The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1217 Taishang Demon Palace is dispatched and a war breaks out

Chapter 1217 Taishang Demon Palace is dispatched and a war breaks out


Yuzhou or the entire human race has received news that several major forces are besieging Taishang Demon Palace.


Shenwu Palace.

Emperor Shenwu was standing in the palace.

"Taiqing Dao Palace, they really took action?" Emperor Shenwu asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, the six major forces have already descended upon the city with dark clouds!"

A middle-aged man stood next to Emperor Shenwu and said.

The middle-aged man is burly, with a thick frame, wide hands and a broad back. Against the backdrop of his black outfit, one can feel that every move he makes is filled with terrifying power.

This person has shiny black hair shawl, a square face and a full forehead, especially a pair of tiger eyes that are very intimidating, thick long eyebrows flying into the temples, two beards at the corners of the lips and a thick black beard on the chin, giving him a sense of calm and intimidation. , an unquestionable sense of domineering determination.

Judging from the aura and momentum on his body, the person who came here is of high status.

Shenwu Palace, the Tenth Palace, the first palace lord, Nangong Ba, the top emperor, is rumored to be about to break through to the giant level.

"Didn't expect it to be so fast?"

"Do you think it's wrong for me to condone the alliance between humans and aliens?"

Emperor Shenwu asked with a sigh.

"Palace Master, all races in the Yuan World are merging, and the fittest will survive. Only the victors can reach the end!"

"Only through the struggle between forces can stronger forces emerge!"

"If the Taishang Demon Palace is capable and they don't disappear in this matter, then they will be stronger and foreign races will be afraid of them!"

The burly man beside him said.

"I'm just afraid of losing a human giant this time!"

Emperor Shenwu frowned when he said this.

Hearing what Emperor Shenwu said, the eyes of the middle-aged man in black attire became silent.

Although he doesn't want anything to happen to the Taishang Demon Palace, but according to the feedback, if the Taishang Demon Palace does not have strong foreign aid this time, it may really disappear above the boundaries of Yuzhou.

"I will pay close attention to the situation in Taishang Demon Palace!"

The well-dressed man said.

another place

The Supreme Demonic Palace,

The main peak is inside the meeting hall.

Under the main seat, there are ten seats. On the left is the seat of the leader of the five major channels, and on the right is the seat of the great elder of the five major channels.

When Pang Ban appeared in the palace.

The Master of the Taishang Demon Palace on the main seat has not yet appeared, but the other nine chairs are full of people.

"Pang Shouzuo, your strength has reached the ninth level of the Supreme!".

Feeling the aura on Pang Ban's body.

The faces of the nine people present were slightly surprised, and one of them, an old man in black robes, spoke.

The old man in black robes sits on the third seat. He is Jian Wanzhong, the great elder of Pang Ban's lineage.

"If someone hadn't entered the Taimo Abyss and disturbed Pang Shou's practice, Pang Shou's strength should have been able to reach the quasi-emperor level."

Jian Wanzhong's words have not yet finished.

A figure appeared on the main seat.

The master of the Taishang Demon Palace, Wen Tianxing, entered the quasi-emperor level 300 years ago. There are rumors that the master of the Taishang Demon Palace has already reached the level of the great emperor!
"I have seen the palace master!"

Everyone in the hall saluted the visitor.

"Palace Master, they entered the Demonic Abyss and took action against Pang Shouzuo?"

"The space power of Taimo Abyss is in chaos. Shouldn't they be able to find Taimo Abyss?"

A middle-aged man said,

When he spoke, his brows also wrinkled slightly.

A middle-aged man with a burly build, wearing powerful clothes, and with streaks of thunder marks on his body, he is the leader of the Thunder Demon lineage, Magic Thunder Sky.

"The Virtual Divine Mirror, Taiqing Taoist Palace used the Virtual Divine Mirror to find a node leading to the Taimo Abyss, so that's why we entered the Taimo Abyss!"

