The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1161 The Supreme Puppet Emperor Appears, All Races Coexist

Chapter 1161 The Supreme Puppet Emperor Appears, All Races Coexist

Because he has been paying attention to Qinglong Pagoda with all his heart.

The Azure Dragon Pagoda belongs to him, and he paid attention to it, so his mind naturally fell on the projection of the Azure Dragon Pagoda.

The other party is trying to figure him out.

His mind quickly fell on the puppet body of the supreme emperor.

mind diversion.


An invisible air mechanism fell on the Supreme Emperor's puppet with Su Chen's mind, and the moment the air mechanism was locked on his Supreme Emperor's puppet.

"You dare to spy on me!"

Su Chen's supreme emperor puppet appeared from the space, appeared in the void, and shouted sharply.

His voice was domineering, and his eyes were through the endless river, and he saw the three figures of Emperor Shenwu in the sky.

"Emperor Shenwu, and two other people!"

Su Chen was startled.

The three of them also saw Su Chen in the void.

At this moment, terrifying power fluctuations erupted from his body.

Suddenly, the vast coercion shook the world, and everyone in the world trembled, penetrating into the bones of people.

"No God's power!"

Between heaven and earth, someone shouted in horror.

This is an instinctive voice.

The three of Emperor Shenwu also sensed Su Chen's Supreme Emperor puppet body, and looked towards Su Chen at the same time.

Su Chen is the puppet body of the supreme emperor, with a divine light protecting his body, and his precious appearance is solemn.

When the three of them looked over.

Su Chen suddenly felt that his mind and mind seemed to be fused with the puppet body of the supreme emperor.

But this fusion has a strange feeling.

Because although the mind is integrated, he seems to be an outsider.

A punch suddenly appeared in my mind.

"Punch out, the world will destroy everything!"

And he punched unconsciously.

In the sky, there is a palpitating breath, this is a destructive force, tyrannical and terrifying.

A huge fist print appeared.

The fist print was enlarged, covering the sky almost instantly, and bombarded towards the soaring clouds in the sky,


The terrifying fist seal smashed the soaring clouds into pieces, turning them into waves one after another, which collapsed into the void.

But the fist seal did not dissipate, and attacked the three of Emperor Shenwu.

Among the three, Saint Emperor Jiuyuan stepped out.

"Nine Lions Town Sky!"


Punch out.

Nine lion marks appeared on his fist, colliding with the punch that fell from the void.

Suddenly, an unimaginable and terrifying fluctuation of power swept across the world, making people associate it with the destruction of the doomsday, which was frightening.

Cold sweat was breaking out all over their bodies, and the Supreme Emperor made a move, and the power made them tremble.

They looked at the sky in horror.


Just then.

The evil desolate emperor made a move, and an oven emitting black flames appeared in his hand, and flew out instantly with a bang, heading towards the explosion area.

The direction was Su Chen.

"Emperor Black Glory Oven!"

Emperor Shenwu projected a surprise and said.

In the void, Su Chen's heart moved,

The Qinglong Pagoda appeared in his hand instantly.

The opponent's black flame oven is an imperial soldier, and he can't catch it empty-handed.

The Azure Dragon Pagoda came out in an instant.

Collided with the attacking oven.

The two forces collided, and the oven was shaken and returned.

But at this time, the figure of the evil desolate emperor flew out, and his aura surged, wanting to activate the oven again.

On the other side, the Nine Yuan Sage Emperor roared, his body began to change, and a huge lion-shaped body appeared, overwhelming the world, especially the nine heads on his body, roaring, and the sound shook the world.

They all stared at Su Chen eagerly.


Sensing the change in the strength of the two, Su Chen secretly said in his heart.

His eyes lit up, and he gave a low drink.

[Blue dragon differentiation, 108 towers, now! 】

With a low drink, the power in his body poured into the Azure Dragon Tower, and the Azure Dragon Tower changed immediately, 90 projections of the Azure Dragon Tower appeared, and flew out instantly, heading towards all parts of the human race, monsters and beasts.

He wants to take this opportunity to distribute the Azure Dragon Pagoda all over the world.

The projection of the Azure Dragon Pagoda fell.

Su Chen quickly put the Azure Dragon Pagoda into the system mall, cutting off the connection between mind and body.

"We will meet again!"

Su Chen looked at the two who were about to attack and said.

Then he withdrew his mind, and instantly retracted the puppet body of the Supreme Emperor into the mall space.

The next fight is pointless.

As the puppet body of the supreme emperor, he can do nothing to others.

The puppet body of the supreme emperor disappeared.

The energy between heaven and earth also dissipates.

"Disappearing without a sound, it's very weird, it's best not to provoke this person!"

The aura on Jiuyuan Shengdi's body was restrained, he glanced at Emperor Wu, turned around and fled into the void to leave.

He fought against the opponent just now, and the opponent's punches were so strong that there was nothing he could do.

It's useless to stay here.

Seeing this, the Great Emperor Xiehuang narrowed his eyes slightly, turned around and fled away.

Only Emperor Shenwu was left alone,

"It's the emperor of the human race, I hope to really stand on the side of the human race!"

After Emperor Shenwu finished speaking, the projection dissipated.

County Luhou Mansion
Su Chen looked at the sky.

There is some heartache in my heart.

"It's a big loss this time. From now on, this supreme puppet body will be targeted. Unless it is absolutely necessary, this supreme puppet body will not appear again!"

"However, this time the projection of the Azure Dragon Tower will be distributed throughout the Yuan World. I believe the benefits will be huge. The defect in the corner of the Azure Dragon Tower should also be gradually repaired!"

"After all, there are people from the entire Yuan World working for him."

Just now Su Chen actually wanted to use the lid of the magic jar to make a move.

But think about it.

After all, he will use the cover himself in the future, and taking it out now is at most just a deterrent, not of much use.

"They should be afraid of this shot, but this incident reveals something strange. The beasts and demons should not only be for the landlord of the Heavenly Immortal Building, but also be in this state with the human race!"

"It seems that there are other things, let's find out later!"

"I just don't know when I will have that kind of strength."

Su Chen sighed, glanced at the goldfish in the lotus pond, turned around and returned,

After this battle,

Humans, monsters, and beasts have officially entered a new era.

in a state of coexistence.

The struggle is a cooperation between various forces.

But this time,

Su Chen's 108 projection towers are full of harvest. There are constantly beasts and demon corpses for exchange.

Yuan Luocheng also seemed a little quiet.

In County Luhou Mansion

Su Chen walked out of the secret room, stimulated by the majesty of the Supreme Emperor last time, Su Chen began to practice from time to time.

"My lord, the Great Shang Dynasty has made a move against the Great Zhou Dynasty. The two countries fought in the borderlands. The Great Zhou Dynasty lost ten cities in a row. Now the Lord of the Great Shang Dynasty is about to lead troops to Luoyi City, the imperial city of the Great Zhou Dynasty. "

Yuan Suiyun hurried in from the outside and said.


Hearing this, Su Chen was slightly taken aback.

The Great Zhou Dynasty has been paying attention to the movement of the Great Shang Dynasty, how could it lose ten cities in a row, and was beaten to the imperial city?
"The Great Shang Dynasty cooperated with the Nine Pythons and Heavenly Snakes!"

The original follow the cloud.

Hearing Yuan Suiyun's words, Su Chen didn't care much.

Because of this kind of thing, it has become very normal now.

(End of this chapter)

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