The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1181 The first evil emperor appears in the Tang family, the end of the Tang family

Chapter 1181 The first evil emperor appears in the Tang family, the end of the Tang family
"Young Master, how is this possible?"

Shang Yihen looked at Su Chen with a face full of disbelief.

An Shigeng's words made his head a little confused.

And Su Chen didn't care about him.

Slowly came to Shang Yihen.

"You think you can live until now because you have strength, or you have the Taixu Mausoleum Mansion and the Great Shang Dynasty behind you, but it's not true. It's because I want you to live!"

Su Chen patted Shang Yihen's face and said in a cold voice.

"You, what are you talking about, you, who are you?"

Shang Yihen looked at Su Chen and stammered.

It's just that Su Chen didn't reply to his words, but the magic gu appeared in his hand.

Seeing the Demon Gu, Shang Yihen's complexion changed drastically, his originally pale complexion became even paler, and he looked at Su Chen in horror.

"Forgive me, forgive me, Su Chen, please forgive me..."

Shang Yihen had a look of horror on his face, his pale head kept kowtowing and banging.

He felt that the things in Su Chen's hands might make his soul disappear and he would fall into a doomed end.

So he desperately begged for mercy in the hope that Su Chen would let him go.

"Aren't you good at shouting just now? In fact, I still like the way you shout?"

"Did you know? Previously, Ling Luoshi and the others wanted to use you to join the Great Shang Dynasty and gain development, so you can live until now."

"But you are too loud, so I can only use some methods!"

"Being swallowed by this demon, you are only assimilated by the soul, you will not die!"

Su Chen said calmly.

But in Shang Yihen's ears, it was like a thunderbolt.

He didn't expect that everything was in Su Chen's schemes,

"I am willing to swear allegiance to you, and make an oath of my own life, you let me go, let me go!"

Shang Yihen continued to beg for mercy,


Su Chen suddenly snorted coldly, and the sound was bunched up, which directly shocked his mind. Shang Yihen, who was already seriously upset, suddenly had a buzz in his mind, could not keep his mind, and fell into a temporary sluggish state.

Su Chen glanced at him.

The magic bug in the palm rushed directly into Shang Yihen's head.

Shang Yihen held his head and screamed in pain.

After roaring for a while.

Shang Yihen lay bent on the ground, twitching continuously.

A pill appeared in Su Chen's hand, and he put it into Shang Yihen's mouth.

"let's go!"

I didn't look at the marks on the ground again,

Luo Hongyi and Ling Luoshi had already rushed towards this side, and Shang Yihen asked them to take them away.

after leaving here
Su Chen and the others appeared in a dilapidated palace.

It's just that in the depths of the palace, there is a dark vortex. Behind the vortex, there seems to be a space.

"My lord, there may be something behind that vortex, why don't we enter it!"

Yuan Suiyun said.

"My lord, I feel a sense of danger in that abyss!"

At this moment.

Jian Yin, who was following behind, spoke.

"Now that the things have been obtained, I will come here to check again later!"

Su Chen said,

Even Jian Yin felt that there was danger, so for them, there must be. He didn't want to consume too much of his hole cards,

not to mention!
There is still a Tang family outside that needs to be dealt with.


Su Chen turned and left.

The place where Su Chen and Shang Yihen fought before.

Four figures appeared,

Two of them were Liu Qingshuang and the woman in blue robe, they appeared together with Ling Luoshi and Luo Hongyi.

"Third son!"

Luo Hongyi's expression changed drastically when he saw Shang Yihen lying unconscious on the ground, and his figure immediately appeared in front of Shang Yihen.

Although she relied on Ling Luoshi, Shang Yihen was still very useful to her and Ling Luoshi.

The true energy in the body poured into Shang Yihen's body.


Shang Yihen woke up, coughing continuously, and blood spurted out from his mouth.

"Take me away, take me away quickly!"

Shang Yihen said immediately.

"what's going on?"

Liu Qingshuang looked at Shang Yihen and asked.

But Shang Yihen didn't answer her at all, but let Luo Hongyi take him away.

Luo Hongyi saw this and helped Shang Yihen up, leading him and Ling Luoshi to evacuate quickly.


Looking at Shang Yihen leaving, Liu Qingshuang's beautiful eyes moved slightly.

"Old ghost Ning is dead! There is his remaining breath here!"

"It's dangerous here, miss, we'd better leave!"

Aunt Chen in blue robe said with a solemn expression.


Liu Qingshuang's expression also changed.

"Yes, did anyone in the human world kill him?"

"I don't know, the surrounding power is too huge, and the fluctuation of the breath has surpassed the Supreme Fifth Level. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time!"

Aunt Chen said in a deep voice.


Liu Qingshuang also turned and left after hearing the words.

She saw Shang Yihen's injuries, and they were simply too horrible to look at.

She doesn't want to stay here.

In the end, just like Shang Yihen,

And here!
Su Chen also took Yuan Suiyun and the others out of the cave.

An Shigeng and Jian Yin were not with them.

outside the cave,

Looking at Su Chen who appeared outside the cave, Liu Qingshuang showed a hint of surprise in her eyes.

Because Su Chen seemed very calm and there was no loss around him.

Su Chen entered it one step ahead of them.

"Fellow Daoist Su, you should have gained a lot this time. I don't know if you have obtained the blood essence of the Blood-devouring Zerg. If there is, I can buy it at a high price!"

Liu Qingshuang looked at Su Chen and said.

"I just got a little bit from the world!"

"I need this blood essence. If you want, maybe you can get in touch with people in the world!"

Su Chen shook his head, he pushed everything to the world.

"Fellow Daoist Su, I mean the people in the human world are still inside!"

Liu Qingshuang said.

"There is danger in the depths of the cave. They can enter, but it is a little dangerous for me, so let's get out first!"

"Miss Liu, please say goodbye. See you later!"

Su Chen cupped his hands slightly, turned around and prepared to leave.

"Su Daoyou, I got news that the Tang family has come, Su Daoyou, don't return to Yuanluo City soon!"

I don’t know why, Liu Qingshuang suddenly said this.

"A member of the Tang family?"

"Are they coming to deal with me?"

"Thank you Miss Liu for telling me!"

Su Chen thanked.

Take people away quickly.

"Miss, why tell this Su Chen that someone from the Tang family is here? Even if he hides and escapes, he may not be able to escape the investigation of the third elder of the Tang family!"

"Leave a goodwill!"

Liu Qingshuang said.

Outside the town of Xueyuan.

Su Chen got on the carriage left outside.

Contact King Zhou Wu directly.

"Contact with the human world, they have sent people to the Tang family!"

"You send the things directly to the Tang family, and after the murder, hand them over directly!"

After Su Chen contacted King Wu of Zhou, he said directly.

"What? People have already gone to the Tang family!"

After hearing Su Chen's words, King Zhou Wu looked happy.

He didn't expect things to be done so quickly in the world.

"What level of master are they dispatching?"

King Zhou Wu asked softly.

"I really don't know about this, but father-in-law, you can pay attention to the situation over there!"

Su Chen shook his head.

King Wu of Zhou will not know about his affairs in the human world.


Outside the city where the Tang family is located,

Wearing a black robe, the thin figure of the First Evil Emperor appeared.

Looking in the direction of the Tang family, there is a cold and stern look in the eyes,

"After today, it will be the end of the Tang family. Maybe we can fight at the ninth level of the Supreme!"

When the First Evil Emperor spoke, the black and white energy in his eyes circulated, revealing a strange,

(End of this chapter)

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