The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1075 Sikong is not old, the last card, the magic knife, the enchanted Ding Peng

Chapter 1075 Sikong is not old, the last card, the magic knife, the enchanted Ding Peng
In this situation, I am a little confused.

Guan Yutian and Ou Jinghao had just stepped into the gate of heaven just like that.

Originally, everyone thought that there would be an earth-shattering battle, but they did not expect such a situation.

"They step on the heavenly gate as soon as they move, what are they trying to do?"

Sikong Bulao's eyes were serious.

Can't help but look at Yan Kuangtu, Yan Kuangtu's face is very bad at this time, Guan Yutian is the chief envoy of the ten directions of Tianya Pavilion, one of the powerful combat forces, leaving now will weaken their strength of Tianya Pavilion.

Of course it's just a bad face, but there is a slight movement in the heart, taking this opportunity to step into the gate of heaven together, maybe there can be a support.

Now in this world, their practice has grown too slowly, and stepping into the gate of heaven is the only way.

"Sikong is not old, my people have already made a move, it's up to you next, if Shen Lang doesn't make a move, I won't move!"

"Also, I only help you stop Shen Lang, I don't care about the others!"

"Sikong is not old, you are not old, you don't know how much energy you have, do you want to do it yourself!"

"The strength of Li Wuxie is not ordinary. His physical body is strong against the sky thunder. Maybe Sikong is not old. You can solve it with a shot."

Yan Kuangtu said in a cold voice.

There was a trace of disdain in his eyes.

"Yan Kuangtu, are you underestimating our immaturity?"

Sikong Bulao looked at Kuangfu Yan with cold eyes.

"The people who shot are all gone, aren't they?"

Yan Kuangtu said in a cold voice.


Sikong Bulao narrowed his eyes slightly, exuding a gloomy light.

Lift your palm.

Four figures appeared behind him.

These four figures were wearing black robes, exuding an extremely cold aura, and the shape of a giant black crocodile was engraved on the corners of the robes.

The giant crocodile opened its mouth wide, revealing its sharp fangs, as if it could devour everything.


Seeing the four figures appearing behind him, and feeling the ferocious aura emanating from these four figures, Kuangfu Yan's eyes froze.

"These are the four puppets of divine blood that I have tempered for many years. Their divine blood is exactly the same as mine!"

"I didn't even use them when dealing with Zhenwu Daoist, Yan Kuangfu, let you see how ferocious they are."

Seeing the change in Yan's expression, Sikong Bulao said coldly.

"Kill them all!"

With a wave of Sikong Bulao's hand, four figures shot out at the same time.

Four figures landed on the street.

The terrifying evil air flowed towards the surroundings like an explosion, and collided with the air like a bomb, making a loud bang.

One of the figures, with cold eyes, rushed out of the terrifying body in an instant, heading towards Ling Luoshi not far away.

The airflow in front of him seemed to be exploding.

All the tangible qualities standing in front of him began to crumble rapidly.

At this moment, this figure can only be described as horror.

During the violent charge, the body of the man in black began to grow bigger, breaking through more than three meters, his black robe was shattered, revealing the hard scales inside, his eyes were cold, and he was surrounded by a billowing ominous aura, like smoke .

The fierceness is not inferior to Ling Luoshi at all.

The attack was sudden and swift, and the true energy in Ling Luoshi's body surged away, forming a terrifying true energy shield.

But in front of the absolutely fierce physical body, the shield that Ling Luoshi had just raised hastily shattered.

The moment he broke through Ling Luoshi's shield.

Frenzied gravity impact.

Ling Luoshi's body was thrown upside down by the shock, hitting the ground, cracks appeared on his body, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth.

"you wanna die!"

Ling Luoshi growled lowly, and the Eight Ominous True Body Skills in his body began to run rapidly, and the wounds on his body healed quickly.

Fierce aura surged out of his body, and the terrifying and ferocious aura rose into the sky like a rainbow.

Under the Changhong, the fierce aura in his body spewed out like a huge volcano.

The usual body began to grow bigger, boom!Boom!Boom!It became bigger and stronger again and again, and with a bang, it turned into a height of more than four meters, taller than the man in black.

"Four doors on the screen, the eight evil spirits!"

Ling Luoshi growled.

The pupils of the spectators shrank when they saw this scene.

They could feel a great ferocity from Ling Luoshi, and it was as if they were being stared at by an unrivaled ferocious demon.


"Ling Luoshi's body has changed like this, the fierce aura is too strong!"

Just when people were startled by Ling Luoshi's body change.

The figure who shot to deal with Ling Luo roared violently, his body began to change, a spine began to appear on his body, and bone spurs appeared on the spine, each bone spur was about 10 cm long, but they were extremely sharp, covering his body.

Under the bone spurs, there is a black scale armor full of cold light. The scale armor emits a cold light, and his face has turned into that of a giant crocodile, just like the black giant crocodile embroidered on his previous clothes.

With sharp claws and a terrifying body, it looks extraordinarily ferocious.

The huge eyes are bloodthirsty and red, absolutely ferocious.

It is more terrifying than any beasts I have seen before.

Following the change of this puppet's body, the other three figures growled and began to change,

"Crazy killing!"

Seeing this situation, Sikong Bulao's expression was extremely ferocious.

With endless air currents and evil spirits, the huge and ferocious palm slammed down on Ling Luoshi's body again, like a palace pressing down directly.

Ling Luoshi growled.

The power of the whole body was condensed to the extreme in an instant, and the fierce aura condensed and collided with the body.

The bodies of the two retreated at the same time, leaving a huge trace on the ground.

At this time, the bodies of the other three people also began to change. Like the previous people, their bodies turned into huge black giant crocodiles.

Attack towards Wang Xuemei and the others.

The sound waves surged out from Wang Xuemei's hands, and the zhenqi in her body surged and circulated on the strings in her hands, shooting out instantly.

However, with the impact of the sound waves, the impacting figure changed into a violent growl, and there was even more killing intent in the eyes.

At this time, the sharp strings burst out under the action of true energy.

The seven strings moved towards a figure at the same time.

The strings collided with the figure.

The scales all over the giant crocodile exploded and collided with the strings, making a bursting sound, and the body was shaken back by the powerful force.

At this moment, a full moon suddenly appeared in the sky.

The full moon appeared but it was a flash of light.

A round of saber energy descended, heading towards the body that was shaken back.

The falling sword aura is full of horror and magic.

The black giant crocodile sensed danger, and its huge tail attacked the full moon.

Under the moonlight, the attacking giant crocodile's tail was cut off directly, and blood flowed horizontally.

After the giant crocodile screamed, it roared.

It opened its mouth and swallowed the severed tail, and the tail quickly began to grow back.

He stared fiercely at the figure that appeared.

It was Ding Peng who appeared!

Ding Peng held a full moon scimitar in his hand.

A terrifying devilish energy permeated above the scimitar, covering Ding Peng's body,

And Ding Peng, who was shrouded in that demonic energy, also had a wave of demonic fluctuations that made people palpitate.


Ding Peng demonized himself.

Of course, he can wake up from this enchanted state at any time, but the opponent is a bit strong, and he wants to burst into his strongest state.

Otherwise, he might not be able to break the opponent's tail with this knife.

"Ding Peng, the head of the six dragons who appeared in the early days of [Qinglonghui], what is his strength?"

When some people saw Ding Peng, there was incomparable surprise in their expressions,

(End of this chapter)

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