The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1160 The Supreme Emperors of the Three Clans Join Forces to Explore the Lord of the Immortal

Chapter 1160 The Supreme Emperors of the Three Clans Join Forces to Investigate the Lord of the Immortal Tower

Yuan Luocheng

County Luhou Mansion
Su Chen and Yuan Suiyun stood beside a lotus pond, watching the golden carp swimming in the lotus pond.

"Things are completely beyond our expectations. We originally thought that there would be a big battle, but we didn't expect it to turn out like this. What do the monsters and beasts think!"

Su Chen said softly.

"My lord, we now have very little intelligence information, so we cannot know the root cause of these changes."

"However, according to the information obtained by the subordinates, under such circumstances, there are quite a few young and powerful people from the human race, the beast race, and the monster race."

The original follow the cloud.

When Yuan Suiyun's voice fell,

Su Chen suddenly frowned slightly,

Because he discovered through the Azure Dragon Pagoda that monsters and monsters and monsters at the level of the Great Emperor appeared in the land of the three states.

They are all observing the Azure Dragon Pagoda.

Among them were several strong figures of the human race. They arranged some large formations around the eighteen Azure Dragon Pagodas. This large formation was very profound.

"What are they trying to do?"

Su Chen had a bad premonition in his heart.

Just when Su Chen had such a bad feeling.

Pang Ban started contacting Su Chen,

"My lord, I got the news that the fierce beasts and demons have reached an agreement with Emperor Shenwu. The content of the agreement is about the landlord of the Tianwaixianlou. As long as the landlord of the Tianwaixianlou is forced to show up, the current situation in the Yuan World will be maintained and the ten thousand races will fight for hegemony." era!"

Pang Ban said.

"Emperor Shenwu has confidence in me!"

"Does he think that I have the strength of the Supreme Emperor? Dare to make such an agreement with monsters and beasts!"

Su Chen said in a deep voice.

"My lord, there is a way of transcendence in this world. According to my subordinates' guesses, maybe Emperor Shenwu and the others are afraid that the Lord will have greater ambitions. The three clans will fight and the fisherman will benefit, so they are looking for a way of transcendence."

Pang Ban said in a deep voice.

Hear Pang Ban's words
Su Chen's heart sank,

Because it is exactly what they feared.

Qinglong Pagoda is not only beneficial to the human race, it is equally beneficial to demons and beasts.

He ignored this earlier.

"What method are they trying to come up with, to deal with my Qinglong Pagoda projection, and find me?"

Su Chen said in his heart.

"If they find me, I'm afraid I really need to show my strength to make them afraid!"

Su Chen couldn't help looking at the Supreme Emperor puppet he had obtained earlier.

"I didn't expect it to be used as a hole card, and it might be forced to use it in this regard!"

"Once I, as the landlord of the Heavenly Immortal Building, show the strength of the Supreme Emperor, I believe that the Yuan World will enter their so-called Era of Ten Thousand Races for Hegemony!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

He is a little unwilling.

He had to use his hole cards before they warmed up.

Whether he can use it or not, he still doesn't want to use his hole cards.

Because of good luck this time, this supreme emperor puppet can only be used once a year.

And if he uses it this time, the breath will definitely be locked. It may be difficult for him to use this puppet body of the Supreme Emperor in the later stage.

It is possible to be discovered.

Su Chen would not underestimate the powerhouses in this world.

at this time
Over the three places of Huangzhou, Leizhou and Yuzhou
Three figures appeared in the void.

Among the three figures was a projection of Emperor Shenwu.

"Emperor Shenwu, you are really cautious, it's just that a projected body came."

Looking at the projection of Emperor Shenwu, one of the golden figures spoke.

A golden figure with a burly figure and golden hair. On the chest above the golden robe, there is a huge golden lion head.

Among the clan of fierce beasts, among the royal families, the ancestors of the Tianjin lion clan are also the clan of fierce beasts. In addition to the former Golden Winged Peng clan, there is another godless emperor, the Nine Yuan Saint Emperor.

"Stop talking nonsense, I agree to your proposal, but I am not messing with you!"

Emperor Shenwu snorted coldly, but looked at another place.

There stood a middle-aged man in a black robe. The middle-aged man had an indifferent expression. Countless black auras lingered around him, freezing the surrounding space into ice with an icy chill.

It is the Xiehuang Great Emperor of the Evil Corpse Clan among the demon clan, and another godless emperor among the demon clan.

"Shenwu, if you hadn't withdrawn all the human supreme beings from Yaomoyuan, let the people from the Yaomoyuan, the royal family and the Ming clan out, and the landlord of the fairy building outside the sky appeared, do you think this would happen?"

The Great Emperor Xiehuang said coldly.

"The abyssal monster royal clan, the Ming clan, and the fairy tower outside the sky, these are also things, but there are other, ancient clans in the ancient times. There are also signs of appearance."

"The coexistence of thousands of races in the Yuan World is the best situation at the moment."

The projected body of Emperor Shenwu walked to one place and spoke.

"The trinity formation can help us find the source of the Azure Dragon Pagoda!"

Emperor Shenwu said.

The origin of the Azure Dragon Pagoda is very mysterious.

Although it is beneficial to the human race, it is strange, and Emperor Shenwu still needs to figure out the real purpose of its appearance.

He didn't want the human race to be used by the other party.

Although the other party claimed to be from the human race, who would know?

Although the Yuan World is generally divided into three major clans, there are also many races within the three clans, and there are also conflicts of interest.

As for the Qinglong Pagoda of the main building of Tianwaixianlou, the timing of its appearance is a bit wrong.

Why didn't the opponent appear when Emperor Zhenwu was around, but released the Qinglong Pagoda after Emperor Zhenwu fell.

At first, it wasn't that they were extremely weak, but the appearance of the Azure Dragon Pagoda could completely help the human race grow stronger.

But now, according to the speculation of some great emperors of the human race, the other party may have plans.

Such a situation, coupled with some other changes in the situation, led to the joint situation of the three supreme emperors.

There is actually a big gap with Su Chen's guess.

This is also because he doesn't know much about this world.

"It's useless to talk, let's do it!"

Nine Yuan Saint Emperor said.

"We made such a big move, the host of the Waixian Building that day will definitely pay attention to the projection of the Qinglong Tower. As long as he pays attention, the three of us will use the Trinity to explore this metaworld, and we will be able to perceive him."

When Emperor Shenwu spoke, a rune appeared in his hand.

The rune exudes a bright and hazy atmosphere.

Suspended in front of the three of them.

The palms of the three formed seals, and energy moved towards the rune.

above the runes.

The breath soars, rushing to the sky,

At the moment when the clouds rise.

Eighteen rays of light were also emitted from the large formations that had been set up around the eighteen Azure Dragon Pagodas, combining with the soaring aura in the sky.

"Three, heaven, earth, void, the source of all dharmas, appearing in the body!"

Emperor Shenwu let out a low cry.

The Qinglong Pagoda is a projection and has no reality, and the Qinglong Pagoda is an extreme emperor soldier, so it is useless to speculate, so directly speculate on the owner of the Qinglong Pagoda.

Yuan Luocheng.

county town,

Su Chen's mind has been paying attention to the movements of the Azure Dragon Pagoda.

When you see the gathering clouds in the sky, covering the sky and the earth, revealing the mystery of every step

Seeing this, Su Chen frowned slightly.

Qinglong Pagoda comes from the system, but Su Chen is not afraid of their calculations.

But as time went by, Su Chen's heart didn't move for no reason.

It's an instinctive badness.

"not good!"

Su Chen seemed to know where his omissions were.

(End of this chapter)

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