The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1321: Recruiting the Emperor's soldiers Youcheng, another giant among the emperors

See attacks like this.

The faces of everyone who had just rushed out of the auction house changed greatly.

The attacks of these three people are each comparable to the attack of the top emperor, or they are stronger and stronger.

They are the emperor level.

The combat power is a whole level higher,


Three terrifying powers shook the void,

The old man in the Netherworld Inn's face became ferocious, his robes fluttered, and a black circular light mask appeared on his body.

Then his pupils condensed, he let out a cold snort, and his big hand fiercely grabbed the void.

A big hand appeared out of nowhere.

On this big hand, every knuckle was surrounded by raging black flames, heading towards the three attacks that fell.

The sky is crumbling, the sun and the moon have no light.

The battlefield was completely covered by the blazing haze, billowing and agitating.

Everyone was shocked and screamed.

Everyone was forced to use their body-protecting essence to block the aftermath of this power, but their bodies were still falling backwards and they had to stay away!

Everyone was shocked.

Wherever the two sides fought, a vacuum area was formed within an area of ​​tens of feet.

And the void near them seemed to be collapsing, with countless cracks spreading and opening, like a huge spider web of nothingness.

Some of the powerful emperors who had just come out of the auction had solemn expressions.

Because under this blow, the emperor's giant in the Netherworld Inn was shocked and took a few steps back.

Although Dugu Qiubai and the others were shaken back by the force of the blow, blood spurted out from their mouths.

But the figure of the Nether Inn Emperor's giant was shaken back, and there was a trace of blood on the big hand he slapped out.

"very good!"

The old man shouted hello twice.

Of course, he is good at this with anger.

He couldn't accept that a powerful person in the Great Emperor Realm actually caused him to be injured.

"Hunyuan, Tianyin, Divine Light!"


At this moment, layers of cold light appeared on the old man of Netherworld Inn, and a dark figure emerged from the light.

Layers of black flames appeared on the dark figure. The black flames came into contact with the space, and the surrounding space seemed to be frozen. Cracks appeared, and a cold and harsh aura raged out.

Along with the cold and harsh breath, the sky turned black and looked like it was falling.

"I'm going to swallow your souls!"

The old man from Netherworld Inn had cold eyes.

"Mr. Yuan is angry, now we won't be in trouble!"

Grandma Qin, who was following Qin Hongyi, said: "These three are strong, but there is still a gap between them and the old man. If they become top emperors, the old man may not be their match."

"Su Chen should have a backup plan?"

Qin Hongyi said at the side.

She remembered Su Chen, who said at that time that even if the Supreme Emperor was here at Netherworld Inn this time, he would still have to pay the price.

At that time, Su Chen spoke with a ruthless tone.

At this moment.

Su Chen walked out of the auction house.

His eyes looked towards the old man in the void who was exuding a terrifying aura.

"The strength is indeed quite strong!"

Su Chen muttered in his mouth.

Now that he has integrated the aura of the emperor's giant into his body, he can sense the old man's strength, which is a bit terrifying.

But that's not the point.

The point is that he now wants to put away the palace in front of him.

Of course, if the old guy takes action against him, he can summon Wu Wudi.

The figure rises into the air.

The power of the giant within the emperor emerged within him.

He wants to use the power of the giant in the emperor. Of course, he is not using this power to deal with his opponents, but to collect money from the auction house.


Sensing the power erupting from Su Chen.

The giant who was confronting Dugu Qiubai and others at the Nether Inn Emperor looked at Su Chen with solemn eyes.

"Is it the power possessed by the giant in the emperor?"

"What do you want to do?" came the voice, and Su Chen raised his big hand and lowered it, directly grabbing the huge palace.

"Of course I'll charge this palace!"

Su Chen said coldly.

As he spoke, his big hand directly grabbed the huge palace, and suddenly there was a roaring sound, the ground began to shake, and countless cracks extended on the ground.

People who came out of the auction house saw this situation with a look of horror on their faces.

"So cruel!"

When Mei Qianying of the Meihu clan saw this scene, she couldn't help but said.

"It turned out that the reason why we were driven out was to seize this palace. This is the first-level auction house of Netherworld Inn. It is rumored that there is only one first-level auction house of Netherworld Inn. He took this palace like this, which is similar to Netherworld Inn's unwillingness to die. What a force!"

Ji Qingxue looked at this scene and said in a deep voice.

"Situ Shen, one of the five general masters of Netherworld Inn, has been killed, and the auction has completely failed. They have become enemies, so it is normal for Su Chen to do this for the best interests."

"And if Su Chen dares to do this, he may not be afraid of Netherworld Inn at all!"

The man beside Ji Qingxue said.

"Grandma Qin, he is going to take away the auction palace!"

At this time, Qin Hongyi's pupils were wide open as she watched Su Chen raise his hand to grab the palace.

"This palace is rumored to be the treasure of a powerful person in the royal family. It is rumored that the person has the strength of the Supreme Emperor. If Su Chen takes this treasure away, I am afraid it will lead to the Supreme Emperor!"

Granny Qin was trembling all over.

This Su Chen is too crazy!

"Looking for death, boy, you are looking for death!"

The old man at the Netherworld Inn changed his expression when he saw Su Chen collecting money from the auction house.

Then he shot out with a palm,

When the palm of the hand was shot, the space seemed to be distorted, and a black light beam of about several hundred feet shot out. The light beam was extremely sticky, like black magma. It was both violent and cold.

See each other shot.

Yan Shisan, Dugu Qiubai, and Song Que quickly gathered together and unleashed their own power in an instant.

Two sword lights and one sword light converged together.

Block the blow.

But their bodies were constantly covered by black flames.

Just then.

A huge phoenix cry sounded, and Yue Yue never made a move. A huge blue phoenix appeared between the sky and the earth. Suddenly, the terrifying cold air gathered together and headed towards the black light pillar.


When the phoenix cry came out.

A figure appeared.

It was Li Chenzhou. Li Chenzhou used the corpse of a later emperor to obtain the power of the emperor. Although he was an ordinary emperor, Li Chenzhou's fists were domineering.

The body appears,

A huge figure appeared behind him and punched out. The terrifying fist followed the blue phoenix.

The five forces collided with the black light pillar.

The beam of light was blocked and dissipated in the air.

"There are also great emperor masters!"

Seeing this situation, some people couldn't help but speak.

"Who is that person? His punches are so fierce?" Some people looked at Li Chenzhou, but Li Chenzhou was wearing a mask and could not see his face.

As for Yao Yue, she did not hide her figure.

"Isn't that Yaoyue? Why is she related to the [Qinglong Club]?"

Some people recognized Yao Yue and couldn't help but wonder.

"seal up!"

At this moment, a voice came out, and the huge palace of the auction house began to shrink and fell into Su Chen's hands, and was put into the system mall by him.

[Obtain 1 purple lottery card as a reward from Emperor Weapon Youcheng. 】

Just when Su Chen got this reward.

Suddenly the world changes, and a terrifying aura sweeps over.

"You are looking for death. This Nether City is the treasure of the supreme emperor of my royal family at Netherworld Inn. How dare you take it!"

A figure tore through the void and came out.

Of course, the terrifying aura in the sky did not change after the visitor appeared. Judging from this situation, the terrifying aura in the void had nothing to do with the visitor.

"Old Ghost Yuan, I asked you to take charge of Youcheng, and you will do so like this!"

The person who came was wearing white clothes, tall and tall, with sharp eyes and a loud voice. When he looked at Su Chen, he ridiculed Mr. Yuan.

It seems that the two of them are not getting along.

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