The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1191: Breaking the Waves and Transforming into a Dragon, Endless Terror, Overwhelming the Fo

Chapter 1191: Breaking the waves and transforming into a dragon, boundless terror and coercion in all directions
Blood Tribulation Claw
It was the ability that Duan Lang gained after obtaining Dragon Yuan. He obtained Dragon Yuan in his previous life, used the power of Dragon Yuan without control, and finally blew himself up and died.

But in today's world, he can't break the waves,

His Duanlang will definitely shock the world and make people surrender.

The blood claw collided with the sword and the giant lizard.

The giant lizard was divided into five parts and turned into a ball of blood mist, which was absorbed by the blood claws.


Immediately, Yan Zun spat out a mouthful of blood.

The lizard was transformed from his essence and blood.

The monitor lizard was beheaded and he was also injured.

the other side.

The sword shadow collided with the blood claws. The sharp sword energy erupting from the sword shadow suddenly seemed to have lost control under the blood claws. They collapsed in mid-air and collapsed.

In the end, the blood claw and the long sword collided together,

It makes a crisp, metal-colliding sound,

After the blood claws, there are palms that break into dragon claws,

The dragon claws grabbed the Nether Sword of the emperor soldier,

Duanlang's body can transform into dragons, but he didn't transform all of them into dragons, but instead transformed into dragons to resist the emperor's soldiers with his palms.

Terrifying power poured into the imperial weapon in the palm of his hand.

At the same time, Han Feiyu groaned in pain and looked horrified.

When Duanlang was fighting against the imperial soldiers, he cut off the connection between him and the imperial soldiers.

He was unable to control the imperial soldiers at this moment.

Without the Emperor Soldiers, they would not be Duanlang's opponents at all.

"It's not the opponent's escape!"

Yan Zun roared,

The opponent's palm held the Imperial Soldier!
They have no options, so they must escape.

Han Feiyu's expression changed. The imperial weapons were from Taiqing Dao Palace. Although they were only low-grade imperial weapons, they were low-grade imperial weapons anyway and could never be lost in his hands.

look hard

Spurting out a mouthful of blood,

He made a seal with his palms and shouted,

The three bloody pagodas that were originally suspended in the air instantly rushed towards Duanlang,

When approaching the breaking waves,

explode directly,

The sound of a terrifying explosion sounded, and terrifying bloody fireworks appeared between the sky and the earth, extremely bright and gorgeous.

At the moment of the explosion, Han Feiyu sensed the aura of the imperial soldiers.

He directly took back the imperial soldiers, turned around and followed Yan Zun, wanting to escape into the void,

Just then.

A huge roar appeared between heaven and earth,

As it moved forward, the area of ​​the previous explosion was absorbed by a huge suction force. Soon, the energy storm set off by the previous explosion was absorbed by a huge vortex in the blink of an eye.

After the huge vortex was absorbed, a huge figure appeared in the void,


When everyone looked at the phantom, their expressions changed.

Because in the place where Duanlang was before, a giant dragon hovered, and the terrifying force suppressed the void. Yan Zun, who had fled away with a low drink, was frozen under the pressure of this force.

With horrified eyes, he looked at the broken waves suspended in the air,


"How could this be?"

The broken waves turned into dragons,

Duanlang was clearly a human just now, but now he has transformed into a giant dragon.

Moreover, the aura exuded by this giant dragon is terrifying and abnormal.

Duanlang didn't care about their surprise.

He grabbed Han Feiyu with one claw,

Han Feiyu looked horrified, raised the sword in his hand, and a mouthful of blood spurted out,

The long sword whispers!


Now he can only rely on the imperial soldiers to resist the blow, so that he can have a chance to escape.

The dragon's claw collided with the long sword.

The long sword trembled and flew out from Han Feiyu's palm,

Han Feiyu rushed forward, trying to catch the flying sword.

But right now.

Another dragon claw grabbed him, forming five terrifying rays of demonic energy. The demonic energy formed a whirlpool and swallowed Han Feiyu instantly.

