The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1186 The Tang family’s counterattack, the first evil emperor takes action again

Although a little disappointed, but in this situation, it is completely usable.

"Perhaps Duanlang can join the Supreme Demon Palace!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

A strong person at the quasi-emperor level will definitely attract attention if he makes a move, and the traces of the move will be left, and will receive a lot of attention at that time.

If it appeared in the name of Tianwaixianlou or the world,

Later shots will be restricted.

It would be better to let Duanlang join the Supreme Demon Palace.

The Taishang Demon Palace is different from other forces. They recruit some strong people to join.

Of course, you can't join casually, you need someone to recommend you. Pang Ban is now the leader of the line, and Duan Lang may be able to join the Taishang Demon Palace through him.

In this way, Pang Ban's strength in Taishang Demon Palace will be increased, and it will also make Duanlang's actions justified in the future.

The Great Demon Palace is about to fight.

Duanlang may use this battle to become famous and have more development.

After all, identity can be found in the dark, but it also needs to be found openly.

On the surface, you can do more.

For a while, Su Chen thought of many things.

"Lord, we have arrived outside the Tang family city!"

In the carriage, the original followed the cloud.

"Did the Tang family not conduct a strict investigation?"

Su Chen asked involuntarily,

With such a big incident happening in the Tang family, this stage should be the time for strict investigation.

"No movement!"

Yuan Suiyun said in a deep voice.


Su Chen untied the curtain of the car and glanced outside, everything was normal at the gate of the city,

However, there were more warriors entering it.

Here in Tang City.

It is already an open secret that the world will spread the word that the Tang family will be destroyed.

Many forces did not understand the human world, so they came to the Tang family to investigate the situation in the human world.

Of course, I also want to see if the Tang family can be destroyed in the world after five days.

The Tang family!

Maybe other places are not so good, but in the Great Zhou Dynasty, it is a top power, a force that can confront the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty,

What's more, the Tang family still wants to develop further when the Great Zhou Dynasty is in crisis.

But in such cases,

Suddenly popped up in the world, first to kill the head of the Tang family, and then to destroy the Tang family,

This was extremely shocking to some forces in the Great Zhou Dynasty who were about to move around, so they sent people to investigate.

Without any hindrance, just enter the city like this,

After staying in an inn, not long after, a figure came to the inn where Su Chen lived,

The person who came was an old man, wearing a brown robe, who looked nothing special,

But the person who came was the one arranged by King Wu of Zhou to come to hand over the Taoist soldiers.

"I've seen Mr. Su!"

The old man saluted Su Chen.

"Something is brought!"

Su Chen looked at the old man and said.

"This is the ring that the prince asked the old man to bring!"

The old man took out a space ring from his bosom, and there were traces of seal runes on the ring.

Su Chen took the ring and directly activated the rune seal he had obtained earlier. He glanced at the Taoist soldiers in the ring and found nothing unusual. He nodded and put it away.

It was not taken out immediately.

"Master Su, the prince has arrived and is just outside the city. He hopes to meet the First Evil Emperor!"

The old man in a black robe spoke.

"Now that my father-in-law has arrived, I will contact the First Evil Emperor immediately. The First Evil Emperor should go to see my father-in-law by then!"

Hearing this, Su Chen was slightly surprised.

His father-in-law King Zhou Wu is now in the secret realm of the Great Zhou Dynasty, how could he come here.

What's more, when he contacted Zhou Wuwang earlier, the other party didn't say to come.

"The prince is just outside the city, in Minghu Villa!"

The old man in the brown robe bowed.

"okay, I get it!"

Su Chen nodded.

He planned to wait for the old man to leave before contacting King Wu of Zhou.

Outside the city, Minghu Villa.

In a pavilion, stood two figures, one of which was King Wu of Zhou.

The other figure was a middle-aged man in a black robe. The man's swallow jaw and tiger beard, and his resolute cheeks were as sharp as a chiseled axe.

It is Lu Zhenyuan, the owner of Minghu Villa, who is also the man arranged by the Great Zhou Dynasty in Tang City.

