The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1091 Be more cruel to yourself, whoever seeks death will kill whoever

Chapter 1091 Be more cruel to yourself, whoever seeks death will kill whoever

"It's not a problem to be loyal to Brother Guan, it's just why Brother Guan became the suzerain of Gu Yuan Sect!"

"Now that Gu Yuanzong has been destroyed by the Nangong family, there are only four of us left!"

Liu Sheng asked a little puzzled.

"Because I not only want to destroy the Nangong family, but also occupy Taicheng and this mine vein!"

"Gu Yuanzong is quite famous in Taicheng. If I become the suzerain of Guyuanzong, I believe I can win more people in Taicheng."

There was a fierce light in Guan Qi's eyes, and he said in a cold voice.

Hearing Guan Qi's words, the expressions of the other four people changed. They didn't expect Guan Qi to have such an idea.

And from Guan Qi's words, we can know that Guan Qi has great ambitions,

These ambitions of Guan Qi also stimulated them,

Warriors want to fight like this.

"If we can go out, our life is Guan Qixiong. No matter what happens in the future, we will go through fire and water, and we will not hesitate!"

Liu Sheng opened his mouth, and the other three spoke immediately.

"Today we will go deep. When the time comes, I will unlock your blockade. You should first clear the meridians and restore your true energy."

Guan Qi said.

After being blocked for a long time, the meridians on the body are blocked and unable to operate, so it is necessary to clear the meridians and restore the true essence.

"Everything is obeyed by the suzerain!"

They have decided to be loyal to Guan Qi, and everything will follow Guan Qi's arrangement.

"Go, let's go deep!"

Guan Qi opened his mouth and said,

The deeper they go, the more likely they are to get the ore. When their restriction is lifted, they can use the ore to recover the real yuan.

Of course, in the depths of the mine veins, there are fierce beasts appearing, devouring the people who dig the mines, so generally those who enter the depths are those who want to get more yuan ore in exchange for better treatment, or people who want to leave.

Of course, those who want to leave are simply wishful thinking. Even if they leave this mining area, they will probably be robbed to other mining areas in half a step.

There is a shortage of manpower, how can I let you leave.

Five people walk together,

They are tall, and no one dares to provoke them.

"Are they going to go deeper? Could it be that they are desperate, but I heard that a fierce beast appeared in the depths recently and devoured many people!"

someone whispered.

"The guard said that whoever kills the beast will be rewarded with five body pills and an independent stone house."

Someone continued to speak.

"Leave them alone, let's take care of our own business."

Some shook their heads and continued with their work.

There are many people looking for death in this mine.

The more the five walked, the more gloomy the cave looked.

"I found some ore in one place, let's go there!"

When he got to the depths, Guan Qi opened his mouth and said.

While speaking, he headed towards a very remote mine.

After walking for a long time, Guan Qi stopped at a place where I dug a few primordial stones and hid them here.

"I'll undo the restrictions on you and restore some of your strength. How about your previous strength?"

Because the meridians of these people have been blocked, it is impossible to see their strength,

"Our aptitude is a bit poor, so we practice physical exercises. Our strength is already at the stage of hammering the body with true essence. As long as we hammer the body with true essence, we can temper our spiritual consciousness and gather divine power!"

Liu Sheng said.

"True Yuan hammer body stage!"

Guan Qi frowned slightly. Above Tianmen and below Huayu, there are three realms, the True Yuan Realm. After cultivating the True Yuan, you can temper your body, and finally temper your spiritual consciousness, condense your divine power, and comprehend the power of the realm!
In other words, these three people have also tempered their spiritual consciousness and gathered their divine power.

Guan Qi was slightly disappointed.

Did he think that the other three would be stronger?

Of course, the strength of the sea in this world is comparable to that of the broken level.

The strength is much weaker than him.

Of course, it's normal to think about it. After all, they come from ordinary sects, and their talents are not as good.

"Let me help you open the restriction first!"

Guan Qi walked up to Liu Sheng and said.

The restriction on the body was broken again, this is the benefit of the innate invisible sword energy, and the sword energy bursts everywhere in the body.

Pointing out with the finger, a burst of Qi rushed into the opponent's body.

Sensing the invisible sword energy in Guan Qi's fingers, Liu Sheng was taken aback. He thought Guan Qi was a physical practitioner like them, but he didn't expect the other party to have such a powerful sword energy.

The sword energy collided with the restriction constantly, and the restriction began to break in Liu Sheng's body.

Finally, the restriction disappeared, and Liu Sheng showed pain on his face.

Guan Qi withdrew his sword energy and found a primordial stone from under a rock, and handed it to Liu Sheng.

