The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1192 Yan Zun’s horror, Beast God Sect’s head coach Cang Qiong

The dragon shadow changed and transformed into Duanlang wrapped in a black cloak.

The void stands tall,

His eyes fell towards the Emperor's soldiers Netherworld not far away,

He raised his palm and grabbed the floating imperial soldier.

This Nether Sword Imperial Weapon is what the Lord needs, how could he not want it?
But when he grabbed the emperor soldier with his palm, the Nether Sword suddenly burst into a bright sword glow.

A black ripple spread out from the imperial soldiers.

"I am You, the Taiqing Dao Palace Emperor's Soldier Emperor Spirit. Today's matter ends here. Let me go, otherwise I will fight to the death with the Taiqing Dao Palace!"

A voice came from the ripples.

The sound came from within the Netherworld Sword, and was made by the Emperor Spirit of the Netherworld Sword.

Dao soldiers have spirits, not to mention that emperor soldiers also have spirits,


"You will not stop until you die, you are threatening me in this world!"

Duanlang snorted coldly and grabbed the imperial weapon with his palm. The terrifying demonic energy poured into the imperial soldier.

The Imperial Soldier has a spirit. As long as the Imperial Soldier's spirit dies, the Imperial Soldier temporarily loses its power, but over time, new spirits can be derived again.


There were sounds of panic among the imperial soldiers,

But he was immediately overwhelmed by the terrifying demonic energy, and after a while, the imperial soldiers lost their breath.

Duanlang waved his hand, and the imperial soldier wrapped it up and disappeared in front of everyone.


An imperial weapon appears in Su Chen's commodity trading column

"Just take it out!"

[Obtain the Imperial Weapon Nether Sword and receive a purple lottery card as a reward! 】

When Su Chen got the imperial weapon, he got a purple lottery card.


The Imperial Soldier only got a purple lottery card.

Su Chen's expression moved slightly.

But it’s normal when you think about it. Previously, he could get the Imperial Soldier by getting the Purple Lottery Card, so it’s normal for him to get the Purple Lottery Card by getting the Imperial Soldier.

Then he passed the Netherworld Sword to Duan Lang again.

Duan Lang is a master who knows how to use a sword.

And in the void

Duanlang disappeared with Yan Zun and the First Evil Emperor from the Beast God Sect,

[Duanlang subdued Yan Zun of the Beast God Sect and was rewarded with a purple lottery card. Killing Taiqing Dao Palace, the supreme ninth-level powerhouse of the Demon Blood Tribe, received a purple lottery card. 】


"I got 3 purple lottery cards in this battle,"

Su Chen's face showed joy.

This is just a superficial gain, there is also the Tang family, the Tang family has been a separate party for a long time.

He needs to collect some things from here.

At this time, King Wu of Zhou contacted Su Chen.

"Who is the powerful quasi-emperor who took action?"

King Zhou Wu asked urgently.

In the world, he thinks that there is a strong man in the imperial realm, but he just thinks that he still has no idea if he hasn't seen him.

Now a strong quasi-emperor appeared on the other side, and his body transformed into a dragon, reaching the half-step emperor state.

Such strength is very terrifying,

If the human world can fully cooperate, I believe that the Great Zhou Dynasty will definitely be able to overcome this difficulty.

"I really don't know that one?"

Su Chen replied,

A quasi-emperor-level powerhouse would not be in contact with him logically, so Su Chen can't say that he has a connection with Duanlang.

"Is that so?"

"Then I will go to see the First Evil Emperor today and give the things to the First Evil Emperor, as well as the income of the Tang family this time. We, the Great Zhou Dynasty, will not take any of it, but will give it all to the world!"

Emperor Zhou said.

"I will contact Senior First Evil Emperor!"

"He should go to see you, father-in-law!"

Su Chen said.

"Okay, I'll wait for the First Evil Emperor here!"

King Wu of Zhou opened his mouth and said.