"My lord, Mr. He, the things have already been sent to Mr. Su, but the information in this world is rarely searched by the subordinates, and it is of no useful value!"

Lu Zhenyuan Road.

"It's okay, we don't need to check the other party's information, we just need to cooperate with the other party, and the other party will get paid by us to help us destroy the Tang family!"

King Wu of Zhou said in a deep voice.

Everyone else wanted to know about the human world, but King Wu of Zhou had no such intention.

Hearing what King Wu of Zhou said, Lu Zhenyuan's expression moved slightly and he said: "My lord, the sudden appearance in this world will exacerbate the crisis in the imperial city, and we have to guard against it!"

Lu Zhenyuan was very surprised that King Zhou Wu suddenly appeared in Tangcheng.

But King Wu of Zhou had an imperial order, so he needed to cooperate with King Wu of Zhou.

"This matter is something that the emperor needs to consider. I am only in contact with the world by the emperor's order!"

"The other thing is how we will control Tang City after the Tang family is destroyed!"

King Wu of Zhou opened his mouth and said.

This is King Zhou Wu's avatar, the reason why he wants to appear here,

It is to convey a message to the outside world, that is, the Great Zhou Dynasty is in contact with the human world, and the Tang family is the handiwork of the Great Zhou Dynasty,

Others, if they act like the Tang family, the result will be the same as the Tang family.

Of course, there is also the need to grasp the Tang family city as soon as possible.

when the two were talking.

The figure of the old man in the brown robe returns,

"I've seen the prince, I've seen the master Lu!"

The old man saluted King Wu of Zhou and Lu Zhenyuan.

"I'm done, when can I see the first evil emperor!"

Zhou Wu is king.

"The young master has already gone to contact the first evil emperor, saying that the first evil emperor will come to see the prince tonight!"

The old man in brown robe didn't say Su Chen's name.

"Okay, then wait for the first evil emperor to arrive at night!"

"Zhenyuan, go ahead and contact the Lord of Tang City and bring him to see me!"

King Wu of Zhou then said to Lu Zhenyuan.


Lu Zhenyuan took the order and left.

After Lu Zhenyuan left, King Wu of Zhou said to the old man in brown robe, "Follow him, I want to know his every move!"

This is the territory of the Tang family.

King Wu of Zhou cannot guarantee that Lu Zhenyuan did not betray the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Today's Great Zhou Dynasty is walking on thin ice, and we must be careful about everything.


The old man in black robe disappeared,

King Zhou Wu returned to the pavilion and began to contact Su Chen.

Here, after Su Chen contacted King Wu of Zhou, he found out that the avatar of King Wu of Zhou came here, and he wanted to take over the Tang family's city after the Tang family was destroyed.

right now,

Tang City, where the Tang family is located, the sky began to change,

this situation,

Let everyone look at the Tang family in unison.

On the sky of the Tang family, there were three huge and strange blood-colored pagodas.

These three blood-colored pagodas are all condensed by the extremely rich blood evil power.

It is triangular in shape, suspended under the sky, and the tower body is entwined with blood, spinning, spinning endlessly like a whirlpool.

Looking at it from a distance, it makes people tremble and feel chills all over.

"A large formation, the Tang family has set up a large formation, it seems that this is a counterattack?"

Su Chen, who was in contact with King Wu of Zhou, saw this scene, his eyes sparkled.

The Tang family quietly set up a large formation.

It seems that they are secretly preparing.

Prepare to deal with the world.

"It's just that it's in vain!"

Su Chen looked at this big formation, his eyes flashed coldly, and said coldly.

"My Tang family has set up the three evil blood pagodas. I don't know the world, but I dare to come here!"

At this moment, a loud voice came from above the city.

It was sent by people from the Tang family.

It is impossible for the Tang family to keep themselves in a passive situation, so they directly set up a big formation first, preparing to shock the world and make people fearful.

Also tell others that their Tang family doesn't care about the world.

