The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1078 You Want to Kill My Son, Why Do You Say You Died?

Chapter 1078 You Want to Kill My Son, Why Do You Say You Died?
"Escaped, the undead old man escaped!"

Seeing this situation, everyone looked shocked.

Li Chenzhou stepped on the gate of heaven, and the undead old man escaped. This situation was unexpected.

Yan Kuangtu also left.

Seeing the figure of Yan Kuangfu leaving, Shen Lang stepped forward, and a terrifying invisible force appeared on his body, and this force shrouded the four beast bodies.

The four beast bodies, shrouded in invisible power, roared, struggled, and died tragically in the hands of Ling Luoshi and others.

Outside Tianxuan City.

In the dark woods.

The terrain here is complex and the leaves are thick.

Thick tree trunks, like outstretched arms, stretched all over the sky, with thick leaves, covering the sky and the sun.

A stream of light was rapidly fleeing away, without stopping a step, it was better than lightning, and it was rushing towards a chaotic forest in the deepest part of the forest.

After a while, the figure stopped.

When the figure stopped, the insects in the forest sensed great fear and fled quickly.

This figure is exactly Sikong Bulao who left from Tianxuan City,

The figure stopped, and the surroundings became silent.

Sikong Bulao took out a elixir in his hand and quickly swallowed it to restore his true energy.

"I didn't expect that Li Chenzhou was so strong, and he accidentally injured him with one blow!"

Sikong Bulao let out a sigh of relief.

"Sikong Bulao, why did you leave just like that? Then Li Chenzhou triggered the Tianmen, so you fled, and the opportunity was lost."

Yan Kuangtu's figure appeared not far away.

"Yan Kuangzhu, Li Chenzhou launched the Tianmen, and I am injured. I can't resist the thunder and lightning of the Tianmen. If I don't escape, am I waiting to be enveloped by the thunder of the Tianmen?"

Sikong Bulao glanced at Yan Kuangtu and said.

"Then we have lost a lot this time!"

Yan Kuangtu said in a deep voice.

"Things have happened, we can go directly to the capital."

"Take Emperor Zhou, and clean up the [Blue Dragon Club] properly."

Sikong Bulao said.

"Sikong Bulao, your Bulaotang has already suffered heavy losses. Tell me, what qualifications do you have to go to the capital with us?"

Yan Kuangtu looked at Sikong Brutally.

when speaking.

Yan Kuangtu's figure suddenly moved, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Sikong Bulao.

The palm of the hand suddenly clapped out.

The terrifying palm force fell on Sikong Bulao's body, but Sikong Bulao hadn't regained consciousness yet, his whole body was thrown backwards by this terrifying force.

Hit on the thick trees.

I don't know how many roots were broken before the body stopped.

Chest collapsed completely.

White bones protruded from his chest, and blood gushed out from his abdomen.

Puchi, he was still spitting out blood, and looked at Kuangfu Yan in astonishment.

"Yan Crazy, you want to kill me!"

Sikong Bulao struggled to stand up, a ball of brown blood appeared at the position of the heart in his body, and the blood flowed on his body.

The whole body began to recover quickly.

"I have divine blood. If you want to kill me, can you Yan Kuangzi do it?"

"I want you dead, I want you dead!"

Sikong Bulao looked ferocious, thick scales appeared on his body again, and there were protruding bone spurs.

It's just that this time the scales are a bit dull, and the bone spurs are not so sharp. It can be seen that the injury still has a great impact on his animalization.

"You are not old, you have already lost!"

"Those who lose are not qualified to cooperate with us!"

Yan Kuangtu didn't care about the change of Sikong Bulao's body, and walked forward.

The aura on his body soared, it was extremely terrifying, the aura on his body was insolent, and he stepped forward, his whole body was like a lion, extremely mighty.

The air all solidified under his breath.

Perceived the breath erupting from Yan Kuangtu.

Sikong Bulao's eyes were fixed.

"Crazy Yan, the devil is not so easy to deal with, take down the capital, and we will deal with the devil together!"

Sikong Bulao hastily opened his mouth and said.

He was injured one after another. Although his body turned into a beast, and his resistance and resilience far surpassed ordinary people, it consumed a lot of strength.

