The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1219: Extracting the soul, absorbing the true essence, Pang Ban steps into the quasi-emperor

Chapter 1219: Extracting the soul, absorbing the true essence, Pang Ban steps into the quasi-emperor
Pang Ban's Dao Heart Demon Dafa is operating, stabilizing his mind and resisting this suction force.

"I wasn't very arrogant just now. Why are you struggling to resist now? The Ninth Level Supreme, whose strength has not reached the Quasi-Emperor, still dares to be arrogant with me!"

A ferocious look appeared on Snake Suitian's jade-like face.

The strength within his body increased, and he wanted to capture Pang Ban's soul.

So what if the soul is condensed and swallowed by Pang Ban's soul, his strength may be able to take a further step. When the time comes, he will be able to step into the half-step of the Great Emperor and break through to the level of the Great Emperor.

Although he stepped into the quasi-emperor, he has never been able to understand the deeper level.

It's because he doesn't have enough soul, but Pang Ban's soul is extraordinary. If he devours it, he will have hope.

Pang Ban felt his soul being pulled.

But he didn't use the Demon Spell Bead.

Because he also wants to use this battle to reach the quasi-emperor level,

Because only by reaching the quasi-emperor level can you participate in the next war,

At this moment.

A demonic shadow flew out from Pang Ban's body and headed towards Snake Suitian's palm,

Snake Suitian's face was happy.

But at the moment when his face showed joy, the demonic figure that rushed into his palm suddenly exploded.

The force of the explosion directly shattered all the previous suction force,

Black light flashed.

Pang Ban's figure appeared in front of the other party.

Soul impact!


A figure instantly rushed into the opponent's soul.

Suddenly Snake Suitian's head sank.

At this time, Pang Ban's palm instantly reached out and grabbed the opponent's body. The terrifying suction force burst out in his palm, and the opponent's power instantly poured into his body.

Under the attack of this dual force.

The snake Suitian, blood suddenly flowed from the corner of its mouth.

At the critical moment of his life, Snake Suitian completely escaped, roared suddenly, trembled, and suddenly transformed into a giant purple python nearly a hundred feet long.

This giant python has a fierce gaze, and the purple scales on its body are emitting a deep cold light.

Pang Ban's big hand that absorbed the opponent's power was also shaken away.

Pang Ban's eyes condensed, he raised his palm, condensed endless energy, and turned into a black spear in the blink of an eye.

The spear shot out,


The spear hit the scales on the opponent's body, as if it were as hard as iron, and could not penetrate the opponent's body at all.

At this moment, the scales on the snake's body suddenly shot out, turning into a sharp sword and sweeping towards Pang Ban.

And a huge tail swept towards him instantly.

The sharp sword suppressed the changes in Pang Ban's figure.

Tail attack, if Pang Ban's body is hit by the giant tail attack, I'm afraid it will be split in two.

"The phantom of the soul!"

Pang Ban gave a low drink,

His figure seemed to become hazy in an instant, and he was no longer in the void.

The sharp sword and giant tail swept past, as if sweeping into nothingness.

There was a look of surprise in the giant snake's eyes.

He didn't even notice how Pang Ban avoided his blow.

And when he was surprised.

Pang Ban's figure appeared above the giant python's head.

"Shenhun, seal!"

He yelled with his palm, and then shot out,

A rune surged out from his palm and went directly into the snake's head, trying to seal the opponent directly.

"Don't think about it!"

Snake Suitian roared, and the light on his body struggled, trying to resist this invading force.

"Whether you want to or not, it's not up to you!"

Pang Ban said coldly.

This was his chance, how could he let the other party break free? With a thought, the majestic power of the soul turned into a furious wave, hitting She Suitian's mind heavily.

Snake Suitian's soul had been injured by Pang Ban's attack earlier. Now he was hit by the soul again. He felt that someone had hit him hard with a heavy hammer in his mind. The pain made his body twitch and tremble.

This time, I can no longer resist.

He could only let the black runes pour into his mind.Immediately, Snake Suitian looked dull and motionless.

Pang Ban's eyes condensed, and the true energy from his body exploded and enveloped the opponent, absorbing all the opponent's power into his body.

during this absorption process.

He raised his hand to grab it again!
Capture all the opponent's soul and integrate it into your own body.

The soul and true energy were all absorbed

Pang Ban's aura suddenly surged.

Instant breakthrough, stepping into the quasi-emperor level,

He was almost there before.

Now that he has made up for this, he has successfully stepped into the quasi-emperor level,


The movement here attracted attention from other war areas.

"Pang Ban has stepped into the quasi-emperor level!"

Seeing Pang Ban's giant pythons turn into ashes and their auras surge, some people's expressions changed.


At this moment.

The strong man from the Nine Pythons and Heavenly Snakes family who was sitting on the giant boat had a hard expression on his face.

Snake Suitian was one of his juniors, and now he was killed by the supreme ninth-level warrior of Taishang Demon Palace in front of him. His soul and body were devoured, and he was allowed to step into the quasi-emperor level. This was a slap in his face.

And at this moment,

The disciples fighting outside in Taishang Demon Palace made loud sounds. Their momentum became stronger and their fighting became more fierce.

Blood spilled.

"Guys, please send people to kill Pang Ban!"

The voice of the powerful Nine Pythons and Heavenly Snakes came out,

On his side, there is no quasi-emperor level powerhouse, only the supreme powerhouse, so he needs people with other abilities to kill Pang Ban.

"Haha, Nine Python Emperor, you Nine Python Heavenly Snakes have no one left, we need others to take action!"


Thunder marks surged between the heaven and the earth, and a line of magic thunder stepped out from the sky.

Raise your palm with a fist,

A fist appears in one place.

Some of the warriors from the Nine Python and Heavenly Snake clan there were instantly shrouded in countless thunder and lightning and turned into ashes in an instant.


Seeing Mo Lei Tian take action against the warriors of his own clan, the Nine Python Emperor's eyes narrowed and he put his hands on the armrests of the seat. The armrests shattered and he was about to stand up.

But it didn't.

Once standing.

He was probably about to receive a thunderous blow from the one from the Supreme Demon Palace.

He was a little afraid,

"Leihen, I'm here to kill you!"

At this time, a man from the Demon Blood Tribe wearing a blood-colored robe walked out. He was extremely tall, the Demon Blood Tribe, and the most barbaric quasi-emperor.

"Jiman, I didn't expect you to dare to come to my Taishang Demon Palace. You were the one I was chasing and you only had half your life left!"

Mo Leitian looked at the extremely barbaric quasi-emperor and said coldly.

"Mo Lei Tian, ​​if you hadn't attacked me sneakily back then, you would have severely injured me. I will kill you this time!"

A dark golden stick appeared in the hands of the extremely barbaric quasi-emperor.

The figure rushed out, with the dark golden stick in his hand, and directly bombarded Mo Lei Tian.

As soon as the stick came out, the sky collapsed, and it fell with the force of Mount Tai.

"Thor body!"

Mo Leitian shouted, black lightning flashed on his body, and terrifying black lightning condensed on his fist.

"Magic Thunder, Heavenly Fist!"

His fist collided with the fallen stick.

The terrifying power formed a mushroom cloud and erupted at the place where the two people collided, sweeping in all directions.

Because this battlefield is close to the giant boats of the six major forces.

Therefore, some warriors around the giant boat were severely injured and fell from the sky with screams.

"Taiqing Dao Palace, the False God Mirror comes out and breaks! The grand formation of Taishang Demon Palace!"

The Nine Python Snake Emperor spoke to the people of Taiqing Dao Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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