They are waiting for people from the human world to come.

It depends on whether the world dares to come or not.

"Fellow Daoist Tang, in this world, there are only a bunch of jumping clowns. They don't dare to show up. If they dare to show up, I think I will have a few more puppets of the Supreme Realm!"

After the Tang family made a loud voice.

A sharp voice came out.

Following the sharp voice, several figures appeared above the Tang family.

At the head was a man in a green robe, with narrow cheeks and a high crown.

This person's complexion was pale, his eye sockets were sunken, and his aura was cold and strange, as if he had stepped out of hell.

Behind the green-robed man, followed by three dead-looking living corpses with dull eyes, green in color, with a strong black evil spirit steaming from their bodies.

"Heavenly Corpse Taoist!"

Seeing this sound, someone in the city exclaimed.

The Heavenly Corpse Taoist, a famous casual cultivator in the Great Zhou Dynasty, has the highest strength of the seventh level, can control corpses, and is ranked fourth on the Most Wanted List of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Unexpectedly, Taoist Tianshi would come to the Tang family.

"Brother Tianshi, thank you for coming to help!"

At this time, in the Tang family, the voice of the ancestor of the Tang family appeared.

"Hmm! Taoist Heavenly Corpse!"

Su Chen looked at Taoist Celestial Corpse standing in the void, his eyes froze, and there was a coldness in his eyes,

This day, the corpse Taoist was a little crazy, thinking of making puppets out of their human beings.

at this time,

In the city, there is one place.

Suddenly a shocking demonic aura emerged.

Amidst the devilish energy, a figure appeared in the void,

It is the first evil emperor,

On this day, the corpse Taoist insulted the human world. As the number one evil emperor, how could he pretend that he didn't hear it?

Demon cultivator.

Follow your heart!

If you feel dissatisfied, you will kill with one word.

Kill the opponent to calm the grievances in the heart.

"I would like to see what you, a person like you who are neither human nor ghosts, are capable of. You are so brazen and want to turn the strongest person in the world into a puppet!"

The sound was like thunder, resounding through the world.

The body of the first evil emperor stood in the air, his eyes were like abyss, and he looked at Taoist Tianshi.

On the emaciated body, the magic power was activated, and the terrifying demonic energy spread out, with the potential of the demon swallowing the mountains and rivers.

The First Evil Emperor, this time fully demonstrated his aura as the First Evil Emperor,

Last time, the dark blocked the space to kill people,

I only hear about him, I don’t see him,

This time, he needs to be known.

He is the first evil emperor, why is he the first evil emperor.

Kill whoever seeks death,

"Hmph! I didn't expect that you didn't leave. You're courting death. Since that's the case, I will have an extra supreme puppet today!"

Taoist Tianshi snorted coldly, the Tang family paid a lot of money to invite him here.

What's more, the aura of the first evil emperor is unusual. If he can be refined into a puppet, his strength will definitely increase greatly.

With palm seals, he gave a low drink.


Behind him, three living corpses rushed out instantly.

Surround the first evil emperor.

"The living corpse is also worthy of blocking me!"

The first evil emperor looked at the three puppets surrounding him and snorted coldly.

Palm up.


The air flow between heaven and earth fluctuated, and terrifying demonic energy was derived from the flow. This magical energy was extremely pure, and it gathered on the palm of his hand, forming a pitch-black magic knife.

The magic knife appears.

Suddenly, an extremely terrifying and murderous air permeated the entire sky.

The Demonic Sword of the First Evil Emperor.

It's a deadly knife.

A magical knife.

The swordsman is killing in itself.

The killing spirit is the heaviest, coupled with killing into the devil, controlling the mind, showing the strongest power.

"This! My mind!"

Some warriors who paid attention to the first evil emperor suddenly felt that their blood and spirit were out of control, and their eyes turned scarlet.

With a shocked expression, he quickly exploded his strength to resist the erosion of this demon.

eyes frightened,

Look to the sky.

The first evil emperor waved the magic knife in his hand.

