The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1218: Big draw card explosion, Pang Ban takes action

Chapter 1218: Big draw card explosion, Pang Ban takes action
Lineage of Xun Demon

In the Taoist treasure house.

Su Chen looked at the nearly twenty Taoist soldiers in front of him, and his face showed joy.

Compared with the Dao soldiers in the Great Zhou Dynasty who could only be touched after being selected, this was different.

He can touch one of these twenty Tao soldiers.

[Heavenly Thunder Magic Bead, low-grade Taoist soldier, rewards 1 purple lottery card. 】

[Nine Cloud Umbrella, low-grade Taoist soldier, rewards 1 purple lottery card. 】

Su Chen checked all the twenty Tao soldiers one by one and got 20 purple lottery cards,

The number of draws is terrifying.

He'd never gotten so many purple drawcards.

"If it's the treasure house of the Supreme Demonic Palace, how many Taoist soldiers are there?"

This is just a treasure trove of Dao soldiers.

Pang Ban is the leader of this lineage. He can let Su Chen enter this armory. For other lines and the main hall, Su Chen does not have such qualifications.


Just when Su Chen got 20 purple lottery cards.

He got a message from Pang Ban.

The war begins,

Moreover, Pang Ban sent information that there are many powerful people coming from the six major forces, and this battle will be very difficult.

"The battle is on!"

Su Chen frowned slightly.

After taking a look at the Taoist soldier in front of him, Su Chen raised his hand and grabbed a Taoist soldier who looked like a purple dragon claw.

"Middle-grade Taoist soldier, Demonic Dragon Soul Claw!"

The remnant soul of the demon dragon is sealed on this weapon, which can devour the opponent's power during battle.

Of course, because there is a remnant soul of the demon dragon, it will also affect the owner's soul.

And this Taoist weapon cannot produce a Taoist spirit, because as long as a Taoist spirit appears, the remnant soul of the demon dragon will be swallowed up immediately.

Therefore, although this Demonic Dragon Soul Claw affects the mind, its power is extraordinary!

Su Chen grabbed the demon dragon soul claw and walked out of the Taoist Tower,

"Old Mo, I choose this Taoist weapon!"

Su Chen took out the Demonic Dragon Soul Claw and said.

"Devil Dragon Soul Claw, he will affect the mind, you must choose him!"

Old Mo said in a deep voice.

Su Chen is the direct disciple of Pang Ban, and he has a strong aura and extraordinary foundation. He is a good seedling, so Mr. Mo reminded,

"In this current situation, what is pursued is lethality!"

Su Chen looked at the sky and said.

Just as his voice fell.

The disciples on both sides began to fight, and layers of blood appeared on the formation.

Suddenly a red light hit the Taishang Demon Palace formation,

After this red light, a terrifying purple light continued to fall,


The palace where Su Chen and the others were was shaking.

"They are going to bombard the formation!"

Old Mo's eyes narrowed.

"It seems like this formation won't last long!" Su Chen said in a deep voice,

"Then fight!"

There was a fighting spirit in Mr. Mo's eyes,

Look at the fighting spirit in Mr. Mo.

Su Chen's eyes narrowed. The aura of the Taishang Demon Palace disciples was really different from other places.

There is a mentality of not fearing life and death and only having one fight.

Above the sky!

An area is a place independent of battle,

A dozen figures stood in one place, confronting Wentian Xing and the others.

Among the dozens of figures, there were no six top emperors. They were still sitting on the giant boat.

If the ancestor from Taishang Demon Palace didn't show up, they wouldn't take action.

They mainly deal with the giant-level ancestors of Taishang Demon Palace,

"Wen Tianxing, the great formation of your Taishang Demon Palace can't support it for long. I'm afraid it will break after a while. By then, your Taishang Demon Palace will disappear from now on!"

The person who spoke out was Mo Zixiao, the master of Taixu Ling Mansion and a powerful person with the level of emperor.

The sword on his body is fierce, pointing from a distance to ask for punishment from heaven,

"Mo Zixiao, so what if the formation is broken, I will kill you first today!" Wentian Xing looked cold, and at the moment he spoke, he took the lead and attacked Mo Zixiao, the master of Taixu Mausoleum.

Pushing it out gently with the palm of his hand, the vast power shattered the void, just like the calm sea surface surged with turbulent waves, and the earth-shattering power flooded away with overwhelming force.

In this regard.

Mo Zixiao's expression remained unchanged, and he immediately unsheathed the long sword behind his back.

cut out with a sword,

Sword out!

The powerful sword energy collided with the bombarding palm, making a roaring sound.

Immediately afterwards, Wentian Xing shot out and appeared in front of Mo Zixiao, his palms continued to fall,

Endless palm power forms a huge hand.

at the same time.

Mo Zixiao's sword energy exploded,

The sword came out, and the purple sword light condensed, turning into a sword hundreds of feet long, and slashed down,

The two of them had just fought, and the confrontation between the two sides broke out instantly.

The Pangban figure stepped out,

"I am Pang Ban, which one of you will fight!"

Pang Ban's strength is at the ninth level of the Supreme, and he is the first to speak out. It is impossible for the six major forces to have a strong emperor level,

"Pang Ban, if you kill my sister, I, Snake, will come from the sky to kill you!"

A man wearing a white robe and with sinister eyes came out, a member of the Nine Python and Heavenly Snake clan.

As soon as this person comes out!
Come out with one palm!

Purple power burst out in his palm.


The purple energy palm turned into a purple python entrenched in the void. When the bloody mouth opened, black power burst out, shattering the void like a black rainbow, and engulfed Pang Ban.

See here.

Pang Ban's expression remained unchanged.

A burst of divine soul power surged out, and the divine soul power turned into a black long knife. Boom, the long knife slashed out.

The long knife slashed through the void like a ghost, and the obscure and dead power eroded the void. The huge bloody mouth that was swallowed was instantly split in half under this blow.


"The soul is solidified, and the power of your soul is extraordinary!"

Snake Suitian's expression changed when he saw this.

He didn't expect that the Supreme Ninth Level Pang Ban would have such power.

But now that he was fighting, he didn't think twice and rushed out.

"Heavenly Snake, Nine Pythons!"

He shouted lowly and punched out.

The storm surged between the world and the earth, and nine giant pythons emerged and attacked Pang Ban. The nine giant pythons appeared, and a terrifying storm of energy appeared in the void.

There is also a force that suppresses.

"Ninth Level of Demonic Shadow!"

Pang Ban let out a low drink.

He formed a seal on his palm, and suddenly, eight figures appeared on his body, including nine figures including himself.

Nine figures rushed out at the same time.

He slapped his palm towards the nine giant pythons that were attacking.

The nine giant pythons instantly shattered under Pang Ban's palm,

"Nine pythons and heavenly snakes are quasi-emperor level experts. With their little strength, I am really disappointed!"

Pang Ban said coldly as he smashed nine giant pythons with one palm again.

"you wanna die!"

The snake Suitian was stimulated by Pang Ban, and the aura on his body began to change, his robes shattered, and a purple python silhouette emerged behind him,

"Purple python, Tianju, swallow it up!"

Snake Suitian shouted, stretched out his right hand and grabbed Pang Ban directly.


As soon as the voice fell, a huge vortex was set off in the void, and a powerful soul suction force was emitted from the vortex.

This move directly absorbs the soul.

Pang Ban felt that his entire soul was being shaken by an invisible force, as if it was about to leave his body at any time.


The soul is the carrier of life. Once the soul is out of the body, it is a waterless source and can be slaughtered by others.

"Good trick!"

Pang Ban thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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