After Liu Sheng got the primordial stone, he immediately circulated the primordial essence in his body, and the restriction was broken. Although the primordial essence was blocked, it still circulated and began to absorb the primordial stone.

In the same way, Guan Qi broke the restriction on the other three.

After lifting the restraint on these four people, Guan Qi went to a place to protect the four people.

Although it is deep, it is not that no one comes.

within the mining area.

There are not only fierce beasts, but also people, and people are the most terrifying.

After all, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there are fights.

Liu Sheng and the others quickly began to absorb primordial stones to restore their true essence.


On one side, the seven eyes changed, and the eyes looked towards a dark cave, and a pair of scarlet eyes appeared.

Ferocious beast!

Guan Qi's eyes were fixed.

"I don't know if this beast is the beast that the mine wants to hunt!"

"It doesn't matter, kill him first, go to collect the reward, get the body pill and the independent stone house, this way, it will be more convenient in the future!"

Guan Qi thought.

He wants to gain a certain prestige in the mining area.

There are many people in the mining area, and some of them are of good strength.

If these people are included in his pocket, Guan Qi will have a stronger team, which is why Guan Qi did not leave the mine after breaking the restriction.

Of course, during this period of time, he also secretly observed some people.

The four of Liu Sheng are just four of the people he fancy.

Liu Sheng and the others also sensed the appearance of the beast, their eyes changed, and they wanted to stop their practice and help Guan Qi.

"Leave it to me, you can recover with peace of mind!"

Guan Qi stepped forward, and there was a terrifying and violent aura around him.

A fierce light flickered in the eyes.

With the violent aura erupting from Guan Qi, the ferocious beast that appeared did not leave because of the fierce aura on Guan Qi, but walked out of it.

It looks a bit like a wolf, but it is twice as big as a wolf, with scarlet eyes, and black claws on the palm, stained with blood, showing ferocious teeth.

There is still some minced meat between the teeth, and it seems that some miners have just been swallowed.

The movement of Guan Qi's body was terrifying and unpredictable, as fast as lightning.

The air in front of his eyes collided with his physical body, and there were layers of ripples.

A terrifying and violent figure formed on the body, attacking the ferocious beast like overwhelming the sky.

The ferocious beast roared and let out a terrifying roar, and its body turned into a black light and rushed out instantly!
At this moment time seems to stop.



The terrifying roar echoed in the cave
Scarlet blood splashed everywhere, accompanied by screams.

The pupils of the four people who were practicing suddenly shrank, showing horror, and looked at the battlefield. The scream just now was not made by Guan Qi, so there was no worry on their faces.

On the battlefield, Guan Qi was extremely terrifying. With his broad left hand, he tightly grasped the head of the beast, as if he was catching a chicken, with a sinister smile on his face: "Your speed is very fast, but I have vaguely comprehended the domain, I can know your whereabouts, so you shouldn't appear in front of me, if you appear, then you will die!"

The five broad fingers pinched it hard, like pinching a watermelon, and directly exploded the head of the beast. With a scream, blood and flesh flew around and stained Guan Qi's face.

The faces of the four people who were watching were terrified, and their hairs stood tall. The fierce and domineering attack of Guan Qi was a little scary,

And when they heard Guan Qi's words, Guan Qi vaguely understood the domain, which meant that Guan Qi was about to step into the domain of transformation.

In everyone's astonishment.

Guan Qi suddenly grabbed the sharp claws of the dead beast, and then used the sharp claws to firmly grasp the chest of his body. There were bones, blood, and flesh and blood continuously gushing out, giving people a very miserable feeling.

"This is a set of qi-shielding formulas. Practice it a bit. If you do this, you won't be seen that your restriction has been lifted!"

Guan Qi sent a voice transmission to several people.

Then climbed up with difficulty.

"You guys practice here for a while, then go back! I'll go back first with the corpse of this beast!"

Guan Qi struggled to stand up, grabbed the corpse of the beast,

"You are injured, we will send you back!"

Liu Sheng said hastily.

"No, if someone wants to die on the road, I can send them on the road. At that time, I think many people will join us."

"It's impossible for the five of us to destroy the Nangong family, and we need to increase our manpower!"

Guan Qi said.

While speaking, he restrained his true energy, dragged the body of the beast, and headed outside with blood dripping from his body.

"Sect Master Guan is really ruthless, our Gu Yuanzong will definitely rise again!"

The eyes of Liu Sheng and the others flickered,

Because they knew Guan Zongzhu's thoughts, Guan Zong mainly recruited people from this mine vein.

(End of this chapter)

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