"Demon head, I, the Yan fanatic, will deal with it myself!"

"And you are useless, useless people, struggling to the end is useless!"

Yan Kuangtu stepped forward.


Hearing Yan Kuangtu's words, Sikong knew that Yan Kuangtu would not let him go.

There was a fierce light in his eyes.

As soon as his footsteps moved, his huge body moved towards Yan Kuangtu, his palm whistling.

The terrifying power was like a violent tsunami, and it made a rumbling and thundering sound, heading towards Yan Kuangzhang.

Yan Kuangtu punched out.

The huge palm collided with the fist, and there was a loud noise, and then Sikong Bulao's body stopped, his face changed,

And at this moment, Kuangzi Yan swept out his right leg, and a terrifying force erupted from his leg, forming a powerful aura, which acted on Sikong Bulao's huge beast body.

The protruding bone spur was directly shattered under this stellar energy, and the force hit Sikong Bulao's body.

Sikong Bulao's body was bombarded by this force.

hit the ground.

A huge deep pit was ground above the ground.

"Incarnation of a beast, you exchange for such power, I am really disappointed!"

Yan Kuangtu looked at Sikong Bulao who had been blown away by him with a look of disappointment on his face.

Such a result was not what he wanted to see.

"Ah! Crazy Yan, I want to swallow you!"

Sikong Bulao's face became ferocious, his face began to change, and a piercing roar came out of his mouth.

With the sound of roaring.

The face also changes, and the face becomes the head of a giant crocodile.

At this moment, Sikong Bulao completely turned into the appearance of a giant crocodile.

Huge green eyes, the size of a millstone, stared at Kuangzi Yan with a torch-like light.

It opened its huge mouth, revealing a row of sharp teeth that were more than one meter long and shaped like a broadsword. It let out a terrifying roar, which shook the surrounding trees and broke them.

So powerful, powerful and domineering.

"Just struggling to the death!"

Yan Kuangtu looked at Sikong Buaging as a giant crocodile, and snorted coldly.

The body breath began to change.

A huge figure appeared behind him, and a divine power appeared.

That was Yan Kuangtu himself. Under the background of that phantom, Yan Kuangtu's blood began to riot and burn crazily.

Yan Kuangtu let out a low growl, and the violent characteristics in his body erupted, making him look extremely crazy.

The huge crocodile charged towards Kuangzi Yan, and the terrifying beast smashed everything into pieces.

Yan Kuangtu punched out, and his fist collided with the body of the giant crocodile.

Yan Kuangtu's figure was shaken so that he stepped back a few steps.

When Yan Kuangfu retreated, the giant crocodile's thick tail swept towards Yan Kuangfu.

Seeing this, Yan Kuangtu stepped on the ground.

Both hands directly hugged the tail of the huge crocodile that hit.

Yan Kuangtu let out a low growl.

The powerful force grabbed the tail and threw the huge body directly.


The giant crocodile roared.

But Yan Kuanglu didn't give him a chance.

With a movement of his body, his thick palm landed on the opponent's head.

Press that huge head on the ground.

A deep pit appeared on the ground, and the huge head was bombarded into the deep pit.

The flesh and blood exploded, flying indiscriminately, and the huge sharp teeth broke.

"Yan Kuangtu, please let me go, I, I am loyal to you Tianya Pavilion."

Sikong Bulao's voice came out of the giant crocodile's mouth.

"You must die! Do you know why you have to die?"

Yan Kuang's head approached the giant crocodile's head.

"Do you know? Do you know who Li Chenzhou is? He is my son. You want to kill him in front of me. Do you think you can live?"

Yan Kuangtu's voice came into Sikong Bulao's mind.

Sikong Bulao's huge crocodile eyes were shocked, and he wanted to say something.

But Yan Kuangtu dropped his fist.

The fist pierced directly through Sikong Bulao's huge crocodile head.

At the moment of smashing the head.

He flew into the air, and the energy in his palm exploded. The terrifying energy formed a vortex in his palm and fell directly.

The entire body of the huge crocodile turned into a cloud of blood mist.

The blood mist was wrapped in vigor, and it all merged into Yan Kuangtu's body, tempering his physical body.

(End of this chapter)

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