Chapter 1090 Guan Qi's ambition, I want to dominate
Above the gate of heaven, barren state.

A huge mountain range runs across the area. The fire on the mountain is raging, and billows of thick smoke rise into the air, forming a continuous stream, covering the sky.

The mountains are full of people, and tens of thousands of people are naked, or people with skinny bodies are busy in the mine, constantly pushing small carts, and transporting ore up from the depths of the ground.

The tinkling sound of mining and shouting can be heard clearly after a distance of more than ten miles.

This is the largest mine in Huangzhou, under the [-]th counties, outside Taicheng, which belongs to Tianmangzong, the great sect of Huangzhou.


There was a scream.

It was a strong man holding a long whip, and he was beating a man who was pushing a mine cart. The man's body was convulsed, but he still endured the pain and moved forward.

"Damn it's too slow, speed up! Speed ​​up."

The strong man growled while smoking, he was the supervisor of this mining area.

This kind of scene is also very common in other places.

In addition to the supervisor, there are some guards in blue robes.

The words "Nangong" are all embroidered on their robes.

They have sharp eyes and sharp long swords around their waists, scanning their surroundings, and their defense is very strict.

Although this mine belongs to the Tianmang Sect, it was mined by the Nangong family of the Taicheng family, and finally sent to the Tianmang Sect.

These people wearing clothes embroidered with the words Nangong are the disciples of the Nangong family, or people sent by the Nangong family.

This mine is an elemental mine.

Yuan ore produces Yuan stone, which contains Yuan Qi, which can help human warriors practice, so Yuan ore is very precious.

Of course, despite the size of the vein, the primordial stone content is not high, and it is mixed with a lot of iron ore, so more of the vein is refined iron hammering.

Some of the tens of thousands of people digging holes in this mountain range were disciples of other sects who were captured after the Tianmang Sect suppressed the hostile forces.

On the other side are the prisoners in the surrounding cities, as well as some people who were plundered by the Nangong family.

deep in the mine
A man with a rather burly body and a resolute face was constantly waving the iron pick in his hand. The meridians on his body were bursting, and his muscles were stretching horizontally, giving him a strong sense of strength.

It is after going to the gate of heaven to close the seven.

When stepping into the gate of heaven.

Guan Qi appeared outside the Terran city of the human race. Before he could react, a group of thugs appeared, and the leader of the thugs had a strong aura.

He was about to use his true energy, but found that his whole body's true energy was suppressed and he couldn't use it for a while.

He was directly caught by this group of thugs, and then sent to the mine.

After entering the mine vein, he knew that the bandits who kidnapped him were from the Nangong family.

Although there are many people in the mine, mining is difficult, so many people die every day, so it is necessary to constantly replenish the people who mine.

After the Tianmang Sect outsourced the ore, they only looked at the Yuanshi handed in, the remaining iron ore, and other ore, the Tianmang Sect did not need it, so the Nangong Family would plunder some warriors and send them to the mine in order to mine it for free. In this vein.

Of course, in the outside world, these warriors were all beheaded by the bandits.

Guan Qi kept hammering hard, and sweat kept falling down.

Recently he has been tempering his physical body.

Physically damaged, he will use the golden plum bottle to recover from the injury.

When Jin Meiping was intercepted by the bandits, he put it on the trading platform, so he was not searched away.

"Old Guan, you also take a break! Those people, they won't come in again!"

Not far from him, a topless man spoke.

This person's body is also extremely burly, and the meridians in his hands are also bursting out. It can be seen that the strength of his body is not inferior to Guan Qi at all.

The speaker was named Liu Sheng, and when he was speaking, he put down the pickaxe in his hand.

There were three other people around, and they also put down their pickaxes at the same time.

High-intensity work makes them feel tired too.

Guan Qi didn't stop, and continued to tap without changing the rhythm.

"Old Guan, what you were practicing earlier was physical strength!"

Earlier, he spoke in a manly way.

"Practice a little bit, I'm just getting used to it!"

