The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1346: The evil city Gong Liang, Xiao Li’s flying knife reappears

Chapter 1346: The evil city Gong Liang, Xiao Li’s flying knife reappears
"Young Master, they are from Disha City. This person is Gong Liang, the deputy city lord of Disha City, with top emperor strength!"

Next to Su Chen, An Shigeng said in a cold voice with a cold light in his eyes.

An Shigeng arrived at Wangshan City some time ago and got some information from Zi Yuanchen. He knew about the existence of Disha City, so he also found some information about Disha City, so he knew the identity of the person who made the noise.

Disha City is also a Chinese force and belongs to the third echelon, but it is very close to the second echelon, otherwise it would not be able to cooperate with the Fierce God Palace.

Nowadays, the first echelon in China is the Shenwu Palace, which apparently has the supreme emperor.

For the time being, there are no other forces in the first echelon.

"Disha City, one of the forces cooperating with the country of origin, really has no place to go without trying to find a place. It takes no effort at all to get there!"

Su Chen's eyes flashed with light.

He still doesn't know what's going on in this site.

And just now the other party mentioned the map provided by the country of origin.

A map is not exactly what he needs now.

Of course, if the other party is not arrogant, then maybe he will not die. If he is arrogant and seeks death, then Su Chen would be sorry for himself if he does not take them down.

"Come on, let's go meet each other!"

Su Chen said.

The figure moved and headed towards the palace.

He didn't care about the other party's warning at all.


I saw Su Chen and several people coming towards this side.

The leader, Gong Liang, had a ferocious look in his eyes. Unexpectedly, Su Chen and the others would not listen to his warning.

"There is only one powerful person in the Great Emperor Realm who dares to challenge me. You are really seeking death. Then let me send you on your way!"

He raised his hand and clenched it, and a terrifying evil spirit condensed on his fist, preparing to bombard Su Chen and others who were speeding towards them.

"Deputy City Lord, wait, let's see who the other party is first?"

A white-faced, beardless man beside him spoke.

There is a powerful emperor on the other side, who should have some identity.

when they speak.

Su Chen and others landed not far from them,

"Desha Chenggong Liang!"

Su Chen, who fell down, looked at Gong Liang and said coldly.

Directly identify the other party’s identity.

"Well, boy, although you are a bit young, your eyesight is pretty good. You actually knew it was me and still dared to show up. I admire your courage very much. It is true that the ignorant are fearless. I will send you on your way after a while. .”

Gong Liang grinned and looked at Su Chen with murderous intent.

"Sending me on my way is really impossible for a guy like you!"

Su Chen also smiled when he heard this, shook his head and said.

The tone was calm, but it was extremely insulting.

Hear Su Chen's words.

Gong Liang's sinister face trembled slightly, and soon the ferocious look in his eyes became more ferocious.

A majestic true energy ripples around his body. This powerful true energy is condensed but not emitted. If it moves, it will be like a tiger descending from the mountain.

This person dared to insult him like this. He wanted to punch Su Chen and the others to pieces.

Su Chen noticed the aura of true energy and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Although this Gong Liangren is arrogant, he is a top emperor himself, and he is accompanied by an emperor-level powerhouse. The others are at the lowest level of the supreme fifth level. On the surface, they are much stronger than Su Chen and others.

It's a pity that they met Su Chen.

"You dare to show off your power in front of the young master, are you really looking for death?"

An Shigeng's face turned cold and he said sternly.

Although his strength has not improved, he does not allow anyone to be rude to Su Chen.

"How dare you speak nonsense here? The deputy city lord asked me to deal with them!"

This time, the beardless middle-aged man's face turned cold. He had been paying attention to Su Chen and the others. What did he want to see from Su Chen and the others?
Young people, just come out with guards to practice.

He has seen too many young people like this.

Consider yourself very powerful.

between speeches.

A gloomy chill burst out from his body. In this chill, a vast force of true energy suddenly rose into the sky, rippling in the air like an ocean, making a splashing sound.The power of true energy is intense to an extreme.

This person is the other great emperor besides Gong Liang.

The powerful pressure of true energy swept towards Su Chen and the others,

At this moment!
A shocking sword light shot out in an instant, slashing away the ocean-like amount of true energy.

"Well, a master of swordsmanship!"

Seeing a sword energy erupting from Dugu Qiubai's body, cutting off his true energy, the beardless middle-aged man's expression changed.

"If you dare to take action, I'll kill you!"

A cold voice came from Dugu Qiubai's mouth.

Then, Dugu Qiubai took a step forward, and the sky-high sword energy emanated from his body. He was like a sky-sword, soaring straight into the sky,

Immediately, the skin around Gong Liang, Wu Xiu, and the others suddenly started to tingle.

"how is this possible?"

Sensing the sword intent on Dugu Qiubei, Gong Liang's expression changed. He did not expect that the sword aura that Dugu Qiubei burst out would be so strong.

This is a top swordsman.

"Kill! Black Sky Flag!"

The Wuwu man roared and activated a treasure on his body. The treasure turned black and emitted a terrifying cold air, shrouding Dugu Qiubai.

Dugu Qiubai held the iron sword in his hand and slashed out with the sword. Endless sword light came out from his hand and slashed hard at the black flag.

The shrouded black flag exploded on the spot, vulnerable to a single blow.

But when the flag was chopped into pieces, billowing black cold air erupted from the flag, overwhelming and surging, like a death volcano erupting.

It's just that what erupts is not magma but black cold current.

"Kill, earth evil, merge into one's body!"

Gong Liang shouted, his aura surged, and waves of terrifying Earthly Evil energy poured into his body from above the ground.

Suddenly his burly body revealed an overwhelming terrifying power.

The figure has become more than two meters tall, standing there like a terrifying ancient volcano, with powerful force erupting from the pores, causing the space to distort.


"What a strong physical strength!"

Looking at Gong Liang, Su Chen showed a hint of surprise in his eyes and sighed at the strength of his body.


He raised his hand, the terrifying evil energy condensed on his fist, and his body was about to rush towards Dugu Qiubai,

But at this time.

A ray of light suddenly passed through the void. Before Gong Liang could react, the white light penetrated between his eyebrows.


His body that was about to rush stopped, and his eyes looked at the place where the white light just appeared, with horrified eyes.

"who is it?"

He muttered in his mouth.

At this moment, several Supreme Realm experts who had followed them suddenly let out a burst of screams. In the midst of the screams, their heads flew up in a series of extremely fast sword lights, and blood sprayed out.

Corpses fell to the ground.

Gong Liang turned his head, trying to see what was going on around him, but a line of blood appeared between his eyebrows, and the blood continued to flow out. The power of his soul dissipated, and his head did not twist out at all, and his body fell to the ground.

And here

The iron sword in Dugu Qiubei's hand was also slashed out

An extremely terrifying sword light instantly surged out, turned into a mighty glow, and enveloped the middle-aged man without a beard.

The sword light screamed, and then a mass of blood mist was seen filling the air.

"This is the fate of seeking death."

Su Chen looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but shake his head.

However, I secretly sighed in my heart, Xiao Li's flying knife was really fast, killing a top emperor with one knife.

Even in the same situation, it cannot be stopped.

The white light just now was the flying knife from Xiao Li's flying knife.

(End of this chapter)

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