The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1180: The hidden arrow consumes essence and blood, triggers the imperial soldiers, and strik

Chapter 1180 Jianyin consumes essence and blood, attracts the emperor's soldiers, and strikes the sky

The palm of the hand condensed a purple handprint in the void.

"Taixu Mausoleum Mansion, Zitian Mahamudra!"

The power of the handprints is terrifying, oppressing the void into chaos, and the airflow explodes.


almost the same time.

Su Chen snorted coldly, without dodging or dodging, he raised his palm and punched out without any fancy words.

Colliding with the falling big handprint.

The handprint full of power, under Su Chen's fist, shattered like a bubble and scattered like rain.

"Shang Yihen, are you courting death?"

Su Chen looked at Shang Yihen who made the shot with cold eyes.

"Su Chen, and what you got, hand it over to me if you are sensible, otherwise, you will become a corpse here today."

Shang Yihen also looked at Su Chen with stern eyes.

"Hand over things!"

"Who do you think you are? I originally planned to deal with you in the later stage, but I didn't expect you to come here to seek death like this!"

Su Chen looked at Shang Yihen and said in a cold voice.

He got the demonic Gu in his hand, and he was going to deal with the other party after finishing the things in the cave.

But I didn't expect the other party to jump out at this time.

when speaking,

Su Chen's palm had already grasped the bloody crown on the ground.

[Obtain the blood-devouring crown, a broken imperial weapon that lost its origin, and reward 1 purple lottery card. 】

"It loses its origin, that is, it loses its spirit, and it's just a symbolic object!"

Su Chen frowned slightly.

Without the spirit, it is very difficult for the emperor soldiers to recover,

It has no power if it is not revived, and it is just an ordinary weapon. At most, the impact force is stronger.

"court death!"

Seeing this, Shang Yihen's expression became ferocious.

"Old Ning, do it!"

He had just fought with Su Chen, and Su Chen's strength was beyond his expectation.

He had no chance of winning, so he asked Ning Lao who followed him to suppress Su Chen.

As long as Su Chen is taken down, everything on Su Chen will be his.

Hearing Shang Yihen's words, Mr. Ning was ready to move forward.

Just when he's just getting his foot in the door.

The figures of An Shigeng and Jianyin came out from one place,

As for Liu Qingshuang and the woman in the blue robe, they didn't show up. The reason why they didn't show up was because they were in another place just now. Shi Geng and they separated,

An Shigeng and the others were able to appear because they had connections with Su Chen,

See An Shigeng and Jian Yin.

Shang Yihen and Na Ning's faces froze.

He didn't expect that An Shigeng and the others could still appear here after they had just plotted against them.

"I didn't expect you to have such a hand, what a pity!"

An Shigeng looked at Shang Yihen and said.

"What a pity! What a pity, An Shigeng, do you think you really won?"

Shang Yihen said in a cold voice.

An Shigeng brought him shame, but he has not forgotten,

Now at this time, he is ready to use his hole cards, so he has no scruples,

"It seems that you still have a hole card, so let me see your hole card!"

An Shigeng looked at Shang Yihen and said.

Although the first evil emperor is no longer here, but Su Chen is here, they still have their cards,

not to mention!
Although Jian Yin's strength has just stepped into the fourth level of the supreme level, the strength that he fully exploded is extraordinary.

What he wants now is the trump card of Shang Yihen,

"If you want to see it, I'll let you see my cards!"


A rune appeared in his hand, the rune tore apart, and a terrifying force burst out from Shang Yihen's body.

A shadow of an emperor appeared behind him.

As soon as the phantom of the emperor appeared, a terrifying aura permeated the air.

This terrifying aura is not the aura of a pure emperor, but the aura of black destruction, giving people a sense of everything in the world.


The void rolled and trembled violently, and the pupils of the emperor's figure were red.

Arms raised.

This arm is very strange, extremely dark.


When this arm was raised, a strong breath of death emanated from the arm, which was so strong that people's hearts were subjected to endless shocks.

"This is an ancient secret technique practiced by my emperor, the arm of the underworld and the underworld!"

"An Shigeng, how do you block it!"

Shang Yihen's face was grim.

Just kill Jian Yin behind An Shigeng.

At that time, none of the people here will be old Ning's opponents, and he can kill whoever he wants.

He raised his arm and punched out.

Endless power surged out of that arm, and disappeared towards the arrow.

Jian Yin's body and eyes became extremely dignified.

The Sun Shooting Bow in all directions appeared instantly.

The strength in the body began to rise, resisting this terrifying force of destruction.

"The mantis arm is the car!"

Shang Yihen was full of disdain when he saw the power erupting from Jian Yin's body.

His father was close to the quasi-emperor level, and the attack on him had [-]% of the power of his father.

Jian Yin is nothing more than the Supreme Four.

It is simply impossible to resist!
Now the only option is to run away or wait for death,

But at this moment Jian Yin, the blood in his body began to boil, puff, a mouthful of golden blood spewed out from his mouth.


Arrow growled,

He used his own blood of Hou Yi's blood to activate the seal of the Sun Shooting Bow in all directions in his hand.

Use the power of the emperor!
Come to break Shang Yihen's blow.

The golden blood melted into the eight-direction sun-shooting bow, and suddenly the eight-direction sun-shooting bow in his hand erupted with bright light, which was dazzling, and the phantom of the emperor behind Shang Yihen burst out to destroy the power of erosion,

"Emperor Soldier! That's the Emperor Soldier! Third Young Master, be careful!"

At this time, after Shang Yihen's death, Ning Lao's complexion changed drastically.

He sensed the might of the Sun Shooting Bow in Jianyin's hand, which can only be erupted by an imperial soldier.

"Four images in one, Qilin Dharma!"

Jianyin let out a low snort.

Endless power surged out from the sun-shooting bow in all directions, and the last four four images emerged, and the chaos of heaven and earth roared together.

Transformed into a giant unicorn,

Qilin roared, and collided with the punch from the bombardment,

The huge arm collided with the Qilin Law and shattered instantly.

Arms shattered.

Behind Shang Yihen, the phantom of the emperor dissipated in an instant, and Shang Yihen let out a scream, spat out a mouthful of blood, flew upside down, and hit the ground.

"Third son!"

Seeing this, Naning walked towards Shang Yihen,

But when his body just moved, a golden streamer instantly penetrated his body.

is the hand hidden by the arrow,

After the arrow shattered the figure of the emperor of the Great Shang Dynasty, he still had strength in his body, and directly shot and killed Ning Lao there.

Old Ning's body turned into a cloud of blood mist.

When the blood mist appeared, the blood-drinking mad knife in King Nie's hand burst out, and began to frantically devour Na Ning Lao and exploded to produce blood.

This is the blood energy of the supreme powerhouse, which is very helpful for the blood drinking mad knife.


The blood dissipated.

Restoring peace within the space.

Jian Yin sat cross-legged on the side with a pale complexion. He used his own essence and blood to temporarily seal the eight-direction sun-shooting bow, which consumed too much.

"Cough! Cough!"

"An Shigeng, you!"

At this time, Shang Yihen, who was injured, looked at An Shigeng, and said pantingly: "You have no combat power anymore, it's all cheaper for Su Chen! It's all cheaper for Su Chen!"

But at this time, he saw An Shigeng walking slowly in front of Su Chen, bowing to salute.

"Yes, young master!"

Shang Yihen, who originally wanted to laugh, stopped abruptly.

He looked at Su Chen incredulously.

(End of this chapter)

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