The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1345 Golden Lottery Card, Character Ling Donglai, Character Yan Fei

Chapter 1345 Golden Lottery Card, Character Ling Donglai, Character Yan Fei
The journey is smooth, without any obstacles,

It's just that the places Su Chen and the others passed were extremely desolate. The further they went, the more solemn the suppressed atmosphere became, and the colder the atmosphere became.

Su Chen and the others landed on a lonely peak.

Suddenly, the vision in front of him suddenly widened.

"Yeah! That's a big hall!"

Su Chen's eyes narrowed. What he could see was a black palace, with a cold black mist lingering above the palace.


It can be seen that the black mist is coming from the palace,

"It seems I'm pretty lucky. I didn't expect to find a palace all of a sudden. I just don't know what that palace is?"

Su Chen looked at the palace and said.

As long as there is a palace, they can find out some information, and then they can know some information about the ruins of the origin of the divine dynasty.

[The host's subordinate Li Xunhuan has obtained the inheritance of the Emperor of Chenyuan and stepped into the top level of the Great Emperor. He will be rewarded with a purple lottery card. 】

[The host's subordinate A Fei obtained the best imperial weapon, the Traceless Heart Sword, entered the realm of the great emperor, and was rewarded with a purple lottery card. 】

[The host's subordinate Shen Lang initially takes charge of the Wanxian Island, which was destroyed in the Middle Ages, and is rewarded with a purple lottery card. 】

[The host has reached 10 powerful emperors, the golden lottery card is opened, and 1 golden lottery card is rewarded. The exchange begins, 10 purple lottery cards can be exchanged for 1 golden lottery card. 】


Su Chen looked at this information introduction and was startled.

Both Li Xunhuan and A Fei have stepped into the realm of the Great Emperor, especially Li Xunhuan, who has stepped into the top level of the Great Emperor.

And Shen Lang also appeared and initially took control of the Wanxian Island that was destroyed in the Middle Ages.

Just by looking at the name, you can tell it's unusual.

Later, during transactions and chats in the mall, A Fei and Li Xun Huan appeared, but Shen Lang was still invisible.

"I'm lucky. I have 1 golden lottery card. I have 13 purple lottery cards. I can also exchange for 1 golden lottery card. That's 2 golden lottery cards and 3 purple lottery cards. You can draw a prize once!"

Su Chen was excited.

The ruins of the Origin God Dynasty are not simple, and there may be strong people appearing this time, and it is impossible for him to let Duan Lang and Chuanying appear on his side.

Although Dugu Qiufei is a giant among emperors and can kill the top emperors himself, if there is an opportunity for Dugu Qiufei, he has to let others get it.

Once that happens, there will be no masters on his side.

"First come 3 purple lottery cards!"

Su Chen planned to use three purple lottery cards to test the wind direction.

[Acquire the power of the giant among the character emperors, the time limit is 1 quarter of an hour, obtain the body of the top emperor in the later generations of Guanyutian, and obtain a Legend Eagle Unsealing Talisman! 】


Seeing this, Su Chen's eyes narrowed. He didn't expect that he would gain the power of a giant among the emperors this time.

Moreover, Chuan Ying's unblocking runes were obtained, so Chuan Ying's strength returned to the top emperor level.

Having reached the top emperor level, coupled with the top-grade Taoist Eagle Sword and the banned War Temple in his hands, he may be able to resist the giants among emperors.

"Good luck, not bad!"

"The golden lottery card should be able to draw good things!"

Su Chen thought to himself.

Directly exchange 10 purple lottery cards into 1 golden lottery card.

Now that his strength has increased a lot, Su Chen dared to exchange all his purple lottery cards into golden lottery cards.

However, it is fair to exchange purple lottery cards for gold lottery cards. Unlike before, turning orange into purple was a big pitfall.

Remove all 2 lottery cards.

[Get the character Ling Donglai, get the character Yan Fei! 】

"Yeah!" Seeing this, Su Chen's eyes moved slightly.

These two characters are both characters in Huang Yi's novels, characters in Ling Donglai's "Shattered Void", and Yan Fei's characters in "Legend of the Borderlands".

They can also be said to be the characters on the ceiling in Huang Yi's novels, and they belong to the same category as Chuan Ying.

Chuanying's own strength is at the top emperor level, so the strength of these two people is at least at the top emperor level.

Of course, Ling Donglai's strength may be higher than that of Chuanying. He and Chuanying practiced in the God of War Illustration, and Ling Donglai was respected as the "Supreme Grandmaster" and was one of the recognized strong men among Huang Yi Qunxia.

And Ling Donglai is a true self-taught master, practicing completely by himself without any help from anyone or anything!
Many people in the demon sect were forced to keep a low profile because of Ling Donglai's power. After Ling Donglai retreated, his way to eliminate demons became long.

Su Chen checked Ling Donglai's strength,

Ling Donglai's strength was beyond Su Chen's expectation. He actually reached the level of a giant among the emperors, and he also possessed a bloodline true godless body, a physique that could integrate the power of all things.

"Awesome, he is indeed recognized as the number one master in Huang Yi's novels!"

Su Chen sighed inwardly.

Then check on Yan Fei.

Yan Fei's martial arts are somewhat different from Huang Yi's early martial arts system, and some are similar to those of cultivating immortals.

What he practices is the Immortal Sect Sword Technique, the Golden Elixir Technique, and the Sun and Moon Litian Dharma. His Immortal Sect Technique, when used in sword techniques, can generate yin and yang energy, burst out with powerful force, and can injure an enemy a thousand times. , he suffered a self-inflicted loss of eight hundred, so that he died twice, but after receiving the pill calamity, his strength skyrocketed, allowing him to reach the point where he had a glimpse of the heavenly gate.

Su Chen took a look at the opponent's strength, which was the same as Chuanying's. He was a top emperor, and his bloodline was: Yin and Yang Life and Death, an ability that could be resurrected from death.

"They are all extremely powerful!"

Su Chen sighed
These two golden lottery cards are a bit explosive!

"This ruins of the Origin Dynasty is really my blessed place!"

Su Chen looked at the palace not far away and said.

"Young Master, why don't I go check it out first?"

An Shigeng spoke beside Su Chen.

Although Su Chen had defenses, they still wouldn't let Su Chen take risks.

"No, let's go together!"

Su Chen said.

But when he finished speaking, his expression couldn't help but darken.

At this moment, dozens of figures were like streams of light, speeding towards the palace.

"Haha, the map provided by the country of origin is indeed true. There is really a palace here!"

Laughter echoed like thunder throughout the world.

Dozens of figures suddenly fell down.

There was a terrifying wave of air on the ground.

After the air wave, these people stood in front of the palace, with great auras on their bodies.

The leader among them stood proudly, exuding a terrifying aura.

This man looked to be about middle-aged, extremely rough, and his body was like an iron tower. Just standing there, it seemed as if the ground beneath his feet was shaking under his feet.

The thunderous sound before was made by this person.

As if he sensed Su Chen's eyes, he glanced at Su Shen and the others, and then coldly snorted: "Get out, or we will kill you without mercy!"

He looked arrogant, but he didn't take Su Chen and the others into his eyes at all. He was extremely domineering.

Hearing the other party's words, Su Chen's black eyes glowed with coldness.

Too crazy!

Really looking for death!

(End of this chapter)

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