The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1226: The abandoned Taishang Demon Palace, things suddenly changed

Chapter 1226: The abandoned Taishang Demon Palace, things suddenly changed

The Supreme Demonic Palace.

A fierce battle broke out in the void.

Taishang Demon Palace lost three quasi-emperor level experts in a row.

The great elders of the original lineage fell at the same time, and the great elders of the Thunder Demon lineage also fell.

Of course these three died.

At the same time, they self-destructed and killed a half-step great emperor and a great emperor.

The reason why they only killed two people was that after the immortal old man blew himself up, those who fought against the Taishang Demon Palace began to pay attention, lest the other party find an opportunity to blow himself up and die miserably.

So the battle is very fierce.

Of course, the most intense one is the new powerful Wan Tian Hammer from the Supreme Demon Palace.

He fought against Zhan Wudi, a member of the troll clan.

However, an Emperor Realm expert from the Golden Lion Clan appeared and joined forces with Zhan Wudi to attack Wan Tian Hammer.

At this time, the helper invited by Wan Tianchui also appeared. A man wearing a mask on his face and a black robe. I don't know who it is.

The two sides clashed fiercely.

On Su Chen's side, Mu Zifei and the troll clan Zhan Tianqiu kept fighting each other. The Taoist soldiers on both sides were not bad, and their strength was between the two.

For a while, Mu Zifei was unable to kill the opponent.

Huanwan's figure appeared next to Su Chen,

"Lord, do you need me to take action?"

Huanwan said softly, holding Su Chen's arm with her white hands, and said softly,

"No, she should be able to kill the other party!"

Su Chen said.


His face changed,


He couldn't believe it,

Huan Huan screamed in silence. When Huan Huan saw Su Chen like this next to him, her face was slightly startled. She didn't know why Su Chen's face changed so much, and she hurriedly asked: "What happened?"

"The strongest ancestor of the Taishang Demon Palace, the giant among emperors, Di Tianyi, blew himself up in the Taiqing Dao Palace with the Magic Pot of Ten Thousand Thoughts and destroyed the Taiqing Dao Palace. Then he appeared in the Taixu Mausoleum and self-destructed his soul, destroying the Taixu Mausoleum. Mansion!"

Su Chen said.

There was some trembling in his tone.

In this battle ahead, the Taishang Demon Palace Patriarch did not appear, but he appeared behind the opponent,

He also successively destroyed the gates of the two major forces, Taiqing Dao Palace and Taixuling Palace.

Su Chen couldn't even imagine this.

"No wonder the Palace Master took action and hasn't used the Magic Pot of Ten Thousand Thoughts until now. It turns out that the Magic Pot of Ten Thousand Thoughts was taken away and even self-destructed!"

"This is a bit wasteful, give me a purple lottery card!"

Su Chen thought to himself.

"But after this thief, I'm afraid it's time for the war to end!"

"The Supreme Demonic Palace, the Supreme Demonic Palace, Di Tianyi, how dare you!"

When Su Chen was thinking.

Two huge roars rushed out from the void above the six giant boats.

It is the ancestor of Taixuling Mansion, the ancestor of Taiqing Dao Palace,

The powerful sound, coupled with the terrifying aura erupting from their bodies, shook the sky.

For a moment, everyone who was fighting in the void stood together after holding hands.


Mo Zixiao, the master of Taixu Ling Mansion who was fighting with Wentian Xing, his expression changed and he came in front of the ancestor of Taixu Ling Mansion.

"Di Tianyi destroyed our Taixu Mausoleum!"

The ancestor of Taixu Mausoleum roared.

He raised his hand and headed towards Wentian Xing.


The master of the Taishang Demon Palace flew backwards under this palm. His whole body was covered in blood, and his black hair was dyed red by the blood and stuck into locks.

"Ha ha!"

"It seems that you have discovered it, and the ancestor succeeded!"

Although Wentian Xing was severely injured by a palm, his face showed a look of ecstasy.

"I've been delaying this for so long just to destroy your two sects!"

"Ha ha!"

"The Taoist Palace of Taiqing and the gate of Taixuling Mansion were destroyed by my Supreme Demonic Palace!"

The voice of asking for punishment from Heaven echoed and spread throughout the sky,

"court death!"

Seeing the rampant Wentian Xing, the ancestor of Taixu Ling Mansion had violent eyes and raised his palms.

A terrifying force filled his body.

cough! cough!
At this moment, a coughing sound sounded in the void.

