The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1076 Horror and savage power, Li Chenzhou vs. Sikong Bulao

Chapter 1076 Horror and savage power, Li Chenzhou vs. Sikong Bulao

Who was Ding Peng? He was an early figure in the [Blue Dragon Society].

Of course, Ding Peng's strength at that time was mediocre. Although he also made shots in the later stage, he was not as amazing as others.

But Ding Peng at this moment is different.

The demonic aura on his body is soaring to the sky, and the scimitar in his hand, which looks like a full moon, also carries a terrifying demonic aura,

"Work together to kill!"

Ding Peng drank in a low voice.

At this time, Yan Nantian's figure also appeared, raised the long sword in his hand, and shot violently towards the remaining two giant crocodiles.

At this moment, the Yuan Thirteen Limit also broke through.

It was Ling Luoshi who he helped.

The two had become friends recently, and Ling Luoshi didn't have the upper hand, so he helped Ling Luoshi.

Yan Nanfei and Chu Jiangnan helped Yan Nantian kill a giant crocodile.

As for the remaining giant crocodile, it was stopped by Li Wuxie, Li Wuxie didn't care about his aura at all, he raised his aura and let the thunder fall like a torrential rain, completely covering him and the giant crocodile.

If there is a disagreement, enlarge the move.

Li Wuxie has been washing his body with lightning recently.

Make your body more able to integrate with the Thunder Emperor's armor.

Of course, the reason for doing this is to attract Tianmen by cultivating by oneself, which is only hurting himself, but fighting against the opponent can not only temper his body, but also maximize the lethality of Tianlei, why not do it?
For a time the fighting was fierce.

But those four giant crocodile figures had terrifying defensive power and ferocity, so the battle entered a fierce stage for a while.

"Sikong Bulao, your subordinates are a little slow to appear, and now they are restrained, it seems that you need to do it yourself!"

Yan Kuangtu looked at Sikong Brutally.

"Right now, only Shen Lang and Li Chenzhou, the heads of the dragons, have not shown up at the Azure Dragon Society!"

"I will personally kill Li Chenzhou. As long as I kill Li Chenzhou, and then deal with other people, today [Azure Dragon Club] will definitely be wiped out by us!"

"Yan Kuangtu, you just need to help me block Shen Lang!"

With a movement of the speaking Sikong Bulao's body, he appeared on the street.

"Who is that?"

Seeing Sikong Bulao appearing on the street, some people spoke.

"That's the head of the Hall of Immortality, Sikong Bulao. It was rumored that he was coming, but I didn't expect him to show up."

"He killed the master of the True Martial Dao Temple. I wonder if Shen Lang, the head of the Dragon Club, will show up?"

Someone recognized Sikong Bulao,

Recently, Sikong Bulao led people to destroy the True Martial Taoist Temple, and it became a wild rumor in the Jianghu,

Sikong Bulao was wearing a black brocade robe, and his body appeared on the street. An invisible, terrifying and strong fierce aura erupted from him,

The surrounding space made an explosion-like sound under this fierce aura, and the air waves billowed, forming an invisible aura,

Some spectators.

Under this aura, there was a sharp pain in his chest, and his chest was a little bumpy, and he hurriedly fled.

For those who did not escape, the white bones of their chests protruded, and blood spurted and flowed on the ground.

There was a scream in the mouth, and after that, there was no breath.

The flowing blood energy was absorbed into the air waves around him by a suction force.

"too horrible!"

"This is the absolute powerhouse!"

Some people secretly thought,

"The head of the Azure Dragon Society, Shen Lang, is about to show up now!"

Some people looked at the mansion where Li Chenzhou was.

"Li Chenzhou, the three dragon heads of the Azure Dragon Club, the one who killed my old man, show up today and see what will happen to you under the old man's hands!"

Sikong Bulao's tone was indifferent, and he looked at Li Chenzhou's mansion.