Wentian Xing said in a deep voice.

"The Taiqing Taoist Palace actually used imperial soldiers. It seems that they wanted to capture Pang Shouzuo and then attack our Taishang Demon Palace." "I just didn't expect that Pangshouzuo's strength has been upgraded to the ninth level, so the plan failed!"

"Palace Master, now that their troops are coming, let's go out and fight them to let them know the price of attacking my Taishang Demon Palace!"

An old man wearing a purple robe said.

The old man's eyes were gloomy, and his exposed palms were purple, which showed that the old man was a master of poison.

Taishang Demon Palace kills a lineage, the Great Elder, the Ten Thousand Poison Demon Lord,

"What does Ancestor think?"

At this time, an old man spoke.

The old man's body was skinny and thin, his long brown hair was as messy as weeds, and he was skinny, with only a layer of yellow skin covering his body.

The leader of the immortal lineage in Taishang Demon Palace, the immortal old man.

"We kill first, and Ancestor takes the last shot!"

Wentianxing said in a deep voice,

The ancestor of Taishang Demon Palace, the existence of a giant among emperors, is also the foundation of Taishang Demon Palace.

"It is rumored that the Beast God Cult is also involved, but no one showed up!"

Pang Ban had already sat down and said.

"Young clown, as long as people from the Beast God Sect dare to show up, I will beat them up!"

The leader of the Thunder Demon lineage who spoke earlier, Demonic Thunder Heavenly Dao.

"This battle is very dangerous. According to my observation, they have dispatched six top emperors, three at the emperor level, six quasi-emperors, and more than ten people at the ninth level of the Supreme."

"In my Taishang Demon Palace, apart from the ancestor, there is only one top emperor and one ordinary emperor. The only quasi-emperor level experts who can fight are nine people in the palace! Such strength is far behind them. !”

A middle-aged man wearing a brocade robe said in a deep voice.

The leader of the Original Demon Lord lineage, the Original Demon Son!
"I have entered the realm of the great emperor. With the help of the Magic Pot of Ten Thousand Thoughts, I can fight against the top emperors!"

Sit in the first seat and ask the Heaven for punishment.

"Although I am at the ninth level of the Supreme, I can reach the quasi-emperor level!"

Pang Ban also spoke at this time.

The aura rolling around his body and the demonic energy rising into the sky.

"Kill a powerful person at the quasi-emperor level, and I will be able to step into the quasi-emperor level!"

Pang Ban said very confidently.

"Good spirit!"

"I, the Supreme Demon Palace, must have such courage as you, fight!"

At this moment, a loud voice came from the hall,


Those who heard the sound spoke at the same time.

"Since the establishment of the Taishang Demon Palace, no one has ever attacked the city."

"Now the enemy's soldiers are suppressing my Taishang Demon Palace. This is the shame of my Taishang Demon Palace. Only blood and killing can wash away the shame of this brand in Taishang Demon Palace!"

"Kill! He is so stupid, kill him and turn everything upside down!"

The deep voice of the ancestor of Taishang Demon Palace echoed in the palace
Everyone in the palace looked excited,

The master of Taishang Demon Palace asked Tianxing to stand up and

In the palm of his hand, the order of the Lord of the Supreme Demonic Palace emerged,


The token passed through the palace and appeared in the sky above the Taishang Demon Palace.

"All disciples of Taishang Demon Palace obey orders!"



The loud sound of the word "kill" spreads through the void

One after another figures appeared on the mountain range, each disciple was filled with demonic aura and looked towards the densely packed figures in the void, with endless killing intent in their eyes.

The formation of Taishang Demon Palace opened instantly.

Wentian Xing and others rushed out instantly and appeared in front of the six giant boats. The disciples from Taishang Demon Palace behind them also rushed out and occupied one side of the world. Their demonic energy soared into the sky, and their momentum was not weaker than the momentum generated by the six boats. .

(End of this chapter)

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