The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1079 All parties gather in the capital, unlucky pass 7

Chapter 1079
on a wide road.

The devil is in the carriage.

"What, madman Yan killed Sikong Bulao."

The devil's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yes, Sikong Bulao was defeated, and Bulaotang suffered heavy losses. After leaving, Yan Kuangtu killed Sikong Bulao."

"Sikong Bulao's Beast Transformation is no match for Yan Kuangfu."

"According to the feedback from the investigators, Yan Kuanglu should have discovered our investigators. The investigators didn't dare to approach, but they were in the distance. They dared to approach after Yan Kuangtu left. Come on, I can't die any more."

The person beside him spoke.

"Master, this madman Yan is very aggressive. If he gets a chance, he will attack us. I'm afraid it will become a serious problem for us!"

The people around him looked serious.

"It's okay, as long as Emperor Zhou intercepts luck, I won't be afraid of them!"

"It's just that Sikong is not old, I'm really disappointed that he was killed just like that."

"However, this time [Azure Dragon Club] has stepped into Tianmen, many people, so I will lose the blood of some powerful fighters!"

The devil sighed.

He is not lamenting Sikong Bulao's death.

Instead, he sighed, [Qinglonghui] so many strong people left, so that he would not be able to swallow it at that time.

"Have we arrived in the capital yet?"

The devil then asked.

"They have all gone to the capital secretly, but master, there are many people from Tianya Pavilion going to the capital!"

The man in black spoke.

"Then, when the time comes, let the people of Tianya Pavilion deal with [Qinglonghui], we deal with Emperor Zhou, take down the Great Zhou Dynasty, and sacrifice the entire capital with blood!"

Red light flickered in the demon head's eyes.

He is playing chess.

In fact, he is playing chess, and others are also playing chess.

Emperor Zhou listened to the report, his eyes sparkled.

"It's a pity that Li Chenzhou defeated Sikong Bulao and stepped into Tianmen to leave. There are quite a lot of strong people in [Azure Dragon Society]."

"If I can return to Tianmen with me, my power will definitely be stronger!"

Emperor Zhou said with a sigh.

"Su Shao Longshou wrote back, [Green Dragon Society] Great Dragon Head Shen Lang and Twelve Hall Master Li Wuxie will come to the capital, and others may not come to the capital!"

Hai Wufeng said in a deep voice.

"Only Shen Lang and Li Wuxie are here!"

"In this case, Your Majesty, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to block the attacks of Tianya Pavilion and the devil!"

Hai Wufeng said.

The head of the devil is planning the world, and he will not underestimate the other party.

What's more, there is also Tianya Pavilion, many people from the four major pavilions of Tianya Pavilion are in the capital, not to mention the owner of the East Pavilion outside the Great Wall and others are also rushing towards the capital, Tianya Pavilion is definitely a terrorist force.

What's more, the devil's head is in the dark. If he dares to come to the capital, he must have a group of strong men under his command.

One light and one dark, the danger is great.

"Don't worry about this matter, I have already arranged it!"

Emperor Zhou said.

Only Murong Qingchen and Zhou Di know about the relationship between Su Chen and Tianya Pavilion, and the others don't know about it, so it's normal for Hai Wufeng to be worried.

Hearing that Emperor Zhou had an arrangement, Hai Wufeng bowed and left without saying a word.

"Sikong is not old, I didn't expect you to die like this, I thought I would see you again!"

"There are so many strong people in [Qinglong Club] [Tianya Pavilion], why didn't they show up when I was fighting for hegemony, but did they show up at this time?"

Zhou Di thought in his heart.

He didn't believe that these two powerhouses had only appeared in recent years.

Can't guess.

Emperor Zhou didn't guess either.

After all, they are allies now.

Now it is the devil to deal with.

He really wanted to see how many strong men the devil's backhand had created in the dark.

Storms in the rivers and lakes also appeared.

Li Chenzhou defeated Sikong Bulao, and Sikong Bulao was defeated and fled. He was beheaded and killed by Yan Kuangtu who was with him, which surprised everyone in the world.

