The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1322 Wu Wudi appears and sends you on your way with one punch

Chapter 1322 Wu Wudi appears and sends you on your way with a punch
"Old man Bai, take down that kid first, otherwise, when the adults come, it will be hard for you and me to tell you!"

Old Yuan, who was stopped by Dugu Qiubai and others, said coldly.

Hear what Old Man Yuan said.

The old man appeared and looked at Su Chen.

"You have the aura of a giant among the emperors, but it's a pity that it's not your own."

"Yes, this is not my power. I still have some power left, so I'll let you take over!"

Su Chen looked at the old man named Bai and said.

Suddenly, Su Chen raised his palm and then slashed it down.

Then he saw a terrifying force of true energy erupting from his arm. The energy was like a knife falling from the stars, slashing down across the sky in anger.


The old man surnamed Bai did not expect that Su Chen would take action as soon as he spoke.

His face turned cold, and he punched out. When he punched out, the shadow of his fist exploded, turning into a heavy torrent of molten metal, heading towards Su Chen's knife.

The two forces collided.

The punch thrown by the old man surnamed Bai was blasted away by Su Chen's sword.

When the heavy fist force exploded, the splashing magma-like force spread like a waterfall, which was truly spectacular.


The long sword that was chopped off still did not disappear, and was approaching him. The old man named Bai's pupils condensed, he snorted suddenly, and grabbed hard in the void with his big hand.

A big red hand flew across the sky.

Every knuckle was surrounded by raging flames, grabbing at the falling long knife.

The sky collapsed and the earth shook, and the void shook.

The palm of his hand grabbed the long knife, and the long knife shattered directly in the palm of his hand.

"So strong!"

Everyone looked horrified. Except for some people with strength above the ninth level, who were still standing around, the others stayed away, protected their bodies, and retreated very quickly, far away from the range of the attack.

"I didn't expect that the people at Netherworld Inn would not benefit from this blow!"

Although the old man surnamed Bai blocked Su Chen's sword, he struck twice after all.

"If you could fully rely on the power of the emperor's giant, I might not necessarily be your opponent, but unfortunately, you only relied on this little power."

The old man named Bai looked at Su Chen solemnly.

"It's a pity. I didn't expect that this move would not cause you any harm!"

Su Chen waved his hands helplessly.

The power of the giant in the emperor was gone.

He hasn't felt much yet?
"Well! With this little power, you dare to come and challenge our Nether Auction House? Hand over the Nether Auction House and I will let you die more happily."

The old man named Bai looked at Su Chen and said.

"Threat me, but you may not be able to do it!"

"Do you think I really just mobilized a few people to come here?"

The voice was calm, but the people watching were shocked.

From Su Chen's words, we can know that there are people coming from Su Chen's side.

Nowadays, the people in the [Qinglong Club] are all powerful emperors. Together, these powerful emperors can fight against the giants among the emperors. If there are still people, I don’t know if they are the top emperors or the giants among the emperors.

The people watching the battle thought so.

"Then let me see who else you have!"

The voice of the old man surnamed Bai was very soft, but when he spoke, he stepped on the void, jumped forward, and killed Su Chen with unparalleled power.

The palm of his hand was like a burning star, rumbling and crushing the void. When it was held by the old man named Bai, it felt like a burning star falling to the earth.

destroy everything.

This is to kill Su Chen directly.

Su Chen's expression remained unchanged.

But he did not take action. The old man surnamed Bai was a giant among the emperors. He was extremely powerful and could destroy a whole world and kill all things.


The old man surnamed Bai snorted coldly when he saw this, his eyes were like lightning. In an instant, his palm fell, but his mind was extremely alert.

If you are so confident, you must have a backup plan.

"Every direction will be destroyed"

Right at this moment.

A voice came out in the void.

The sound was like thousands of troops, and a terrifying wave of blood-colored true energy rose into the sky, threatening to flood the entire earth.

"My young master, you dare to take action!"

The voice was deep and furious.A fist shadow appeared in the blood-colored true essence, and the fist shadow collided with Burning Star.

The Burning Star was directly exploded by the fist shadow.

And the place where it exploded.

A burly figure appeared. The person who appeared was wearing a very ordinary black robe. His eyes were cold and he looked at the old man named Bai with a sharp look.

"The giant and the strongest among the emperors!"

There is no need for people to guess, the person who appears must be a giant and powerful person in the emperor.

And it was Su Chen who called him.

"What a powerful physique!"

Seeing Wu Wudi appearing, the eyes of the old man surnamed Bai changed.

"Old man Yuan, this person is coming. I'm afraid I can't stop him. You should deal with those five people as soon as possible and join me in killing this person!"

Sensing the terrifying aura on Wu Wudi's body, the old man in white robe sent a message to Old Man Yuan.

"Heaven and Earth, King Kong, Flame!"

"The Earth Burns Vajra, the sun shines in the nine heavens!"

The old man surnamed Bai who transmitted the message to Old Yuan shouted in a low voice.

This is a secret technique of the old man surnamed Bai. It is a move that combines the Buddhist Vajra body in this world with the fire attribute skills he has practiced.

The self is Vajra, and the flame burns the body.


The old man surnamed Bai rushed towards Wu Wudi and killed him.

At this moment, monstrous flame energy condensed on the fist of the old man surnamed Bai, and he himself was like a Buddhist King Kong, carrying the majesty of King Kong and attacking Wu Wudi.

"So strong! With this move, we have no chance of survival!"

Some people were horrified when they saw this blow.

Flames flew across the sky, crushing the void, and blasted towards Wu Wudi with a devastating force.

It seems to show invincible power.

Wu Wudi's expression did not change.

As for the old man named Bai, he actually has no desire to fight.

He wanted to fight someone stronger.

His eyes looked towards an energy in the void.

Because in that energy, he felt the presence of a terrifying and powerful man.

"Kill you first!"

Killing intent suddenly burst out from Wu Wudi's eyes.

He raised his fist and punched out.

Between heaven and earth, mountains, rivers and seas suddenly appeared in his fists, Wu Wudi's fists, the Shanhai Fist Sutra among the top ten martial arts.

Take the mountains as the longitude and the sea as the latitude.

Fist blows out.

A mountain and sea appeared and landed on the attacking punch.

Bang bang bang!
The attack of the old man surnamed Bai immediately suffered terrible oppression and crushing, and exploded inch by inch under the mountain and sea, producing a shocking explosion.

The old man named Bai frowned.

His sleeves and robes bulged, his aura changed again, and a flaming sword emerged behind him.

Heavenly Sword, Fire Control, Nine Sky,

Heavenly Royal Nine Swords.

The old man surnamed Bai shouted lowly, slashed out with his sword, and the flaming sword turned into nine sword shadows and headed towards Wu Wudi.

But he saw Wu Wudi shaking his head slightly with disdain in his words.

"One punch will send you on your way!"

When Wu Wudi spoke, he clenched his hands,

The Xuanwu Scripture circulated in his body, and he punched out.

Between heaven and earth, the void was enveloped by a punch, crushing the void and hitting it hard.

The nine sword shadows were hit, and they all exploded in the void, falling into pieces and disintegrating like a tide.

The old man surnamed Bai was shaken by the residual power of this blow, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

And this Wu Wudi's punch continued to hit him.

The expression of the old man surnamed Bai changed and he moved his body, but no matter how the old man surnamed Bai changed, Wu Wudi's fist broke through all obstacles and hit his body regardless.

Just like the sword shadow, it was hit by a fist and torn apart, with blood flying everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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