The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1185: The true meaning of the Sword Saint Yuan Shen, the character breaks the waves, and can

"Junior Brother Yu, this world is very unusual, it's not as simple as it appears on the surface!"

"The Temple of True Martial God and the Palace of Fierce Gods are just one side's forces. Sometimes we need to increase our own strength."

Leng Qingqiu said.

He seemed to know something in his tone, but he didn't say anything further.

"Thank you, Sister!"

Yu Peiyu nodded.

"Then let's go, I will help Junior Brother Yu obtain the Emperor Seal as soon as possible and improve his strength!"

After Leng Qingqiu finished speaking, he took Yu Peiyu and left.

As long as Yu Peiyu's strength increases, her status will increase.

At that time, Yu Peiyu can also be recommended to join the Fierce God Palace.

Not long after they left.

Several figures appeared here.

These people were wearing black robes, and they were disciples of the Zhenwu Temple's daily patrols. They sensed the breath fluctuations here, so they came here.

When he saw the corpses on the ground that had been devoured of essence and blood, one of them changed his expression and immediately stepped forward to check.

"The evil blood of the Fierce God is caused by the people from the Fierce God Palace!"

When approaching the autopsy, his expression immediately changed drastically.

Hearing this, the expressions of the others all changed, showing a defensive posture.

"Report this matter immediately!"

One immediately sends out the signal.

It is not a trivial matter for people from the Fierce God Palace to kill people at the back of their Zhenwu Temple.



Yuzhou, the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The Tang family!

In the conference hall.

Everyone in the Tang family had gloomy faces, and they were also full of uneasiness.

Tang Chen, the patriarch of the Tang family, was beheaded and killed in person in his own clan yesterday.

First Evil Emperor
These two names resounded in the entire city in an instant, and spread throughout Yuzhou like a storm, causing an uproar.

Kill the head of the Tang family first, and then destroy the Tang family after five days.

This caused some members of the Tang family to panic.

So early in the morning, all the elders of the Tang family were called by the family ancestors and gathered in the meeting hall.

"Tell me, what is going on in this world?"

"Why did they attack our Tang family!"

The patriarch of the Tang family looked at the people standing below with sharp eyes and asked sharply.

The other party shot last night, but under his nose, he killed Tang Chen, the head of the Tang family.

He didn't notice it at the time.

And after the other party killed someone, he put down his harsh words and left calmly.

It was already extremely provocative to him.

not to mention.

Judging from the current situation, this has become a crisis for their Tang family.

"Old Ancestor, in this world, we only found out earlier that it appeared in Razor Country, and we have no enmity with our Tang family!"

An elder spoke.

In the world, although it has spread, there are very few news in the world.


The ancestor of the Tang family heard the words and sternly shouted.

No news.

Isn't that just black eyes?
The opponent doesn't know it, and it's hard to defend against it.

"Old Ancestor, the Third Elder is in Yuanluo City, you can let the Third Elder investigate the world!"

At this time, an old man spoke.

"Notify him immediately!"

The patriarch of the Tang family said in a deep voice.

another place

Su Chen, who was heading to the Tang family, was in contact with King Wu of Zhou.

King Wu of Zhou talked with Su Chen, his expression was a little excited.

How long have you been in touch.

Things are done in this world.

The head of the head of the Tang family, Tang Chen, was taken away by the first evil emperor in the world.

This made King Wu of Zhou perceive the power of the world.

Of course, there is also the sentence, five days later, the Tang family will be destroyed.

Such a high-profile, don't think about it, it must have its strength.

"Dao Bing, I have arranged for someone to send it to Tang City!"

"I don't know how to communicate with them!"

Zhou Wu is king.

"I'm about to arrive in Tang City, give me something when the time comes, and I'll go see the number one evil emperor in the world!"

Su Chen said.

"I can see the first evil emperor!"

King Zhou Wu's expression changed, the first evil emperor took action in the Tang family, and left calmly, it can be said that his reputation has shaken the entire Great Zhou Dynasty.

Now many people are investigating the world and the first evil emperor.

"Yes! Didn't father-in-law say he wanted to destroy the Tang family?"

"I also talked about this matter with the first evil emperor in the world. Otherwise, the first evil emperor would not say that the Tang family will be destroyed in five days."

"It is estimated that people in the world also want to use the Tang family to be born!"

Su Chen said in a deep voice.

"Is that so? It seems that we are right to cooperate with the human world!"

"When I see the First Evil Emperor, I will discuss it with him personally. I still have some background in the Great Zhou Dynasty. I hope that the Great Zhou Dynasty can tide over the difficulties this time."

Zhou Wu is king.

Now the Taishang Demon Palace and the Great Zhou Dynasty cannot come into contact with it, but if they come into contact with the human world, they, the Great Zhou Dynasty, may be able to achieve nirvana and be reborn.

"They shouldn't disappoint you, father-in-law!"

Su Chen said softly.

"I have received news from Emperor Zun that this time our Great Zhou Dynasty may be just the introduction. Other forces are converging to plot the Taishang Demon Palace. They have not yet fully reached an agreement!"

"However, the emergence of the world may speed up their agreement!"

"As long as the agreement changes, a war may break out in the Imperial City, so we must act quickly!"

King Wu of Zhou said in a deep voice.

Hear it!

Su Chen frowned slightly.

Unexpectedly, this time, it turned out that many forces conspired to make Taishang Demon Palace.

The two then chatted for a while before cutting off contact.

After cutting off the contact, Su Chen frowned slightly.

"Looks like a big battle is about to break out at the Supreme Demon Palace!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

Immediately, he couldn't help but focus on the 2 purple draw cards he had previously obtained.

Just pull it out.

[Get the true meaning of the sword master Dugu Jianyuanshen, the exclusive character Yan Shisan, and the character Duanlang. 】


Seeing this Su Chen, he was slightly startled.

What I got this time is not ordinary.

The true meaning of the soul of the sword master Dugujian, and the character Duanlang.

Both of these characters are very strong figures in the storm.

Dugu Sword: A character in the storm created Sword 23 before his death. With this, his soul left his body, froze time, and blocked everything.

The power of the soul!

It's just for Yan Shisan to fuse, and Yan Shisan's fusion may take a long time.

Because Su Chen searched some information about Dugu Jianyuanshen, Yuanshen has reached quasi-emperor level,

In other words, as long as Yan Shisan completely integrates the soul of Dugu Jian, he will be able to unleash a quasi-emperor level sword.

But it's just the fusion of the primordial spirit, not other powers.

So if Yan Shisan's physical body is not good enough, then one blow is just one blow.

After one strike, he himself died.

As for the character Duanlang, Su Chen's heart moved

Because Duanlang was only a small character in the early stage, and Duanlang who got Long Yuan in the later stage is an extremely powerful existence.

"Logically, I shouldn't be given the break in the early stage."

Su Chen, who was talking, couldn't help looking at Duanlang's message.

It mainly depends on Duanlang's cultivation.

When he saw Duanlang's cultivation, Su Chen's eyes lit up.

Duan Lang's cultivation is at the quasi-emperor level, in addition to the quasi-emperor level, Duan Lang actually has another ability which is Longhua, and the strength of Longhua has reached the half-step emperor.

"Longhua has not reached the level of the Great Emperor, a little disappointed!"

Su Chen sighed.

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