The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1101 Competition for the throne, Su Chen's identity, the Supreme Demon Palace

Chapter 1101 Competition for the throne, Su Chen's identity, the Supreme Demon Palace

When King Wu of Zhou said these words, Hai Wufeng and the others were emotionally tumbling and trembling.

It has been a year since they came to the Great Zhou Dynasty, and they still know the prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty very well.

The Great Zhou Celestial Dynasty now has only five princes. These five princes are almost subordinate to one person. Their status is respected and their authority is so great that everyone can rely on their prestige.

His status is higher than that of the kings conferred by the princes.

And if two of the five princes agree, they can directly deprive Zhou Wuwang and others of their thrones without the consent of the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

From this we can see the power of the prince.

Unexpectedly, King Wu of Zhou would directly promise such a position to Su Chen.


Su Chen frowned slightly, but his expression was very calm.

"Father-in-law, don't worry, Qingchen is my wife, I will naturally help you!"

"However, the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty is the existence of the Supreme Nine Layers. As long as there are no accidents and life is endless, how can such an existence withdraw from the position of emperor?"

Su Chen said.

Hearing Su Chen ask,

Emperor Zhou waved his hand.

People in the house exit the room at the same time.

"My father has been on the throne for at most a thousand years. After a thousand years, if he fails to step into the quasi-emperor level, his lifespan will be exhausted!"

"This has something to do with the exercises I practiced in the Great Zhou Dynasty. When my father ascended the throne, he only joined the spring at the fourth of the six passes of the true self. Elevate to the Supreme Ninth Level!"

King Wu of Zhou opened his mouth and said.

"Of course, the price of this kind of promotion is the consumption of life essence. Outsiders can't see the state of the father, but in fact the father's life is at most a thousand years, which is why I am eager to return to the gate of heaven!"

Emperor Zhou said.

"True Self Realm, directly promoted to the Supreme Ninth Level!"

Su Chen's face changed, he didn't expect it to be like this.

"This millennium time is only available when my father doesn't make a move. If I fight against a strong man, my lifespan will decrease. This is not good for me, so I want you to support me!"

King Wu of Zhou said.

"I will support you, father-in-law!"

"But I want to know, what are the factors in the decision of the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

Su Chen said.

"As long as the prince who is crowned king can fight for the position of emperor!"

"Then it depends on the individual's strength and supporters."

"If the strength is the highest and reaches the Supreme Realm, it goes without saying that you can directly become the successor of the emperor. If not, then it depends on the supporters!"

"I came back relatively late, and now I just won the support of a supreme powerhouse, whose strength is in the supreme triple!"

"The others are just the support of some princes. Among the crowned princes, I have little chance of becoming an emperor!"

Zhou Wu is king.

"Except for the supporters within the celestial dynasty, who can interfere with the position of the emperor?"

Su Chen said,

"With the support of the leaders of the three major factions in Yuzhou, you can directly sit on the throne of God!"

"After all, the leaders of the three major sects in Yuzhou are all strong at the quasi-emperor level, but this is unlikely!"

"My son-in-law, I want to know, your trump card for killing Lie Yanghou!"

King Zhou Wu looked at Su Chen.

In fact, he did not say one thing.

He went to see the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty today, and got the news that the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty had received the imperial edict, and he would go to the Yaomoyuan to guard for a hundred years before he could return.

Therefore, within a hundred years, the successor of the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty must be selected,

Of course, this news is only known to him now.

As for why the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty told him, it was because he had the best aptitude among the princes named king, and he was expected to become a quasi-emperor.

Eyes eager!

After Su Chen pondered for a moment, a token appeared in his hand.

A black magic character is engraved on the token, and the token is black jade in color.

"Taishang Demon Palace, the disciple's token passed on by the first line! Your master is the head of the first line!"

King Zhou Wu's face showed shock, and his eyes couldn't believe it.

"I don't know if my father-in-law knows, but now in the Supreme Demon Palace, Pang Ban, the new leader of Xun Mozi's lineage."

Su Chen put away the token and said.

He didn't admit that he was Pang Ban's disciple, and let King Wu of Zhou guess by himself.

After all, if one day he is making a stronger powerhouse.

There can also be another way of saying it.

"Pang Ban, the person who was just supported by the Xun Mozi of the Supreme Demon Palace and supported by the five supreme beings."

"I didn't expect you to be his disciple. No wonder you dared to kill Marquis Lieyang. Do you know that the five supreme beings who support Pang Ban are all existences above the eighth level of the supreme, and two of them have reached the ninth level of the supreme!"

King Wu of Zhou said with a sigh.

When I said this, I felt lucky in my heart, and I did my best to protect Su Chen.

If he didn't protect Su Chen before, he might not only not get Su Chen's support at this moment, but also might make Su Chen feel bad for him.

"I will do my best to help my father-in-law!"

Su Chen said,

"Okay, with the words of a virtuous son-in-law, I feel relieved!"

"Come in!"

At this time, King Wu of Zhou said again.

Those who just went out all returned,

A group of people started serving wine to celebrate.

The backyard of the palace.

Princess Ji Qianli was standing on the pavilion.

"Miss, the prince attaches great importance to this uncle, and I don't know if there is anyone worthy of the prince's attention."

"It's all caused such a big disaster for the prince."

Behind the princess, a maid in a blue dress spoke.

"I asked you to check the news of Su Chen under the Tianmen, how is it going?"

"The prince will not protect Su Chen like this for no reason, he should be able to help the prince!"

Princess Ji Qian left the mouth and said.

"Miss, you can take revenge only if the prince wins. Originally, the qualification to go to the Taixu Mausoleum belonged to you, but was snatched away by the third lady. The lady was also regarded as a marriage partner by the Grand Master and became the prince's concubine!"

"Although the prince treats the concubine pretty well, but the Taixu Mausoleum Mansion and the three major sects of Yuzhou, if you can worship a mansion master as a teacher within them, the lady can completely control her own destiny!"

The maid in the blue dress said angrily.

"Don't say these words anymore. The prince is really good to me. As long as he can become the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, my status will still be extraordinary. Then, I will be able to take revenge!"

Ji Qian left the mouth and said.

"Miss, I found out some information about Su Chen!"

"It's all known from the people who came with the prince. From the information, the young master should have a background in Tianmen."

The maid in the blue skirt passed the information to Ji Qianli,

Ji Qianli glanced at the message and frowned slightly.

"This is above the gate of heaven, I hope he has a background and can help the prince!"

"My lord leads the troops to the western frontier. Let him handle all the affairs of the palace. I won't show up at that time. Just take advantage of this time to improve my Mingyuezhao Jiuquan skill, gather the Jiuquan, and step into the palace. Void Realm!"

Ji Qian left the mouth and said.

(End of this chapter)

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