The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1102: Loyal and Trustworthy Marquis of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Maximizing Benefits

Chapter 1102: Loyal and Trustworthy Marquis of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Maximizing Benefits
"Miss, if that's the case, I'm afraid that Murong Qingchen will come up from the sky gate in the future!"

Hearing Ji Qianli's words, the maid at the side hurriedly said.

"Su Chen is now the third-class Marquis of Luhou in the Celestial Dynasty. He will have his own mansion. Even if Murong Qingchen comes up, he is only Mrs. Hou Ye!"

"I will conceive with the prince's flesh and blood before the prince leaves."

Ji Qian left the mouth and said.

Another place.

Zhongxinhou Mansion
In a secret room.

A man wearing a black robe is standing in the secret room. The man in the black robe has a majestic face. His face looks like he is only about 30 years old. , is the loyal and trustworthy Marquis of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

At this moment, he looked at the wall in front of him. There was a cloud of black mist, and there were countless phantoms in the black mist. The phantoms outlined groups of very strange runes.

When Zhongxinhou saw those runes on the wall, there would be streaks of light in his eyes, and some words appeared in these lights.

After a while, the black mist on the wall disappeared and turned into a normal wall.

The words in Hou Zhongxin's eyes also disappeared.

"I can only observe this point every time, but after so many years, I have finally completed the first three broad seals of the Nine Layers of Gods and Demons, and I can practice the first three."

Hou Zhongxin murmured in his mouth.

"come in!"

A deep voice came outside.

Outside the secret room, the white-haired butler was standing.

The stone door opened.

The white-haired butler walked in.

"Master Hou, Fifth Young Master was killed!"

There are five sons of Zhongxinhou, among them Lieyanghou is the youngest, but he is the son of his wife, with good aptitude, Zhongxinhou wants to practice, so he tried to make him Lieyanghou, representing him as the commander of the army.

"what's the situation?"

There was a trace of frost on Zhongxinhou's majestic face,

His expression didn't fluctuate much.

At their stage, heirs can have them anytime they want.

The white-haired butler immediately informed Hou Zhongxin of what had happened.

"Idiot, he actually became someone else's pawn to test Zhou Wuwang's son-in-law, how could he be so stupid!"

Zhongxin Hou's Yin Jun's face showed anger, and he cursed, not as gentle as jade before.

After the scolding, Hou Zhongxin said: "Then Su Chen dared to kill my son, I'm afraid it was because of King Wu's intention, otherwise, his people wouldn't have arrived so soon!"

"What's the reaction from Ma'am?"

Hou Zhongxin's face recovered at this moment.

"Ma'am, ask the people from the Beast God Sect to help."

The old white-haired housekeeper said.

"They make a move? At this time, Su Chen's side must be heavily guarded. I'm afraid they won't have a chance to make a move!"

Hou Zhongxin frowned slightly.

"The subordinates sent people to watch outside King Wu's mansion, and if there is any news, send it back immediately,"

The white-haired old man said.

while they were talking.

Suddenly there was a rapid bell sound in the secret room.

"Not good, something happened in the house!"

The expressions of the two changed.

The figure rushed out of the secret room quickly,

When they rushed out of the secret room.

A man wearing a purple robe and holding a long knife appeared at the door of the secret room with a hurried expression.

"What happened?"

"Master Hou, my subordinates are incompetent, my wife was assassinated to death!"

The man with the knife knelt down and said.


Zhongxin Hou heard the words, his face showed a ferocious look, and a layer of black mist appeared in the pores of his body. These mist filled with a frightening throbbing.

The figure turned into a phantom in an instant.

The other two quickly followed,

in a courtyard

Some maids were crying, Mrs. Zihua's body was lying on the ground, blood was continuously overflowing from her chest, the wound was a sword, and the heart was pierced by a sword and died.

His face was horrified, as if he couldn't imagine it at all.

"what happened?"

Zhongxin Hou stepped forward to check Mrs. Zihua's body, looked at the old lady beside him and said.

The old lady's complexion changed drastically: "Hou, Lord Hou, I don't know either. My wife and I just stepped into the yard. In the dark, a black afterimage appeared, and then my wife fell on the ground!"

"Yes, sure, it was Su Chen who sent someone to do it? Hou, Lord Hou, you must avenge your wife"

The old lady stammered.

If she wants to survive now, she can only push Mrs. Zihua's death to Su Chen.

There is nothing else to push!

A red light flashed in Zhongxinhou's eyes, and he grabbed it with his palm.

The old lady was sucked into his hands.

Then the old woman let out a scream, and her whole body turned into a cloud of black mist, and the black mist merged into Zhongxinhou's body,

Seeing the tragedy of the old mother,

The faces of the maids in the courtyard showed horror,

"Master Hou, spare your life, Master Hou, spare your life!"

The maids immediately begged for mercy.

"You served Madam before, so go with Madam!"

The black mist instantly enveloped the maids, and with a few screams, the maids disappeared.

"Master Hou, Madam's death!"

The white-haired butler frowned.

"It should be the work of the Beast God Cult. They are really calculating. It seems that they want to connect with me directly!"

A cold light flashed in Zhongxinhou's eyes.

How can he fail to understand that he can become the first-class prince of the Celestial Dynasty.

"Master Hou, this old slave is going to kill them!"

The white-haired butler's eyes turned cold, and he spoke.

"Madam is dead, so let's maximize the benefits!"

"Whoever instigated my son to test Su Chen, they should give me an explanation to the Houfu, and spread the news of his wife's killing immediately. I think King Cambrian will have something to say!"

"There are also people from the Beast God Sect. You go to meet them in person and tell them that Su Chen must die, and that they are not worthy of cooperating with me. I want to see Yan Zun!"

Zhongxin Hou said in a cold voice.

"Master Hou, do you want to spread the news that Madam's death has something to do with Prince Zhou Wu's Palace?"

"Your Majesty has already issued an edict. If it is passed on in this way, His Majesty will find me in Zhongxinhou's Mansion at that time, and it will be sent out normally. It is okay for His Majesty to ask!"

Zhongxinhou said in a deep voice.


The news that Mrs. Zhongxin Hou's wife Zihua was killed also spread quickly.

Su Chen, who had just finished the banquet, was arranged in Zhou Wuwang's mansion, a courtyard to the west, next to a huge lake,

"Mrs. Zhongxin Hou is dead. The Beast God Sect is very fast, but this Beast God Sect is really ruthless. After killing his wife, they still want to cooperate with others!"

"You said that what Zhongxinhou guessed and couldn't guess was the hand of the Beast God Sect?"

Su Chen stood beside the pavilion, looking at the lake road in front of him.

"This subordinate has asked the Five Poison Boys to keep an eye on the Beast God Sect, as soon as there is news!"

The original follow the cloud.

[The host’s subordinates, Cui Wuhu and the Five Poison Boys, poisoned the leader of the underground force of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Black Demon League, controlled two deputy leaders and five elders of the Black Demon League, became the leader of the Black Demon League, and rewarded 1 purple lottery card and 2 orange lottery cards Card. 】


Su Chen was a little confused when he heard the news.

The Heisha League is an underground force joined by the Five Poison Boys and King Cui Wu after entering the Great Zhou Dynasty. This force is also somewhat famous among the underground forces of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Their leader is a strong man who is close to the imaginary domain.

The two deputy leaders are both masters of the Huayu realm, and the elders are also masters close to the Huayu realm, but now they are controlled by Wudu Boy and Cui Wuhu.

Now it is easier for him to inquire about the affairs in the imperial city of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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