It was Li Chenzhou who directly invited him to fight, not Shen Lang.

"I want to know too!"

Li Chenzhou, who was wearing a strong suit, stepped out of the courtyard.

There are two other people beside him, one is Zhao Shirong, and the other is Shen Lang, the head of the big dragon of [Azure Dragon Society] who is flamboyant.

"Shen Lang! You are indeed here!"

"Crazy Yan, I will leave Shen Lang to you!"

Sikong Buold's voice echoed in the air
For a moment, the expressions of the people watching the battle changed.

Yan Kuangtu, the deputy head of the Tianya Pavilion, is rumored to be extremely violent and powerful, and has killed many people in the old hall. Unexpectedly, they are now cooperating.

Yan Kuangtu moved, followed his sword master, and appeared on the street together.

"Shen Dalongshou, don't make a move!"

Yan Kuangtu looked at Shen Lang, and inadvertently looked at Li Chenzhou, and there was a throbbing in the depths of his eyes.

Life and death in the previous life, full of sighs.

Goodbye now, there is a kind of restlessness in my heart,

Of course, this unrest was suppressed by him.

And Li Chenzhou looked at Yan Kuangtu with his eyes calm.

He knew why Yan Kuangtu showed up, in fact, it was to escort him.

His strength, Li Chenzhou, will definitely surpass his father Yan Kuangtu.

In other words, it will not be weaker than anyone in the future.

This is his belief.

He believes that he can fight the world with a pair of fists.

Li Chenzhou didn't have any extras, he stepped forward, his robe danced without wind, and his two-meter-high body walked slowly towards Sikong Bulao step by step, and said: "Sikong Bulao, I really want to see your strength, is it true? Unfathomable."


Sikong Bulao's eyes suddenly turned cold, cold and deep, without the slightest emotion.

"You are looking for death, this old man will give you a ride!"


The scarlet and fierce aura roared from all directions, densely packed, and crushed towards Li Chenzhou's body at once. The gathering of terrifying and ominous aura almost overwhelmed the mountains, and swept towards Li Chenzhou.

Sensing this heavy pressure, Li Chenzhou was startled.

He didn't expect that the other party would be able to make him feel the weight of the mountain simply by using his fierce aura.

The power is indeed extraordinary!

These ominous auras were extremely heavy, terrifying and unpredictable, and they firmly suppressed his body at almost a single encounter. With a bang, his body over two meters high was instantly crushed, and the ground under his feet was instantly cracked, and incomparable lines emerged. Thick cracks creaked, and gravel splashed everywhere.

This is not a big deal.

Even more terrifying.

It was Sikong Bulao's body that began to change, and the fierce blood light filled his body, so thick that it was impossible to clearly see the change of his body.

I can only feel a terrifying ferocity erupting from the fierce aura.

Just when everyone's eyes were fixed on that place.

The fierce aura seemed to be swallowed by the vortex and disappeared.

The area where Sikong Bulao was standing before was exposed, and at this moment, a huge black crocodile with the head of a human and the body of a beast appeared there.

The black crocodile stands upright.

It was five meters long, and the human head was that of Sikong Bulao.

His body is a standing black crocodile, covered with cold bone spurs, each bone spur is like a bamboo shoot, under the bone spurs, similar to the previous four, covered with black scales, scales Divergence not only radiates cold light, but also reveals a sense of thickness.

The arm is also the arm of a giant crocodile. The sharp giant claw at the end of the thick and powerful claw arm is full of gloomy light, which is frightening to look at.

As soon as Sikong Bulao made a move, he immediately turned into a beast.

That Sikong Bulao let out a low growl.

The roar is powerful and powerful, earth-shattering!
The aura on Li Chenzhou's body rose instantly, but his ears were still buzzing, as if thunder was exploding beside his ears!
"How can you be my opponent!"

After the roar, Sikong Bulao's deep voice rang in Li Chenzhou's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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