The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1430: The supreme emperor, proud of the world, the ruler of the ancient heavenly city can on

Chapter 341: The supreme emperor, proud of the world, the ruler of the ancient heavenly city can only be me in this world
another place

Taikoo Tiancheng.

The pavilions in the human world.

Su Chen, who had changed into a robe exclusive to the human world, was sitting in the middle of the pavilion.

As for Huanwan, they were playing in Taikoo Tiancheng.

"My lord, Yan Lingtian invites all the major forces to gather in the Central Territory to discuss matters regarding the Ancient Celestial City."

Su Chen fiddled with the water glass next to him and said softly.

When Su Chen entered the Ancient Heavenly City, Yan Lingtian, one of the eight generals of the Origin Dynasty, led his troops to occupy the central area of ​​the Ancient Heavenly City.

Now I have sent them invitations.

"Are you planning to formulate rules in Taikoo Tiancheng?"

"I am prepared to attend such a grand event in person to see the strength of the Origin Dynasty."

Su Chen said.

At this time, Li Xunhuan sent him a deal.

I checked what Li Xunhuan had traded and found it was a stone. I was a little curious and immediately checked it out.

[Get the Immortal Stone and get 1 golden draw card. 】


Seeing this, Su Chen couldn't help but be stunned.

Unexpectedly, Li Xunhuan actually gave him a fairy stone and let him get a golden lottery card.

Didn't keep it either.

Just pull out this lottery card.

There is absolutely no need to keep it.

[Get the character to be proud of the world. 】

"The character is proud of the world, this?"

Su Chen looked stunned. He didn't expect to get a character this time. He was a relatively strong person in the storm. He was a character who appeared in the third part of "The Storm".

The second son of Shenrenxiao Sanxiao, the man behind the "Hidden Sword Style" and the head of Xuanhua Hao.

The master of Hayato Tengyin, the top Japanese master, and Hayato Tengyin's most hated enemy.

and the "Great Demon God" Xiao Jingtian brothers.

Because he has always been jealous of his father Xiao San Xiao, he secretly worked hard to promote the "Thousand Years Catastrophe" on the pretext of complying with destiny.

Possessing the unique skill of "Wandao Senluo" created by his father, he can control people's hearts. Unexpectedly, a strong man of his generation ended up with his legs disabled. In the end, he was killed by the seventh master and his head was missing.

"I don't know how strong it is?"

Su Chen immediately checked Xiao Aoshi's strength.

He looked startled.

Smiling and proud of the world, the supreme emperor has a bloodline that will last for thousands of calamities.


Su Chen could only say this.

The only person in control of this ancient heavenly city can only be me on earth.

Eastern part of Huangzhou
power gang

"Gang leader, my subordinates have found the location of the dragon vein. It is three hundred miles southeast of us in the newly emerged spiritual source."

"But Gang Leader, there have been a lot of demons and ferocious beasts there recently. If they know that you are going there, Gang Leader, I'm afraid they will kill you."

"Go and take us with you!"

A member of the gang said in front of Kuangtu Yan.

Kuangtu Yan may not be very famous in the central area of ​​​​the human race.

But in the eastern part of this deserted state, there are masters who have become famous.

Killed countless ferocious beasts and demons.

He is one of the people that ferocious beasts and demons want to kill.

What's more, some people from the human race have a grudge against Kuangtu Yan. Once Kuangtu Yan goes to the spiritual source alone, he may kill him.

"Lingyuan Land, that's where I want to go. As for my safety, you don't need to worry. Although I, Kuangyan Yan, am not very strong, it is still difficult to kill me, Kuangyan Yan. "

Yan Kuangtu waved his hand.

He didn't plan to take anyone else with him this time.Although he has information and can merge with the dragon vein, if an accident occurs, what he brought may not be able to come back.

not to mention.

Once he absorbs the dragon vein, he cannot protect others.

Yan Kuangtu has always been in trouble and rarely forms alliances with others, and it is the same in the eastern part of the deserted state.

"You go down first!"

Yan Kuangtu waved his hand.

"Gang leader!" The visitor was a little unwilling.

But under the gaze of Yan Kuangtu, he still retreated unwillingly.

Kuangtu Yan stood up, changed into a robe, wore a bamboo hat, dressed as a knight, and left the Power Gang's station alone.

The world is changing, and his strength is improving too slowly. He must seize every opportunity to improve his strength. He wants to become the high-end combat power of [Tianya Pavilion].

Today it is far different.

Normally, a distance of three hundred miles is nothing to Kuangtu Yan.

However, due to the emergence of dragon veins, the space in this area changed somewhat and became sticky, which took Yan Kuangtu some time.


After the emergence of the Origin God Dynasty, the eastern part of the Huangzhou spread and thus appeared.

In addition, the dragon vein power appeared here, which mixed with the previously mottled energy to form an area.

The changes in the landform, some ancient ruins here, and the emergence of some special treasures have attracted countless powerful people to come and explore.

There are also some lucky people who accidentally received the ancient inheritance, and their strength greatly increased, becoming influential figures in the eastern part of the barren state.

But after all, there are only a handful of lucky ones.

The more cruel reality is that most of the powerful people who came to explore opportunities died here, never to come back!

So much so that nowadays, those who really dare to venture into the Spiritual Source Land are almost all characters who have reached Level [-] or above.

Among them, there are mostly ferocious beasts and monsters.

Outside the spiritual source.

A small town.

When the Land of Spiritual Source appeared, many people stationed outside the Land of Spiritual Source, and gradually formed a small town here.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there is business.

No matter who it is, as long as there is profit, someone will do it, not to mention that there are many warriors coming and going here. Some masters will get some things they don't like inside and sell them here.

Therefore, the small town outside Lingyuan City is very prosperous.

In the small town, on the side of the street, in a small pavilion.

A very beautiful woman who was extremely charming and charming was half-lying on the couch.

The woman has skin like snow, almond eyes and peach cheeks, a curvy figure, graceful and graceful, and a plump figure, especially the plump areas, which are like peaches in May. She is really rich in capital, wrapped in a chest bag embroidered with mandarin duck blue. , even more plump, and people can’t help but pick it with their hands.

The woman's eyes are like autumn water, capable of seducing people's hearts.

"Is the news you got true? Kuangtu Yan really left the Power Gang and came here!"

The woman's autumn eyes looked at the man in gray in front of her and said.

"I got the news that Kuangtu Yan left the Power Gang, but I came here for analysis by my subordinates. Now the eastern part of Huangzhou where Kuangtu Yan can go alone should be the place where our spiritual source comes from."

The man in gray in front of her replied.

"Is that so? If we find out where Kuangtu Yan is, we might be able to get information about him and sell it to the Original Wolf Clan and the Huan Clan at a good price."

The seductive woman spoke.


The visitor quickly exited the pavilion.

"Kangtu Yan, I believe that the original wolf clan knows the news of your arrival, and I believe they will attack you with all their strength. This time, I am afraid it will be a very strong person. In this case, the slave family will be able to draw you into our fox clan."

After the visitor left, the charming woman stood up from the bed and murmured.

Now that the three races have merged, the demon race and the human race have gradually come into contact, which has also promoted cooperation.

Of course, the Fox Clan itself has had contact with the Human Clan before.

They have also been using their beauty to attract some strong men from the human race to do things for them.

(End of this chapter)

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