Just after the battle, a master appeared in the human world, and his combat power has reached the level of a half-step emperor. His power is absolutely terrifying.

The Great Zhou Dynasty must seize this glimmer of hope.Establish a relationship with the world,

The two didn't talk much, and Su Chen cut off the contact.

For other matters, the First Evil Emperor should contact King Wu of Zhou.

He still needs to see Duanlang at this moment,

In other words, he was going to see Yan Zun from the Beast God Sect.

There are four great sages in the Beast God Sect, and Yan Zun is one of them. It is rumored that his status is extraordinary, but the specific details need to be understood before we know.

Of course, he also wanted to know why Yan Zun would swear allegiance to Duan Lang.

Such a strong man of the ninth level will not beg for mercy easily.

"I'm going out!"

Su Chen said to Yuan Suiyun.

Although it is impossible for no one to notice them, they still need to be hidden.

In a dark house.

Duan Lang and Yan Zun appeared.

Duan Lang was still wearing a black robe and a mask on his face.

After entering the courtyard, he stood in the middle of the courtyard without saying a word, as if waiting for someone.

Next to him followed Yan Zun, who stood respectfully, looking at Duan Lang with blazing eyes and his body transforming into a dragon. This ability is what their Beast God Sect has always done.

Their Beast God Cult has been transforming themselves into ferocious beasts to gain strength, but there are many restrictions on ferocious beast transformation.

When they use animal transformation, their bodies will gradually undergo changes.

With little use, they will eventually turn into ferocious beasts, unable to transform into human form, and their ferocious aura cannot be controlled.

But Duanlang's aura didn't change at all after he had just transformed into a dragon.

In other words, there are no sequelae.

And the dragon power on his body made him feel terrified of the giant lizard blood in his body.

It is a kind of fear in the soul towards superiors or stronger beings.

This is the direction that their Beast God Cult has been studying.

That’s why he directly swore a blood oath and became Duanlang’s slave.

"Master, why are you here?" He was a little surprised.

Time passes little by little,

A figure pushed open the courtyard door and walked in.

The figure was wearing black clothes and a mask on his face, but there was no breath on his body, just like an ordinary person.

"I've seen adults!"

Just when Yan Zun wanted to know who the visitor was.

Duan Lang in front of him saluted the man in black,


At this moment, Yan Zun’s head felt like it was exploding.

The master, who was at the quasi-emperor level and whose combat power was comparable to that of a half-step emperor, actually saluted the man in black who came forward.

"The identity of this person?"

He was surprised, but dared not guess,

The person coming is none other than Su Chen,

He wanted to know the situation of the Beast God Sect, so he came to find Yan Zun and

"I've seen adults!"

Yan Zun quickly saluted Su Chen.

If his master calls him "sir", he also needs to call the other party "sir".

"Where is the Beast God Sect? What is the purpose of your visit this time?"

Su Chen looked at Yan Zun and said.

"The Beast God Sect is in a secret realm. If you want to enter the secret realm, you need to contact the secret realm guardian first."

"Now that I've joined the human world, I'm afraid I won't be able to enter the secret realm again,"

Yan Zun said quickly.

He took a blood oath to join the human world.

Everyone in Tang City has seen it, so the Beast God Sect must have known about his betrayal, and they may send out experts to kill him.

"Do you know the situation of the Beast God Cult in other places!"

Su Chen looked at the other party and said in a cold voice.

Hearing this, Yan Zun's face was startled, he didn't expect Su Chen to be like this, asking about the Beast God Sect.

"Sir, the headquarters of the Beast God Cult is in a secret realm. The person who controls the secret realm is the head coach of the Beast God Cult, Cang Qiong. The secret realm can change at any time. We need to contact us in advance if we want to enter the secret realm!"'
Yan Zun said in a deep voice.

At this moment, he has directly called the leader of the Beast God by his name.

Of course, I also really want to know who this man in black is, so that my master, a half-step emperor, can call me "Sir" (End of Chapter)

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