"Roar..." Han Feiyu roared and struggled desperately in the whirlpool of demonic energy.

The violent roar was so loud that the eardrums were about to burst. The sword energy on his body continued to burst out to resist the erosion of the demonic vortex. He wanted to escape from the dragon claw vortex, but the impact was too late.

He felt that his power was passing away, being swallowed by the dragon's claws,

He growled in horror in his heart.

He didn't expect that his use of imperial weapons would not cause any trouble to the opponent.

It also makes the other party become extremely scary,

The strength of this giant dragon definitely reaches the half-step emperor level.

"Must escape, must escape!"

At this moment, he was covered in cold sweat and wanted to run away.

It's just that the whirlpool captured by the dragon's claws in Duanlang imprisoned all directions, and it also carried a devouring power, making it impossible for him to escape from the whirlpool.

"Qingming Spirit Fire, Sword Fire Explosion!"

He gave a low drink and sacrificed one of his Tao weapons, a long sword exuding Qingming flames,

And after it was sacrificed, it exploded directly.

The terrifying power temporarily dispelled the devouring power from his body.


Han Feiyu sprang out of the whirlpool of the claws, no longer caring about the imperial soldiers, and fled directly. But just as he was about to escape, a dragon claw appeared above his head again, and the terrifying demonic energy once again formed a vortex to envelope him.

This time, Han Feiyu finally let out bursts of painful screams.

And at this moment, the strength in his body began to be swallowed up.

He no longer has any Taoist soldiers to self-destruct anymore
My strength begins to disappear

for a time,

He seemed to have finally reached the end of his strength and could no longer struggle as vigorously as before.

Although the whole body was still struggling, it gradually stopped moving under the dragon's claws, and its strength was absorbed bit by bit.

"You will not have a good death in this world. Taiqing Taoist Palace will avenge me. They will avenge me. You cannot be stopped in this world. You will die, you will definitely die!"

Han Feiyu let out a shrill scream.

Only when he screamed miserably.

Duanlang's dragon claw directly grabbed the opponent, and with a strong force, the body collapsed and turned into a ball of blood mist.

Then the blood mist was directly swallowed by the dragon's mouth,

After killing Han Feiyu, Duanlang's huge dragon eye looked at Yan Zun.

At this moment, Yan Zun, who was not far away, saw the roar in his mind, and was extremely frightened, and his whole body was trembling.

The moment Long Yan looked over, he felt that he was locked by a huge terror.

Although terrifying, there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

"Are you human, or?"

He asked tremblingly, as if there was a sense of expectation,

"Of course I am a human race, I just can transform into a dragon!"

The sound is resounding, extremely loud,

At this time, thunder appeared between heaven and earth,


Pieces of bright black lightning fell on the dragon body of Duanlang,

These dark thunder lights, like snakes, kept winding and swimming around his body, bringing bursts of powerful aura, making Duan Lang the master of the world for a while.

And this moment.

Duan Lang was extremely excited. After transforming into a dragon this time, he absorbed Han Feiyu's power.

After being baptized by these black thunders, his dragon body is constantly being strengthened and transformed.

He has a feeling that as long as he continues to strengthen his dragon body, even if he cannot reach the Great Emperor state in his human state, he may be able to break through the shackles and reach the Great Emperor state in his dragon body state.

It seems like a talent.

The talent after transforming into a dragon!

Of course, there is also an urge in his heart to devour blood and devour everything.


"It really can be like this!"

Hearing this, Yan Zun showed surprise on his face.

"Sir, I am willing to betray the Beast God Cult and be loyal to you. I am willing to sacrifice my blood seal and become your slave!"

When Yan Zun was speaking, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the blood formed runes. The runes carried a hint of divine soul imprint, and turned into a line of blood light and flew towards the Broken Wave Dragon body.

Duanlang clawed his hand.

Feel the power within!
Inhale directly into your hands!

He needs his subordinates, Beast God Cult Yan Zun, who can be considered a big figure, can be useful to him.

Although Duanlang already has a plan, he also needs to build his own strength!

(End of this chapter)

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