The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1308 [Heavenly Sin] Organization, forces in modern times

"Go, let's go!"

After the body was split into two, Empress Dajing said hurriedly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the beautiful woman beside him turned into a stream of light and rushed out of the space.

Dugu Qiubai, An Shigeng and Jian Yin saw this and quickly followed.

Not long after they left.

A crack appeared in this space.

A faint red light wanted to come out of the crack, but when it was about to appear, the space here suddenly collapsed, covering the faint red light.

The Imperial Palace of the Dajing Dynasty.


Three figures were in the main hall of the palace, seemingly waiting for something. The leader was Li Chenzhou.

An Shigeng just informed them of what happened.

The three of them went directly to the Dajing Imperial Palace and waited for An Shigeng and the others.

Li Chenzhou sighed a little at this moment. The battle just now was very fierce, so he sighed a little because he did not participate.

Of course, she was also a little amazed at the strength of Empress Dajing.

Empress Dajing was actually able to unleash the strength of a top emperor.

Of course, I am also thinking in my heart, who is it that takes action against Empress Dajing?

Empress Dajing is suspected to be the Blood Moon Empress, the last city lord of the Nether Blood City in modern times.

Still an incomplete Blood Moon Queen.

Five rays of light leaped into the palace from outside.

Empress Dajing was the first to land in the main hall.

When she saw Li Chenzhou, Jiang Yuyan and others standing in the palace, her expression changed slightly, but she didn't say anything?
this battle.

She failed, and the person who worried her appeared.

"Too restrictive!"

She sighed inwardly.

If half of her body wasn't in the opponent's hands, the opponent wouldn't be able to sense her situation when she uses the power of the Imperial Realm.

And she won't be defeated in such an embarrassing manner.

"I've seen the three dragon heads!"

An Shigeng and Jian Yin bowed slightly after seeing Li Chenzhou, while Dugu Qiufei also bowed slightly to Li Chenzhou,

Although he is stronger than Li Chenzhou, the dragon's head is the dragon's head.

Empress Dajing sighed. When she saw Dugu Qiubai saluting Li Chenzhou, her heart moved slightly.

Although Dugu Qiufei's strength is only at the level of the Great Emperor, his explosive combat power is a little stronger than that of the top Great Emperor.

Killing with the sword.

Very lethal.

With such strength, he also saluted Li Chenzhou. Li Chenzhou's status as the head of the three dragons was extraordinary.

"I've seen three dragon heads."

The empress also bowed slightly to Li Chenzhou.

People were already under the eaves, and she had to lower her head now.

"Your Excellency, what is it about the Great Jing Dynasty that makes you unable to give up?"

Li Chenzhou looked at Empress Dajing and said.

I got the news from An Shigeng that Empress Dajing was willing to take over the tomb of Emperor Wushang and occupy the Dajing Dynasty.

"Now that things have happened, I have said it directly. I am unwilling to give up the Dajing Dynasty. The main reason is that I am unwilling to give up the Dajing Dynasty Palace."

"Under the Imperial Palace of the Dajing Dynasty, there is an underground palace. There is a stone door in that underground palace. Behind the stone door may be the tomb of Emperor Kunpeng in modern times."

Empress Dajing said.

"The tomb of Emperor Kunpeng?"

"Is this the tomb of the Supreme Emperor you mentioned earlier?"

Li Chenzhou asked with focused eyes.

"Yes, originally I wanted to use the news about the tomb of the Supreme Emperor to delay some time so that I could enter the tomb of Emperor Kunpeng."

"Emperor Kunpeng was one of the overlords of the demon clan in recent times. The demon clan in recent times is somewhat related to the current ferocious beast clan, but today's ferocious beast clan is more ferocious."

Empress Dajing spoke. "The tomb of Emperor Kunpeng, the demon overlord in modern times. What is in this tomb?"

