The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1227: Pang Ban breaks out, and Intermittent Wave appears in the world

Chapter 1227: Pang Ban breaks out, and Intermittent Wave appears in the world
"who are you?"

After killing Zhan Wanchou, Mu Zifei looked at Hanhan with sharp eyes.

Although Hanhan helped her control Zhan Wanqiu's mind, she was not a disciple of their Taishang Demon Palace.

"Huanhan is my follower!"

Su Chen said at this time.


Hearing Su Chen's words, Mu Zifei's eyes narrowed, but she didn't say anything more. She moved and turned around to leave.

Su Chen has Wenwan here, which is safer than she thought.

She doesn't need to be here either.

"Lord, now that the situation has changed, it would be better for us to escape from the Supreme Demonic Palace first?"

Wan Wan opened his mouth and said.

Su Chen's eyes narrowed. The Taishang Demon Palace was the sect he wanted to conquer before, making the Taishang Demon Palace a force under Pang Ban.

But now this situation has completely changed.

Look at this situation!

It may be difficult to survive in the Taishang Demon Palace!
Indeed, as Huanwan said, we should escape from this place now,

It's just that Su Chen is a little unwilling. The fighting will of this Taishang Demon Palace is extremely strong. If Pang Ban takes charge in the future, he will definitely become a powerful assistant.

I really don’t want to give up.

"But how to help?"

Su Chen hesitated.

Duanlang hasn't made a move yet, of course he will. The strongest one is the Half-Step Emperor, so it can't change the status quo!

Su Chen felt a little anxious now.

Thinking that I still have 10 purple lottery cards left.

Su Chen was ready to make a desperate move and take another shot to see.

Right now!
in the void.

"Di Tianyi, you are so cruel, you actually destroyed our mountain gate!"

The master of Taixu Mausoleum looked at Di Tianyi with fire in his eyes, as if he wanted to tear him into pieces.

"If you besiege my Taishang Demon Palace, of course I will destroy your mountain gate. This is called reciprocity."

Di Tian opened his mouth and said.


While speaking, Di Tianyi coughed again.

When coughing, a trace of blood flows out of the mouth.

"Di Tianyi, there is something wrong with your practice of the Taimo Emperor Sutra. Your own energy and spirit are gradually being swallowed up. Why do you need to destroy the era of great fusion?"

The ancestor of Taixu Ling Mansion calmly said in a cold voice.

"Hmph! In the era of great fusion, if we are like you, the human race will be even more difficult!"

"If it weren't for my cultivation problems, do you think you can attack my Taishang Demon Palace!"

"I will kill you before you get here!"

Di Yitian said coldly.

There was great confidence in his voice.

"It's a pity, Di Tianyi, you were injured yourself, and now you went to destroy Taixu Mausoleum Mansion and Taiqing Dao Palace Mountain Gate!"

"Strength dropped!"

"Today you must die!"

At this time, the leader of the troll clan said coldly.

"Kill, work together to kill him!"

"Kill him, and the Supreme Demonic Palace will disappear in Yuzhou!"

The member of the Demon Blood clan spoke.

The two top powerful emperors of the demon clan spoke out, their aura rising.

The two powerful men of the Nine Python Heavenly Snake Clan and the Golden Lion Clan also had their auras erupting.

The ancestors of Taixu Lingfu and the ancestors of Taiqing Dao Palace, the two powerful men also had their auras erupting.

The aura on his body refers to Emperor Tianyi, the ancestor of Taishang Demon Palace.

As for Cang Qiong, the head coach of the Beast God Cult, he is targeted by Demon Lord Qingtian.

"They won't care about you, I will kill you today!"

Demon Lord Qingtian looked at the leader of the Beast God with sharp eyes.

Right now!
The aura on Pang Ban suddenly began to explode, and his figure stepped out.

Palm prints.

"Eternal reincarnation, the emperor's corpse in future generations!"

Under his palm, a terrifying figure emerged from behind him.

When this body appeared, it instantly integrated into Pang Ban's body. The aura on Pang Ban's body began to change, and he suddenly jumped from the quasi-emperor level to the top emperor level.This breath changes.

The atmosphere became tense instantly.

The six figures whose auras had previously been locked on Di Tianyi looked at Pang Ban at the same time.

"This is your skill!"

When they saw the figure behind Pang Ban, they knew it was an emperor's corpse.

"The emperor's body in the future!"

"I borrowed it to come and fight!"

Pang Ban's body was filled with demonic aura, and he was looking towards the giants of the troll clan and the demon blood clan.

He did not think about fighting against the ancestors of Taixuling Mansion and Taiqing Dao Palace.

These two people were handed over to Di Tianyi.

Although Di Tianyi was injured, he believed he could still kill these two people.

"Ha ha!"

"it is good!"

As soon as Di Tian saw the change in Pang Ban's aura, he immediately laughed and applauded.

The other side!
Qingtian Demon Lord's eyes also became brighter, and his aura surged. When he looked at the leader of the Beast God, he also looked at the strong man of the Golden Lion clan.

Pang Ban can fight one against two.

He Qingtian Demon Lord can also do this,

Previously, he only targeted the leader of the Beast God Cult because he killed Cang Qiong, the leader of the Beast God Cult.

He has other things to do.

Standing not far away from Pang Ban, Yan Tianyao, one of the deputy masters of Taixu Ling Mansion who had previously fought against Pang Ban, looked horrified.

She had just fought with Pang Ban a few times.

If Pang Ban performs such a skill,

She might be slapped to death.

At this moment of shock.

A figure appeared behind him,

The figure has shaggy hair, fierce eyes, a scar under his right eye, and a black cloak.

After appearing!

The body changed and turned into a blue dragon in the blink of an eye, and the dragon's claws directly grabbed Yan Tianyao there.

"That is!"

When some people saw this figure, their expressions suddenly changed.

"People of this world!"

Although Duan Lang was wearing a black cloak when he destroyed the Tang family last time, many people saw him transforming into a green dragon.

Yan Tianyao seemed to sense danger and raised his hand to slap behind him.

But at this time, the huge dragon tail suddenly swept out and hit her body directly,

Suddenly Yan Tianyao fell from the sky like a broken kite.


Blood came out of Yan Tianyao's mouth.

The body heads towards the ground.

But at this time, Duan Lang, who transformed into a green dragon, changed his body and transformed into a human body again. His body turned and appeared below Nayan Tianyao's fallen figure.

Hold out your palm.

The palms show dragon claws!

Directly penetrated Yan Tianyao's body.

"I, the world is broken, and I am here to help the Supreme Demonic Palace today!"

The hand of the Broken Wave Dragon Claw was inserted into Yan Tianyao's body, and the sound spread through the void,

Su Chen, who was preparing to draw the lottery, was still a little dazed at the moment.

Although he did not draw his trump card, Pang Ban directly used the secret method of eternal reincarnation to use his later emperor's body, bursting out the strength of a top emperor.

Duanlang also takes action!
Pang Ban was ready to give up.

However, the development of the battle made it impossible for Pang Ban, the first-generation Demon Lord, to become a retreater.

He wants a fight!
As for breaking the waves!

He wants to be born as a human being, which will also lead to the emergence of Chuanying, who can explode the power of a top emperor.

In this case
In line with the current situation.

The Supreme Demonic Palace will not necessarily lose.

Sometimes you have to fight, you can't back down,

(End of this chapter)

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