Although it was a cough, the sound of the cough was like thunder, penetrating through the sky and earth, shaking the sky, and everyone's eardrums were buzzing.

"Di Tianyi!"

Hearing this voice, the expressions of the four remaining people on the four boats also changed, and they quickly joined the ancestors of Taixu Lingfu and the others.In an instant, the head coach of the Beast God Cult, Cang Qiong, and seven emperor-level experts gathered together,

His eyes looked into the void.

A figure walked out of it,

The figure that stepped out was Di Tianyi. At this moment, there were some blood stains on his chest. He looked a little embarrassed and his face was a little pale, but his eyes were extremely bright.

"This is Di Tianyi, he looks injured!"

"He just destroyed someone's mountain gate and showed up with an injured body. What is he going to do?"

Su Chen had a bad feeling in his heart!

It felt like things were different from what he imagined.

Su Chen immediately informed Pang Ban in the void of the situation outside.

Because of Di Tianyi's appearance, the battlefield has been temporarily quiet.

Of course this is only in the void.

The fighting in the underground palace continues.

Pang Ban got the news.

His expression became pensive.

Then he seemed to think of something and couldn't help but frown.

"My lord, I'm afraid the Supreme Demonic Palace has been abandoned!"

Pang Ban replied.

"give up!"

Su Chen was shocked when he received this reply.

"In the Taishang Demon Palace, there is a giant-level emperor. He is considered a very powerful force within the human race. However, he is now surrounded by the two major human forces of Yuzhou, together with ferocious beasts and demons."

"Even in the era of great fusion, it is very rare!"

"The emergence of this situation is enough to show that there is also the ancestor of Taishang Demon Palace, Emperor Tianyi. As a giant-level emperor, he should have some friends!"

"But no one came, or Di Tianyi didn't invite his friends."

"Di Tianyi did not defend Taishang Demon Palace, but went out alone and destroyed the mountain gates of Taiqing Taoist Palace and Taixu Mausoleum. This is a hatred that cannot be settled even by death."

"Moreover, he blew himself up from the Magic Pot of Ten Thousand Thoughts in the Supreme Demonic Palace and dragged his injured body back to the Supreme Demonic Palace. This already shows that he is determined to die!"

"The giant among the emperors has such a strong mind, but now he has the heart to die. That can only mean that he has been given up!"

"I'm afraid there is a strong person in the secret!"

Pang Ban replied.

There was a bit of solemnity in the tone,

He originally thought of using the eternal reincarnation method to exert the power of a top emperor.

But at this moment he gave up.

A situation that even the giants of the empire cannot change.

Even if he uses the power of a top emperor, he will definitely not be able to change it, and he may face a stronger crisis by then.

Su Chen frowned immediately after receiving Pang Ban's information.

Things were completely beyond his imagination.

Previously, he had thought that Taishang Demon Palace, coupled with some of his methods, would have the power to fight.

But what he got now was different from what he thought.

His eyes couldn't help but look at Mu Zifei, who was fighting Zhan Wanqiu,

"Kill that Zhan Wanqiu and make a quick decision. We still have things to do next."

Su Chen said to Huan Huan beside him.


Huanwan disappeared and headed towards the place where Mu Zifei and the others met.

"Mu Zifei, you can't kill me. You and I are about the same strength, and the Taoist soldiers are about the same. You can't kill me at all!"

Zhan Wanchou looked at Mu Zifei and said coldly.

Mu Zifei couldn't help but tighten her grip on the silver phoenix gun in her hand, and her energy and energy instantly condensed.

If she wants to unleash her strongest blow, she must kill the person in front of her, even if she is injured.

"She has the strength to kill you, she just needs time, but I don't need time to kill you!"

A cold voice sounded in Zhan Wanchou's ears.


Zhan Wanchou roared, trying to find out who was speaking, and then saw Huanwan next to Su Chen.

The voice just now was that of a woman, not Mu Zifei, it could only be Huanwan holding his arm next to Su Chen.

"Heavenly magic field, endless reincarnation!"

At the time when his eyes looked past.

A strange light appeared in Huanwan's eyes. Seeing this, the man's eyes changed a little, and his thinking seemed to have stopped.

Just then.

Mu Zifei suddenly took action, and the Phoenix Gore in his hand was launched at this moment. The sharp edge was inserted into the opponent's throat, and terrifying power poured into the opponent's body.

Don't give the other person any chance to react.

The cooperation with Huanwan was perfect.

mind control,

Killing blow!
(End of this chapter)

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