The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1309: Charming Fox Clan 1, Greedy Wolf Clan 1, Auction Items, Moonlight Body

"Emperor Pill!"

Su Chen didn't care about the shadow of the giant in the emperor.

What he cares about is the Emperor Zun Pill.

He hadn't gotten it before.

Check the Emperor Zun Pill immediately,

Emperor Zun Pill: Ingesting the original power in the body of the emperor's giant, plus elixirs refined from various precious medicines, it can help half-step emperor masters step into the realm of the emperor.

"So powerful, he can help the Half-Step Emperor step into the realm of the Great Emperor!"

Su Chen didn't expect this Emperor Zun Pill to be so powerful.

Although there is only a small realm difference between the Half-Step Emperor and the Great Emperor, their strength is quite different.

"This Emperor's Pill can be given to Song Que, the Heavenly Sword."

Su Chen thought in his heart.

Heavenly Sword Song Que is now half a step into the realm of the Great Emperor. This is not the reason why Su Chen chose him.

Song Que, the Heavenly Sword, was chosen to take the Emperor Zun Dan, mainly because Song Que's remarks were more ferocious and could kill ordinary emperors.

If he reaches the Great Emperor realm, then Song Que's strength may be able to compete with the top emperors.

While Su Chen was meditating, he suddenly felt a change in the eyes of everyone in the inn hall, a kind of heat.

Su Chen looked up and saw a woman with a particularly voluptuous and fiery figure stepping into the inn.

The woman had long fiery red hair and a charming smile on her fair face, which made people's hearts flutter.

The woman's slender waist twisted like a snake's waist, and she came slowly, and the lotus steps moved lightly, attracting countless eyes to follow.

Behind the woman, a man with feminine eyes followed. Although the man looked feminine, there was a ferocity in his eyes. However, looking at the woman in front, there was a hint of fascination in his eyes.

Behind them were two more people.

A middle-aged man with an ordinary face was following behind the two of them. A heart-stopping light flashed through his eyes that he raised occasionally.

Su Chen looked at the middle-aged man, but his heart was slightly shocked.

Because he felt a strong sense of oppression from the latter.

This seemingly ordinary middle-aged man is quite powerful, probably at least at the quasi-emperor level.

As for the other person, he was tall, with his upper body exposed, and a huge wolf head embroidered on his body, exuding a billowing evil aura.

The four people ignored everyone's gaze and walked straight towards the second floor.

"The Meihu clan, Mei Qianying, the young master of the Tanlang clan, Tanyuan, I didn't expect them to also participate in this auction. It seems that the things in this auction are extraordinary!"

Some people revealed the identities of those who came.

The Meihu Clan and the Greedy Wolf Clan are both the top forces in the ferocious beast clan, and are extremely powerful. Especially the Meihu Clan. It is rumored that when the three tribes were at war with each other, the Meihu Clan secretly cooperated with the human race. After the fusion, the Meihu clan quickly established the Meihu Sect and occupied one side.

"This Mei Qianying should have a high status in the Meihu Sect, otherwise it would be impossible for him to have a quasi-emperor to protect him."

Su Chen looked at Mei Qianying who was walking forward and murmured.

The three clans merged, and forces that had previously hidden their relationship in secret appeared one after another.

When Su Chen looked at each other.

The middle-aged man next to the voluptuous woman seemed to be aware of it. He raised his head and glanced in the direction of Su Chen.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

Sensing the changes in the person next to him, the enchanting woman Mei Qianying also looked towards Su Chen, locking Su Chen with her seductive eyes.

Su Chen looked at the pair of charming eyes, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and even the blood flow in his body became faster.


He didn't expect that the other party would actually use the power of charm on him. A smile appeared on his lips, and a violent aura appeared in his body, suppressing that aura directly.

"Huh?" Mei Qianying was slightly surprised, but she didn't make any more unnecessary moves, she just smiled at Su Chen.

But when Mei Qianying smiled at Su Chen, Tan Yuan beside her showed a fierce look at Su Chen.

As if to warn Su Chen, this charming Qianying is his forbidden love.

Su Chen didn't care at all about such a look.

Seeing that Su Chen didn't care about him, Tan Yuan's eyes burst out with murderous intent and bloodlust.

"Master, this is the Netherworld Inn!"

The burly man beside him spoke.

The murderous intent and bloodlust in Greedyuan's eyes were suppressed, and they followed Mei Qianying and the others up to the second floor.

in the room.

"Uncle Yan, you seemed to be interested in that person just now!"

Mei Qianying looked at the middle-aged man beside her and said.

"That man has a strong aura of evil. Although his strength is not very good, his sense of oppression is very strong. If you fight him, I'm afraid you will die. I just don't know which force this man comes from?"

The ordinary-looking middle-aged man said.

When Mei Qianying heard the middle-aged man say that Su Chen was stronger than her.

There was a slight look of surprise on his face, but he soon returned to his normal expression. The other party was not affected at all by his charm technique just now. From this point, it can be seen that the other party is not simple.

"Sister Qin is in charge of this inn. From her, I may know the identity of this person. I will ask her when I have time!"

Mei Qianying said.

It can be known from her words that she has a good relationship with Qin Hongyi.

"We're here to shoot that thing. We'll let go of other things for the time being. According to the time, we should be entering the auction venue soon!"

The middle-aged man shook his head.

"Qianying, after the auction is over, let's get to know each other again. I really want to see each other's strength."

Tan Yuan said next to him.

After hearing Tan Yuan's words, Mei Qianying's expression remained unchanged, but there was a hint of impatience deep in her eyes, but this impatience flashed past.

"Canyuan, weren't you planning to attend this auction before? Why did you suddenly come here again?"

Mei Qianying said curiously.

"I got news that in this auction, a person with the blood of the Moonlight Body will be auctioned!"

"I, the Greedy Wolf clan, swallow the essence of the moon. If I can swallow the blood of this moonlight body, my qualifications and strength will inevitably undergo earth-shaking changes. By then, I will become the next successor to the patriarch of the Greedy Wolf clan."

Tan Yuan spoke.

The young master is the young master. He can only be said to be the son of the leader of the Tanlang clan, but not necessarily the heir to the leader of the Tanlang clan.

"The body of moonlight? But it's close to the blood of the gods. I didn't expect that the Netherworld Inn could actually obtain it."

Mei Qianying looked slightly shocked when she heard the news.

The auction at Netherworld Inn usually just spreads the news about the final item.

However, sometimes in order to increase the price of auction items, the Netherworld Inn will inform some of the forces that deal with them in other aspects about some special items.

Just watch people order food.

The body of moonlight is useful to the Greedy Wolf clan. If the Greedy Wolf clan appears, they will definitely spend a lot of money to take pictures.

"If this source of greed devours the blood of the Moonlight Body, I'm afraid the people in the clan will promote my marriage with him!"

Thinking of this, Mei Qianying showed a hint of worry in her eyes. (End of chapter)

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