang Fatty's flesh and blood, and then swallow it in one gulp.

But when swallowing.

A layer of hoarfrost appeared all over his body, and cold air kept coming out of his mouth.

"There is coldness in the blood, this!"

The tall man's face was extremely ugly, and the power of Qi and blood in his body kept gushing out to dispel the cold air.

He raised his hand, and the beheaded, blood-drenched bodies that Tang Fatty had just brought on the ground were also absorbed by him.

A terrifying power erupted in his hand, shattering it into flesh and blood, and swallowing it.

Under this force, the cold air in the body was completely eliminated.

"It's amazing!"

The tall man looked at the disappearing Tianmen and said in admiration.

"Just now that Ximen Chuuxue is powerful, but he has already entered the Heavenly Gate, let me kill you!"

Yang Cheng's face was ferocious, and his body began to change, rapidly becoming bigger and swollen. The clothes on his whole body were shattered, dozens of thick blood vessels appeared all over his body, and a huge bull shadow appeared on his body.

The ferocious beast he took was a drop of thin blood from the Great Demon Bull Demon.

Niu Ying appeared, and drops of dark red blood flowed out of the thick blood holes, and clusters of thick and strange black hairs came out directly from his thousands of pores, covering his body.

The whole person seemed more oppressive than that Tang Fatty.

He growled lowly.

Six figures fell from behind, their bodies were extremely burly, and the blood vessels on the muscles and veins all over their bodies were ferocious. The eyes of these six puppets were red, and they were completely devoid of consciousness.

"My six god-blood puppets have no mind, they are different from Tang Fatty's twelve puppets!"

A deep voice came from Yang Cheng's mouth.

The sound was like thunder panting.

The minds of the six puppets behind him were completely refined by him, while Fatty Tang retained their minds.

So the six puppets behind him are killing machines!
(End of this chapter)

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