Li Chenzhou couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know exactly what's inside, but the Kunpeng clan is a powerful race passed down from ancient times. It is rumored that the strength of the Kunpeng Emperor has reached the limit of the Supreme Emperor and is about to reach transcendence."

Empress Dajing spoke.

Hearing Empress Dajing's words, Li Chenzhou narrowed his eyes.

"Is that so? It's really interesting. Where are the two people who just attacked you from?"

Li Chenzhou looked at Empress Dajing and said.

Dugu Qiubai killed two of them, and they [Qinglong Club] could be said to have become enemies with each other.

He doesn't want to know nothing about his opponent,

"They come from [Heavenly Sin]. This [Heavenly Sin] organization has been very mysterious in recent times. They have been collecting the bodies of strong men, but what exactly do they want to do? I don't know very well."

Empress Dajing said in a deep voice.

Li Chenzhou's eyes narrowed slightly. Collecting the corpses of strong men was an organization handed down from ancient times.

From this point of view, this organization is not simple.

Of course, Empress Dajing must have concealed something. He believed that Empress Dajing must know more about this organization.

But even if the other party didn't say anything, Li Chenzhou wouldn't force him.

"During this period of time, you will appear normally in the Dajing Celestial Court, but I, [Qinglong Club], will handle the specific matters."

"As for whether to explore the tomb of Emperor Kunpeng, it will be decided by us [Qinglong Society] who come here!"

Li Chenzhou then spoke.

"Is there someone from [Qinglong Club]?"

Empress Dajing was shocked when she heard Li Chenzhou's words.

When exploring the tomb of Emperor Kunpeng, Li Chenzhou still needs to wait for the visitor to make a decision, which shows that the identity of the visitor is not simple.

"I didn't expect that the queen of my generation would also become a puppet!"

Empress Dajing sighed.


In the Netherworld Inn.

The second floor.

in a room.

Su Chen was standing by the window, looking at the entrance of the inn. From here, he could see the people entering the inn.

Su Chen only found out after coming into contact with Qin Hongyi.

This inn is just a gathering place for Netherworld Auction House.

The auction has not officially started yet, so they gathered in this inn.

When the auction starts, they will appear in another place.

Of course, Qin Hongyi didn't introduce much about the specific situation of the auction. She just told Su Chen that the consumption of the people in this inn at the auction was the performance of the inn owner.

She hoped that Su Chen could spend more.

As for the rest, Qin Hongyi didn't say much. She just told Su Chen that the highlight of the auction was an ancient imperial weapon, the Yin Yang Pagoda.

Although the Yin-Yang Pagoda is only an imperial weapon, it is rumored that if the imperial spirit of the Yin-Yang Pagoda can be restored, the ruins of the Yin-Yang Celestial Sect in modern times can be found, and the inheritance of the Yin-Yang Celestial Sect and the treasures left by the Yin-Yang Celestial Sect can be obtained.

[The host summons a character, takes down the Great Jing Dynasty, obtains information about the tomb of the supreme emperor Kunpeng, and is rewarded with 2 purple lottery cards. 】

"Well, have you captured the Great Jing Dynasty?"

Su Chen was slightly surprised,

At this time, Yuan Suiyun sent a message to inform Su Chen of what happened in the Dajing Dynasty.

As for why I didn't say anything.

That's because this Netherworld Inn is an imperial weapon. They are afraid of being monitored and hearing their conversations, so some information cannot be disclosed openly.

"The sword demon is still a sword demon, and his strength is indeed unparalleled. However, the [Heavenly Sin] organization makes people a little curious. The force that existed in recent times has been collecting the corpses of strong people. There should be many strong people. , be careful in the future.”

Su Chen thought to himself.

Then it landed on the two purple lottery cards he had just obtained.

Just pull it out.

[Obtain an Emperor Zun Pill, and obtain the Phantom of the Emperor's Giant to explode the attack of the Emperor's Giant. 】(End of this chapter)

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