The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1432: The body is the sky, just suppress it once, just one punch

Chapter 1432: The body is the sky, just suppress it with one punch
In the land of spiritual origin

All gray.

No raindrops.

Kuangtu Yan headed towards a place, and this direction was not the direction of the dragon's veins.

The absorption of dragon veins requires a process, and there are many strong people there now.

"You are going to the White Bone Tower. Although there are rumors that there are hand bones of Buddhist masters in recent times, these are just rumors. The most obtained bones are just ordinary skeletons, which are of no use to the quasi-emperor level. "

"I've been here a long time, maybe I can show you some places!"

Mrs. Yuan Xiang, who was following Kuangtu Yan, saw the direction Kuangtu Yan was heading and couldn't help but speak.

After hearing Mrs. Yuan Xiang's words, Kuangtu Yan stopped.

The main purpose of his coming here is for the dragon vein, so he really doesn't know much about other places.

Seeing the figure of Kuangtu Yan, he stopped.

Mrs. Yuanxiang said with a happy face: "Our Fox Clan, Tianyi Pavilion, has collected a lot of information here. Although we don't know much, we have also found some strange places. However, these places are full of many strange and abnormal things. And power, there are many restrictions, if you are not careful, even the supreme ninth level will definitely die."

"In the land of spiritual origin, there is a dark ancient tomb. There are blood-colored oil lamps outside that place. It is very strange. People who come close will fall into an illusion. It is caused by the oil lamp, but attacking the oil lamp is like an illusion. , very weird.”

Hearing this, Yan Kuangtu said with great interest: "Interesting, there is this place?"

If it were a place like this, it should be able to trap and kill many people who wanted to deal with him.

Killing a group of people will reduce the number of people.

"I told you, there must be one, and I can take you there."

Mrs. Yuanxiang said.

A doubt arises in my heart

When Kuangtu Yan came to this place of spiritual origin, didn’t he study the place of spiritual origin?

Although what she said was a bit strange, many people knew about it.

But judging from the conversation just now, Kuangtu Yan seemed to have no idea at all.

Did he come to the spiritual source land temporarily?
How could Mrs. Yuan Xiang know that Yan Kuangtuo's purpose of coming here was for the Dragon Vein.

"Take me there!"

"I really want to see what you want to do?"

The two of them headed towards the same place.

Only after they've been moving forward for a while.

Three werewolves half-body covered with black hair appeared in front of Yan Kuangtui and the others. They were members of the original wolf clan, and they came very quickly.

"You trash people, come and stop me!"

Seeing these three people, Kuangtu Yan did not give these three people a chance to speak.


Kuangtu Yan exuded terrifying power, and with a wave of his hand, he smacked the three of them directly.

Suddenly, a force that suppressed everything, obliterated everything, bowed everything, and made all living beings obey orders erupted from the big hand.

this moment

Yan Kuangtuo is the sky, suppress him.

Bang!Bang, bang!
The three figures turned directly into a ball of blood mist.


Mrs. Yuan Xiang's expression changed as she followed him.

The three people who appeared here were all at the sixth level of the Supreme, but in the hands of Kuangtu Yan, they were not enemies with a single palm.

Moreover, Yan Kuangtu didn't seem to use much power just now.

After killing these three people, Kuangtu Yan looked at a place

"Three pieces of garbage came out. They are already dead. You should come out too!"

His voice was low, and the fierce light in his eyes sharpened.

Just as he finished speaking, a bloody sword light appeared, and blood flames burned into the sky, rushing towards Kuangtu Yan.

"Kuaint Yan, you are too presumptuous, I will kill you with the sword today."

The light of the sword, the flames of blood, the voice was hoarse and low.


Yan Kuangtu punched.Punch out.

A roaring sound erupted, a strong wind burst out, and the sound of tigers roaring and dragons roaring erupted in the fist.

Yan Kuangtu's burly and tall body followed his fists and charged forward.

The sword light dissipated, the aftermath was raging, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

Kuangtu Yan's figure did not stop, and his fist continued to fall at the place where he just made the sound.

There was a ripple in the space.

A sudden figure appeared there, moving extremely fast, avoiding Kuangtu Yan's attack.

Kuangtu Yan paused and looked at the sudden figure that appeared. The figure was an old man wearing a black robe.

The old man didn't know how old he was. His face was covered with wrinkles, but his pupils were as pure and clear as a baby's. But if you look closely, you will feel that those eyes are as deep as the sea.

He held a long knife in his left hand and looked at Kuangtu Yan with cold eyes.

There was a cold and sharp aura exuding from his body.

"Yunsanmen, Great Elder Huo Chen",
But when he saw this person, Kuangtu Yan revealed his identity.

Tiansanmen, like the Power Gang, is a force that has emerged recently in the eastern part of Huangzhou.

He had issues with the Power Gang, and the two sides fought many times. In the first battle that made Kuangtu Yan famous, he killed a Tiansan Sect leader.

The Great Elder of Tiansan Sect, whose strength is rumored to be close to that of the Quasi-Emperor, is the second master of Tiansan Sect.

"Why is this old guy here?"

Mrs. Yuanxiang frowned.

He knew very well how powerful Huo Chen was. Huo Chen was also a very powerful figure in the eastern part of the barren state today.

He mastered the "Blood Flame Sword Solution", which he obtained from an ancient site. It was very powerful, far beyond the comparison of ordinary people in the same realm.

Even the long sword in his hand has some reputation. It was recently obtained in this spiritual source land, and its killing power is astonishing!

"Although Kuangtu Yan is strong, his opponent is not simple either. What's more, there must be others coming..."

Mrs. Yuan Xiang was a little worried, and subconsciously looked at Kuangzu Yan.

What surprised her was that she could not see any emotional fluctuations in Kuangtu Yan, only indifference and indifference.

There was this indifference, as if he didn't care about Huo Chen.

Seeing this, Mrs. Yuanxiang narrowed her pupils slightly,
"I didn't expect Mrs. Yuan Xiang to be here. Do you want to help Kuangyan Yan?"

Suddenly, Huo Chen's voice sounded in Mrs. Yuan Xiang's ears.

Mrs. Yuanxiang said calmly: "Don't worry, I'm just passing by and won't get involved."

Not far away, Huo Chen said, "Thank you for your help."

Mrs. Yuan Xiang slowly moved aside.

"Kangtu Yan, I didn't expect you to leave. The power gang's station came to this place of spiritual origin. I will kill you here today!"

Huo Chen looked at Yan Kuangtu and said.

His eyes were inadvertently sniffing the bloody smell in the air after Kuangyan Yan had killed several people.

There was a hint of chill in his eyes as deep as the ocean.

"You told me so much, aren't you just waiting for someone?"

"They should be arriving soon, so there is no need for you to stay. It is rumored that you will soon reach the quasi-emperor level. I wonder if I can kill you with one punch."

Yan Kuangtu's tone was calm, but his words were extremely arrogant.


In his eyes, this Huo Chen was just a matter of one punch.

Huo Chen's face turned a little ugly.

He was indeed waiting for someone as Kuangtu Yan said.

The news has just spread out in the small town.

They were afraid that Yan Kuangtuo would disappear, so they sent people to intercept him first. Since he was the closest, he came here first.

But Kuangtu Yan had just taken action, which left him feeling frightened.

So take the advice and first stabilize Kuangtu Yan and wait for the others to come. Now they have arrived, but Kuangpu Yan is too arrogant.

(End of this chapter)

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