The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1431 Yan Kuangtuo, the place of spiritual origin, dragon veins

Chapter 1431 Yan Kuangtuo, the place of spiritual origin, dragon veins

Attic windows.

Outside the pavilion, it was raining now, and the rain was intensifying, as if the sky was pouring down, covering the ground with rustling sounds, and thunder flashing in the sky.

On the street, pedestrians rushed into the restaurant opposite.

Inside the restaurant, the diners were noisy, yelling, and laughing, echoing the sound of rain outside.


The woman next to the pavilion stared hard.

A tall man wearing smart clothes and a bamboo hat appeared at the door of the restaurant opposite.

"That is?"

Seeing that figure, the woman's eyes couldn't help but move.

"Kuaint Yan, he showed up here without any cover-up, what is he?"

A look of surprise appeared on the woman's face.

At this time.

The madman wearing a bamboo hat turned to look at the woman, then turned around and entered the inn.

"How arrogant, Kuangzu Yan. You are still as arrogant as ever. You came here alone and blatantly. The slave family really wants to see what you want to do?"

There was a trace of curiosity on the woman's face.

He turned around, changed his clothes, and left the small pavilion.

The appearance of Kuangyan Yan in the inn will inevitably cause fluctuations.

in the restaurant.

Kuangtu Yan walked into an empty table and chair, sat down, and took off the bamboo hat on his head.

"Boss, bring me a jug of the strongest wine."

The loud voice suppressed all the noise in the restaurant.

Everyone looked towards Kuangtu Yan.

The body is tall and muscular, and the body exudes a violent aura.

"Maniac Yan, Kuangzu Yan from the Quan Li Gang, he has also come to this place of spiritual origin!"

Some recognized Yan Kuangtui.

Yan Kuangtu is one of the most influential people in the eastern part of Huangzhou.

Mainly because he killed many ferocious beasts and demons, and of course many people who were his enemies were also killed.

He is very arrogant.

It is said that during a battle, Yan Kuangtu fought alone against dozens of monsters, beasts and human masters.

Many of these people are Supreme Realm masters, and there are rumors that there are two Supreme Fourth Levels.

After the bloody battle, he was the only one who walked out, covered in blood and extremely domineering.

At that time, Yan Kuangtu's realm was only at the sixth level of the real self.

That battle was the battle where Kuangtu Yan became famous.

After that, Kuangtu Yan's strength improved by leaps and bounds. According to some people's analysis of Kuangzu Yan, Kuangtu Yan's realm should be elevated to the ninth level of the Supreme.

As for combat strength, no one knows.

The True Self Realm can kill the Supreme Realm. If the Realm is at the Supreme Ninth Level, then no one knows what the combat power is.

"Kangtu Yan, you dare to come to the land of spiritual origin. This land of spiritual origin has been occupied by our clan. Are you here to die? You killed the young master of our original wolf clan, I don't think you can leave. Get out of here.”

At this time, a discordant sound sounded in the restaurant.

The sound came from the second floor of the restaurant.

The person who spoke was a tall man with cold eyes. He was looking at Kuangtu Yan fiercely.

A member of the original wolf clan.

Kuangtu Yan ignored the man, but poured a bowl of wine and drank it in large gulps.

"Really happy!"

While drinking, Kuangtu Yan couldn't help but think of that time, or rather his previous life, when he controlled the world by himself and was happy in the world.


Seeing Yan Kuangzu ignoring him so much.

The face of the person who made the noise became extremely ugly, but he did not dare to walk in front of Kuangtu Yan.

Yan Kuangtuo has a great reputation.

He doesn't want to die yet.There were several other people in his room.

Among them are some human races and some forces in the eastern part of the deserted state. They are now cooperating with demons and beasts to occupy the spiritual source land and gain huge benefits.

"Brother Kui Lang, this Yan Kuangtuo is not something we can deal with. When he comes here, he must have entered the Land of Spiritual Source. We have experts from several parties in the Land of Spiritual Source. When the time comes, he will never be able to leave the Land of Spiritual Source." .”

One person spoke.

"This Kuangyan Yan is too arrogant. I am unwilling to let him be so unscrupulous!"

The man called Kui Lang said with hatred.

"If you don't want to be reconciled, that's easy to do. Then go die. I think if you die, there will be nothing to be unwilling to do!"

While he was talking to the people inside the house.

A figure appeared in the room.

"Yan madman!"

The man turned his head again when he heard the sound.

His head, which was just about to turn, was instantly chopped off by Kuangzu Yan, and blood spurted out from his neck.

Didn't kill him just now.

That's because of drinking.

"Crazy Yan, you!"

When the others saw this, they couldn't help but shout.

"You die too!"

Yan Kuangtu raised his fingers, and in an instant, several finger forces emitted from his fingers.


A series of powerful finger forces instantly penetrated the eyebrows of other people. These people fell to the ground and died miserably on the spot.

Kuangtu Yan's body disappeared from the ground in an instant without leaving a single step.

Appearing here is just to attract the attention of people in the spiritual source land.

A group of people can be drawn out.

Kuangtu Yan wearing a bamboo hat appeared outside the town.

His eyes looked toward the spiritual source not far away.

"It seems that Gang Leader Yan, you are going to enter the Land of Lingyuan. There should be nothing about the ruins in the Land of Lingyuan that can attract you!"

An enchanting voice sounded in Kuangtu Yan's ears.

The enchanting woman from the pavilion walked out on the side, the true energy flowing in her body, and the heavy rain could not get close to her.

"Mrs. Yuanxiang, why do you want to participate in this matter?"

Kuangtu Yan looked at the appearance of the beautiful woman and said.

"I'm just curious. You should be looking for the emperor's seal now and step into the quasi-emperor instead of coming to this land of spiritual origin. As long as you join my fox clan and be loyal to my lineage, not only can I become your wife, We will also apply for the Clan Emperor Seal from the clan members to help you reach the quasi-emperor level!"

"In the future, it can also help you sprint to the Great Emperor Realm and even higher realms."

Mrs. Yuanxiang looked at Kuangzu Yan.

As long as Kuangyan Yan joins their Fox Clan, their descendants will definitely have extraordinary qualifications and will definitely become strong men in the Fox Clan.

among the fox clan

Love between a lady and a monster is nothing at all, it's very normal.

Back then, an eight-tailed celestial fox from the fox tribe sneaked into Zhongzhou of the human race and seduced the Buddhist disciple of Tianfrei Pagoda, who was about to reach the level of the great emperor.

She succeeded, and the Buddhist disciple gave up his position as a Buddhist disciple, escaped into the mortal world, followed the enchantress, returned to the Fox Clan, and became the protector of the Fox Clan.

Nowadays, this lineage is very powerful among the Fox Clan, controlling more than half of the Fox Clan's resources.

If she could take down Kuangtu Yan.

Then a powerful heir will definitely be born, and Kuangzu Yan's potential is boundless, and he will definitely be able to step into the level of giants in the emperor.

But there was no movement in Kuangtu Yan's eyes.

Emperor's seal.

He is not lacking at all.

Kuangtu Yan did not entangle with the other party and turned around to enter the land of spiritual origin.

Seeing Yan Kuangzi rushing into the land of spiritual origin, Mrs. Yuan Xiang's eyes narrowed, her heart moved, and she turned around and entered.

(End of this chapter)

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