Now there have been news in the rivers and lakes,

For me, Dugu, Tianya Pavilion, and Bulaotang besieged the capital together.

But in the middle of the journey, Sikong Bulao, the head of the Bulaotang, died, and there were not many people left who were strong in the Bulaotang, so it was no longer a concern.

The battle is not fought, let's go to the arm first.

Of course [Blue Dragon Club] many strong people stepped into the gate of heaven and left, and the momentum of the Azure Dragon Club also weakened a bit.

Tianya Pavilion is now the strongest.

After all, in the Tianya Pavilion, only Yutian, the chief envoy of Shifang, stepped into the Tianmen and left.

The loss is not big.

All eyes of the crowd are on the capital,

Some Jianghu warriors quickly headed towards the capital.

Depends on this great battle.

This battle is related to the trend of this world.

Whoever wins may be the future hegemon of this world.

Therefore, the capital has gathered a lot of warriors from the rivers and lakes.

Tianjian Division

Murong Qingchen came to Su Chen.

"The devil dares to attack, I'm afraid he has a backhand, you have to be careful, I don't believe what the thousand-faced devil said!"

Murong Qingchen said.

When he spoke, there was a hint of worry in his brows.

The devil has planned for so many years, and now she has not been able to find out many details.

"It doesn't matter, no matter how strong he is, in this world, he must lose and die!"

Su Chen said.

Outsiders might believe the news given by the Thousand Faced Demon, but Su Chen and Emperor Zhou did not believe it.

The monster body of the demon head must have been at the command level when he was in the upper realm, but he was injured after entering this world and became below the command level.

They may still believe in restoring their own strength.

Of course, even if the devil's demon body recovers its strength, he will die in this world.

Su Chen's trump card is Pang Ban.

This is his absolute confidence.

What's more, there are Yan Kuangtu, Shen Lang, Leng Yifu and others.

No matter how strong the demon leader is, so what.

Under the hands of these strong men, he could only drink his hatred and die.

"You really have confidence!"

Murong Qingchen looked at Su Chen's confidence, with a relaxed look on his face.

The closer she got to that moment, the more worried she became.

"Concubine Tian, ​​I'm going to the capital tomorrow, but she doesn't want to, enter the imperial city, are you going to see her, by the way, check to see if the Thunder Emperor's core is on him!"

Murong Qingchen said.

"I'll wait for someone to arrive, and then I'll see her again!"

Su Chen checked everything on Concubine Tian, ​​and he didn't find anything unusual, so even if he checked again, it would probably be the same.

He was ready to wait for Li Wuxie to arrive.

Li Wuxie passed through so many thunderbolts, and with so many Thunder Emperor things on his body, he should be able to perceive the difference in Tianfei's body!
"it is good!"

Murong Qingchen didn't say much.

At this time, a servant came in from outside.

"Your Highness, some etiquette for your ascension to the throne needs to be rehearsed!"

The attendant saluted Murong Qingchen and said.

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

Murong Qingchen bid farewell to Su Chen, turned and left.

After watching Murong Qingchen leave.

"Have you found the devil's body?"

Su Chen said to Yuan Suiyun.

"No, let's find out some news first, and confirm all of them are false!"

Yuan Suiyun said in a deep voice.

"Is that so? It seems that the demon leader is well prepared, there is no need to investigate, and his body will appear in the end."

Su Chen waved his hand.

"What is the situation of the people above the Tianmen!"

Su Chen said.

"Ren Qianxing is the only one who has made a name for himself now. He just crossed the fairy mountain in Leizhou and beheaded a leader-level demon. Except for the Buddhist temple becoming one of the disciples of the Buddha, the situation of the others is very bad!"

"Mr. Guan Qi is the most unlucky. Now his energy is locked up and he is imprisoned in a black mine!"

"However, Mr. Guan Qi is using the golden plum bottle to break through the restrictions on his body!"

"As long as you break through the restriction, Mr. Guan Qi will be able to step into the realm of transformation."

Yuan Suiyun said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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