Guan Qi tapped Guan Qi and said.

I also spent some time with these four people.

He knew the origins of these four people, they were inner disciples of Gu Yuanzong in Taicheng.

Of course, this ancient Yuanzong no longer exists.

It was destroyed by a real realm expert from the Nangong family united with the Tianmang sect.

Now there are only these four people left in this sect.

What these four people practiced in Ancient Yunzong was physical exercises, and their physical bodies were strong, so they were pulled to dig a hole. After the other disciples were exhausted by high-intensity work, they were still alive.

"Your physical body practice is not a little bit. Although we also cultivate the physical body, we are far behind you. You can generate strength in your muscles, but we can't. The true essence is locked and cannot be mobilized. The strength of the physical body is now due to If it cannot be supplemented, it is already gradually declining, and sooner or later it will dry up and die on this mine."

The previous person looked at Guan Qi and sighed.

There was a trace of sadness in the voice.

"Brother, we need to find a way to escape from here, otherwise we will die here sooner or later."

Another person spoke up.

This person was also naked from the upper body, drips of sweat flowed from it, and there was a fierce light in his eyes, like a hungry wolf.

"Our true energy has been blocked, and we cannot escape the pursuit of the mine guards simply by relying on our bodies."

The person who spoke shook his head.

"Are you just sitting here waiting to die?"

One of the burly men said that there was a tiger tattoo printed on his body.

"I would rather fight to the death, and I want to seek revenge from the Nangong family!!"

With a tiger tattoo printed on his body, his face was full of hatred.

Of course, the reason why he dared to say that was because he knew what happened to Guan Qi, just like them.

"Break hard, relying on us, we really can't get out!"

"If it can be lifted, I will definitely be able to escape from the restriction on my body!"

The man with the tiger tattoo said,

as he speaks.

A surge of true energy suddenly appeared on Guan Qi's body.

The real yuan passed the iron pick in his hand, and knocked on the stone with a bang, and the stone flew.

"True Yuan!"

Seeing the true essence erupting from Guan Qi's body, the expressions of the four of them changed drastically.

When everyone's expression changed drastically, Guan Qi slapped the whole body with his palm continuously, sealing his body energy, and reappeared,

He blocked his true energy.

"Brother Guan, you!"

"I violated the restriction, I can help you break through the restriction, but you need to serve me as the suzerain of Gu Yuanzong and be loyal to me!"

Guan Qi looked at the four of them.

This world is different from the lower realm, it is too big, Guan Qi wants to go further, he needs resources, resources must be robbed and plundered.

So he Guan Qi wanted to become the overlord himself.

Gu Yuanzong is a good foundation.

Gu Yuanzong had the same power as the Nangong family before. The ancestor of the Nangong family was a strong man in the real realm, and so was the suzerain of Gu Yuanzong. The suzerain of Yuanzong destroyed Gu Yuanzong.

If he becomes the suzerain of Gu Yuanzong,

To destroy the Nangong family is justified, not to mention that the ancient Yuanzong had a better reputation in Taicheng than the Nangong family.

It is more conducive to his future expansion.

As for the Tianmang Sect, according to the information they received, they don't have people coming to inspect the mine veins every year, it seems that sometimes they only come to Taicheng once every few years.

In this case, as long as he delivered the primordial stone on time, the Tianmang Sect would not find out for a while.

Then he has some time.

During these times, he believed that his strength would definitely become stronger.

What's more, there are a lot of people here on Tianmen this time. After several years of development, they will definitely have achievements. At that time, he can have many choices.

At that time, it was hard to say who was afraid of anyone.

Regarding this point, Guan Qi has strong confidence in his heart,

What's more, he got the news that Lord Su Chen will also step into Tianmen soon.

At that time, I believe they will improve faster.

Of course, he, Guan Qi, has been blocking his own meridians recently, and then broke through, transforming his true energy into true essence, and he is in the realm of comprehension, thinking about stepping into the realm of transformation.

(End of this chapter)

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