The terrifying sword light erupted from his magic sword, forming a huge wave of swords that instantly covered the three living corpses surrounding him.


Sensing the power of this blow, Taoist Taoist's complexion changed drastically that day, and he wanted to take back the three living corpses.

The three living corpses were ordered to return.

However, the magic energy and knife light formed by the magic knife formed a huge vortex, and the three living corpses were directly sucked into the vortex by a powerful force!
The three living corpses roared.

There was a sound of panic, and after the vortex, three living corpses appeared, their eyes were dull, they twisted their bodies, and looked towards the old man of the corpse,

But at this time.

A breeze blows,

The three living corpses dissipated into the air in an instant like powder

"You! Puchi!"

That day, the corpse Taoist spat out a mouthful of blood.

Three living corpses, but he had refined them with blood essence for hundreds of years, and each one had the strength of the Supreme Second Realm, but now they were crushed into powder by the other party.

His own mind was also impacted, so he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"With this little power, you dare to be rampant!"

"Today, the emperor will send you a ride!"

The First Evil Emperor looked at the Heavenly Corpse Master, his tone filled with murderous intent.

Scream, step!
"You, I want to kill you, I want to make you into a puppet!"

Taoist Tianzhi's eyes turned scarlet,

"Tianyin, puppet!"

The mouth is drinking low, the hands are changing, and the seals are constantly forming, the speed is fast, and the coldness is permeating.

A terrifying pitch-black figure appeared behind him, the black figure appeared, and the temperature between the sky and the earth was like frost in an instant, extremely biting.

Some people felt that their meridians and true energy were instantly solidified under the biting cold air, making them unable to move.


After this figure appeared.

That day, the corpse Taoist gave another low shout.

After he drank.

The pitch-black figure appeared, roared, raised its head to the sky and roared lowly, and then turned into a majestic cold force, rushing into the body of the Taoist Heavenly Corpse.

At the moment of gaining this power,

The power of Taoist Heavenly Corpse began to rise, directly from the seventh level of supreme, to the eighth level of supreme,

The strength of the first evil emperor.

He has already sensed that the realm is the same as him, but just broke out with a knife, which is extremely powerful, so he uses the secret method to increase his strength, and wants to forcefully kill the first evil emperor,

"Kill! I will kill you!"

Taoist Tianzhi raised his palm.

Slap towards the First Evil Emperor with one palm.

The palm was slapped, and a huge palm print emerged. The palm print was like the sky, carrying an extremely cold chill.


The first evil emperor was cold, and his face suddenly began to change,

One black and one white emerge,


The first evil emperor directly fell into the devil,

Immediately, a terrifying and evil intention permeated the first evil emperor,

The magic knife cuts out,

The giant hand that was slapped was cut open instantly on the magic knife.

The moment it was cut open, the First Evil Emperor flew across the sky and appeared in front of Taoist Heavenly Corpse.

"You court death, no one can save you!"

The First Evil Emperor was filled with demonic aura and his eyes were cold and ruthless. He was like a possessed machine. He slashed out with his long sword,


The coldness on the First Evil Emperor made Taoist Tianzhi, who was already cold, tremble all over and let out a low roar,

And with one palm shot,

However, Jifen was killed by the magic sword. The black magic sword passed over Taoist Tianzhi's body, and his horrified head was split in half like tofu.


The First Evil Emperor then burst out with sword energy, and the body that was split in half was covered in sword energy and turned into fly ash. In the end, nothing was left.

This series of actions is extremely fast,

People haven't seen clearly yet,

The celestial corpse Taoist disappeared.

Everyone couldn't help looking at the Tang family,

The Heavenly Corpse Taoist came to help the Tang family. Now that he was beheaded by the first evil emperor, the Tang family had no choice but to show up.

What's more, the Tang family was still clamoring before.

"Damn it, the first evil emperor, you should die!"

At this time, voices of anger came from the Tang family,

Accompanied by the sound of anger, the three Blood Fiend pagodas suddenly let out a strange roar in the sky above the Tang family.

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