The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1344: Blood Sacrifice, Origin of Divine Dynasty Ruins Revealed

Chapter 1344: Blood Sacrifice, Origin of Divine Dynasty Ruins Revealed

Wangshan City.

early morning!

Su Chen showed up at Leng's house with Huanwan and others.

Now that the Leng family is empty, Leng Qingqiu came back and told the head of the Leng family that Zi Yuanchen and Chen Quan of the Tianmang Boxing Sect had died.

Hearing this, the head of the Leng family didn't dare to stay at all.

Just use the storage ring to collect all the things and leave with everyone overnight.

"Yes, young master!"

Yu Peiyu and An Shigeng saluted Su Chen.

Li Wuxie, Dugu Qiubai and others did not appear in the hall.

"Leng Qingqiu!"

Su Chen looked at Leng Qingqiu standing next to Yu Peiyu. Leng Qingqiu's face was a little cold, but she was a very beautiful woman. Yu Peiyu's special physique was just extraordinary.

"I have seen the young master!"

Now she, Leng Qingqiu, is Yu Peiyu's person, so she also calls Su Chen the young master.

"After today, you will be a peripheral member of [Blue Dragon Club]. If you make contributions to me [Qinglong Club] in the future, I will grant you the status of a formal member of [Qinglong Club]."

Su Chen looked at Leng Qingqiu and said.

"Outside members of [Blue Dragon Club]!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Leng Qingqiu was startled. She didn't expect that she could only become a peripheral member of the [Blue Dragon Club] instead of a formal member.

"Thank you very much, Master. Official members have access to a lot of things and enjoy benefits beyond your imagination."

Yu Peiyu immediately sent a message.

"Thank you young master!"

Hearing this, Leng Qingqiu quickly thanked him.

"My lord, Jiang Luoli probably hasn't left Wangshan City yet. Do you want to inform Jiang Luoli to come!"

Yu Peiyu said.

"Let her come!"

After all, he was his servant, and Su Chen still wanted to see him.

"I'll invite Jiang Luoli!"

Leng Qingqiu bowed and said.

Although she joined the Qinglong Club, she was not yet a formal member. She was afraid that Su Chen and the others had something to discuss, so she thought of going to notify Jiang Luoli herself.

"Master, Qingqiu and I will go together!"

At this time, Huan Huan spoke beside Su Chen.

Su Chen nodded.

"Let's go, you can call me Huanhua!"

Huanwan came to Leng Qingqiu's side and said.

Leng Qingqiu left the Leng family with Huanwan.

After a while.

"My lord, there are emperor-level experts appearing in Wangshan City, at least three of them!"

Dugu Qiufei's figure appeared in the hall and said in a deep voice.

"The three of them seem to be heading in the direction of Miss Huanwan and the others!"

Dugu Qiubai said with a frown.

"Miss Huanhan, they should not be doing it for Miss Huanhan, they should be doing it for Leng Qingqiu!"

An Shigeng said from the side.

"Come on, let's go and see!"

Three emperor-level experts came all at once, which was unusual.

Just then.

Suddenly the world roared!

The ground beneath their feet rippled.

"How is this going?"

Several people's expressions changed.

At the same time, they walked out of the room. At this moment, the sky and the earth were changing, and layers of blood appeared. When the blood appeared, beams of light rose into the sky not far from them.


Dugu Qiubai's eyes narrowed,

These bans merged with the bloody sky, and the world suddenly began to become extremely dark, the surrounding space also began to change, and terrifying power erupted from the ground.Ah!

Screams erupted throughout the city.

Almost all of them were spitting out blood, covering their ears, and screaming.

At this moment, it was like a terrible disaster.

Countless people fell to the ground, rolling around wildly, grabbing the ground with their heads. When they fell to the ground, beams of light appeared on the ground, piercing through their bodies.

"Heaven and earth have changed!"

Dugu Qiubai whispered.

Then a terrifying sword energy erupted from his body, surrounding Su Chen and others.

The beam of light hit their sword energy, making a deafening sound.

Seeing this situation, Su Chen couldn't help but worry about Hanhan's safety.

But Hanhan sent a message in advance, telling her not to worry about her safety. A strong emperor-level man appeared to protect them. Jiang Luoli and Leng Qingqiu were fine.

Hearing this news,

Su Chen's heart moved slightly and he sent a message to Hanhan. If there was any danger, he would send a message immediately. ,

The country of origin, the entire country, began to have landslides and cracks, the ground collapsed, and countless people died tragically. Some people with some cultivation used their true energy to resist, but they did not resist for long before they let out a scream,

Terrifying blood aura soared into the sky.

It merged with the forbidden area in the sky and turned into a bloody light heading towards the capital of the country of origin.

under this power

The image of the Imperial Palace of the Origin God Dynasty that previously appeared over the Country of Origin reappeared.

"This is started in advance. The royal family of the country of origin are so decisive!"

Looking at the figure that appeared in the Imperial Palace of the Origin God Dynasty, Su Chen said with a focused look.

Just when an accident occurred in the mountain city, the country of origin opened the ruins of the dynasty of origin the next day.

In foreign countries of origin.

Many strong people appeared.

But what they saw was a bloody restriction, and terrifying power emitted from the restriction.

"The restriction is actually an emperor-level restriction. It will take several days to break this restriction!"

"How many people's blood was used!"

An old man looked at the restrictions covering the entire country of origin in front of him and said.

"It looks like there's something big going on, and we can get into it!"

Another person spoke up.

Su Chen and the others are here
The shaking disappears.

But the world around them has changed. Previously, they still had the city of Wangshan City,

And now they appear in a desolate place,

Look up.

Isolated peaks stand tall, and the occasional roar of beasts can be heard, making the world seem even more lonely.
Here between heaven and earth.

It seemed as if there was always a hazy aura, that aura was so cold that it made even the surrounding air seem gloomy.
In front of them was the gray barren land, with huge ravines crisscrossing the land, and those traces looked a bit ferocious. Judging from the traces, they were traces left by the battles between strong men.

"Is this the ruins of the Origin Dynasty?"

Su Chen was slightly taken aback.

Then they contacted Hanhan, but found that Hanhan was not with them, and was a little far away.

"The capital of the country of origin should be the center of this site, but we can't be sure where the center of the site is?"

Su Chen frowned.

Judging from the current situation of the ruins, it is very huge. It is not easy to find the center of the ruins.

"Contact Duanlang. He has also come to the country of origin. Let's take a look at the situation there!"

Su Chen said to Yuan Suiyun.

"My lord, I have just contacted Mr. Duan. He and the First Evil Emperor have not yet figured out where they are!"

Yuan Suiyundao,

"Mr. Dugu, can you cross the void?"

Su Chen looked at Dugu and asked for help.

"This space is restricted. Even if you cross it, you won't be able to go far, and you may be attacked by the restriction!"

Solitude seeks defeat.

"In this case, let's look behind the lone mountain!"

Su Chen tiptoed, and flew towards the mountain peak.
Behind him, Dugu Qiubai and others turned into several streams of light and followed them.
(End of this chapter)

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