The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1179 Controlling blood-phagocytic larvae, purple draw card

Chapter 1179 Controlling blood-phagocytic larvae, purple draw card
See you!

Ning Lao, who was beside Shang Yihen, and the woman in blue robe, who was beside Liu Qingshuang, shot at the same time.

The woman in the blue robe slapped out her palm, and the force of the azure blue palm swept out, shattering all the bloody bugs.

As for Mr. Ning, countless runes appeared on the palm of his hand, and the runes were filled with the color of Buddha's light, covering the bloody bugs, smashing and disappearing in an instant.

And the figure quickly came in front of the blood fiend giant worm.

"Let's work together to kill him first!"

Said to the woman in blue robe behind her.

when speaking.

A layer of Buddha's light appeared on his body, the Buddha's light was blazing, bright and powerful, and his power was extremely frightening. He raised his palm, and the Buddha's light condensed together, like a Buddha's knife, slashing at the blood monster,

The giant worm rolled, and the bloody light condensed, and collided with the Buddha knife, producing a deafening explosion.

And quickly melt the evil spirit of blood.

the other side.

The blue-robed woman also made a move, and a long sword appeared in the palm of her hand. The long sword slashed out, with a brilliant sword aura, like a blue rainbow, and with an incomparably fierce aura, she slashed at the blood fiend giant worm.

The giant blood fiend worm roared as if it was in pain.

Upon seeing this, Mr. Ning attacked again. The two of them worked together to suppress the giant bloody insect.

while they were fighting.

Su Chen already knew that the outside world had changed.

"I didn't expect there would be a mutation!"

Su Chen was a little surprised,

But this kind of change is a good thing for Su Chen, let them be busy for a while.

Su Chen walked towards the stone tower emitting a faint red light.

There was no danger along the way.

Soon, Su Chen arrived in front of the stone pagoda.

The stone tower is a little tilted, as if pushed away by some huge force,

The surrounding rocks are broken, it seems that this place has gone through a big battle,

"The blood-devouring Zerg strongman may have been attacked and killed by someone!"

Looking at this scene, Su Chen couldn't help but move,

"This stone tower can collapse!"

At this time, Yuan Suiyun checked the stone pagoda and said in a deep voice,

"enter directly!"

Su Chen stepped forward and pushed open the door of the stone pagoda.

When he pushed open the door of the stone tower.


A terrifying divine soul power instantly swept towards his brain, like a tidal wave.

A gigantic blood-colored giant worm appeared in his mind, covering the sky and the sun, destroying the sense of heaven and earth.

this moment.

The deadly block on the body automatically consumes one.

"That figure should be the body of the blood-devouring Zerg strongman. Such a terrifying soul power. If it wasn't for his deadly block, I'm afraid he would have died out of his wits!"

Su Chen said with lingering fear.

Of course, the reason why he dared to be so unscrupulous and push open the stone door was because he had this fatal block.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so reckless.

Eyes open.

Tong Yan shrank suddenly.

In front of him was a huge open space, on the ground was the remains of a giant worm, just like the blood-colored giant worm that hit his soul before.

It's just a bit more ancient desolation.

On the body of this giant worm, there is a palm print

The palm print pierced through the giant worm's body, making the giant worm's body feel as if two sections were about to be broken.


"Sure enough, he was beheaded!"

Su Chen was shocked. Judging from the information he got, such a huge remains of the blood-devouring Zerg should be the remains of an adult blood-devouring Zerg. The adult remains of the blood-devouring Zerg are rumored to have entered the realm of the emperor.

But someone punched him through his body!
Just when he looked at the corpse, the corpse began to weather and gradually disappeared in front of Su Chen.

The reason why the remains of the giant worm can still appear is probably because the previous spirit has always existed.

Now that soul has disappeared, and the corpse has no power to protect it, and it is directly weathered.

"Master! There are faint signs of life over there!"

At this moment, Yuan Suiyun and Nie Renwang came out from the outside, looking towards the end, a stone statue of the Blood-devouring Zerg spoke.

"In the statue?"

Nie Renwang stepped forward, slashing out with a bloody long knife in his hand,

Go towards that stone statue.

A faint red light appeared on the stone statue, trying to block the bloody knife light, but the bloody knife light continued, and soon the red light on the stone statue was shattered,


The stone statue also shattered,

A red light shot towards Su Chen,

Su Chen's eyes narrowed, and he grabbed it with his palm.

A palm-sized insect appeared in his palm,

The life breath of the insect is weak, and it feels like it can be crushed to death with the palm of your hand.

[Obtain a blood-devouring Zerg larvae that was on the verge of death in recent times, and you will be rewarded with a purple lottery card. Tip: Please swallow the blood-devouring Zerg blood crystals and the blood of the strong, or a large number of primeval stones in time. 】


"I didn't expect there to be a hint!"

Su Chen didn't immediately take out the blood crystals he had obtained earlier, but made a seal with his palms and performed the Heavenly Demon Zen Seal.

The larvae of the Blood-devouring Zerg were now weak, and it was time for him to enslave the other party. He would not miss this opportunity.

A series of runes poured into the body of the palm-sized larva in the opponent's hand along with the mind.

With a weak body, he couldn't resist at all, and was quickly subdued by Su Chen.

After subduing.

Su Chen made some spiritual contact with the blood-eating larva.

"So weak!"

After having a spiritual connection, Su Chen felt that the spirit of the larva would disappear at any time.

Su Chen's heart moved slightly, and the blood crystal of the blood-devouring Zerg that he had obtained earlier appeared in his hand.

The blood crystal turned into a stream of light and poured into the palm-sized larva in his hand,

After the larva got the blood crystal, a layer of bloody light appeared on its body, and the life characteristics of the blood-eating larva began to maintain and entered a breathing state.

"It's still in its infancy, it will take a long time and a lot of energy to grow!"

"However, when the Blood-devouring Zerg devours energy, it can feed back to me, and my strength will steadily increase by then!"

Su Chen said in his heart.

He is now rich in resources, and he can obtain a large amount of primordial stones from the Azure Dragon Pagoda at any time.

Cultivating a blood-eating Zerg is nothing at all.


Right now!
The stone tower began to collapse.

"This place is about to collapse, let's go out first!"

After Su Chen finished speaking, he led the two of them out of the stone tower.

when they quit.

The stone tower collapsed and turned into ruins, but under the ruins, hundreds of blood-colored diamond-shaped crystals appeared.

These crystals exude terrifying blood-colored energy,

And above the crystal, there is also a small scarlet crown.

"These crystals should be left by the strong Zerg for the blood-devouring larvae to absorb, but what is that bloody crown? Could it be that the strong Zerg is still the king of the blood-devouring Zerg!"

Su Chen's heart moved slightly.

With a wave of his hand, all the blood crystals on the ground were collected by him into the storage ring,

As for the bloody crown, it was not sucked into it,

Su Chen stepped towards the bloody crown,

Just then.

Space shakes.

Two figures appeared not far from Su Chen.

One of the figures saw Su Chen heading towards the blood-colored crown, and sternly shouted,

"Su Chen, stop!"

The person who made the sound was Shang Yihen. After he made the sound, his energy surged and he slapped Su Chen with his palm.

(End of this chapter)

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