The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1481 9-Eyed Demon, Born with 9-Eyed Demon for 9 Lives

"Not moving!"


Su Chen's eyes narrowed.

Now he can only contact the other party, but cannot teleport to him.

"The other party reversed space. Who is that person?"

"Duan Lang, you immediately intercept and kill the people from Changsheng Taoist Temple. I want to know who they invited and where they are now?"

Su Chen immediately ordered Duanlang and the others.

It shouldn't be that difficult for Duan Lang, the First Evil Emperor, and Po Jun to intercept the two of Changsheng Taoist Temple.

"Didn't you expect to encounter such a thing?"

Su Chen's eyes sparkled.

Contact Huai Kong immediately and ask him to find a way to break through.


Huai Kong's face was also solemn.

A pill appeared in his hand and after taking it, the cracks in the skin around him began to slowly heal, and the boiling energy and blood were suppressed.

He stood up with his sin in hand.

"Sir, I'll get rid of him!"

Next to the man in green, the woman in black said,

"Need not!"

The man in green clothes moved, his body seemed to be completely weightless, flying in the air, standing ten feet away from Huai Kong, staring at Huai Kong.

"Don't you feel strange, why haven't your reinforcements arrived yet?"

The man in green looked at Huai Kong and said calmly.

"who are you?"

Huaikong did not answer the man in green, but turned around to ask for the man's identity.

As long as he asks the other party's identity, he can spread the news. After spreading the news, he can quickly investigate the person's information. Once he has the person's information, he will be able to know why he is here.

"I didn't expect that at this time, you are not concerned about your situation, but who am I?"

"Then I will tell you that I am the young master of the Nine-Eyed Demon Clan! The Demon Nine Lives!"

The man in green is now in control of everything, so he reveals his identity.

"Nine-eyed demon! Nine-eyed demon!"

The news spread quickly and reached many people.

Su Chen, who was looking for Huai Kong, also got the news.

Nine-eyed demon!

Su Chen was slightly startled.

This is one of the five most powerful clans among the demon clan.

Nine-Eyed Demon Clan, Blood Corpse Demon Clan, Sky-Netherworld Demon Clan, Swallowing Demon Clan, Thousand-Handed Demon Clan.

Among them, it is said that the nine-eyed demon clan is the oldest.

Back then, the Nine-Eyed Demon Ancestor once became the strongest of the demon clan.

It's just that the two apparently supreme emperors of the demon clan are not from this clan.

Now the supreme emperor on the demonic surface, the Nine Blood Corpse Emperor, comes from the Blood Corpse Clan, and the Tianming Emperor comes from the Tianming Demon Clan.

But being able to become one of the five most powerful demon clans, the Nine-Eyed Demon Clan is extraordinary.


Su Chen got the news from Kuangtu Yan.

The area where Kuangtu Yan lives is close to the demon tribe, and he often fights against demons and beasts.

I know something about monsters.

Know some information about this demon Jiu Sheng.

Yao Jiu Sheng, the recognized young master of the nine-eyed demons, was born with all nine eyes open. He is the genius of the demon clan. He has nothing to do with the current patriarch of the nine-eyed demon clan. He is the young master promoted by the Nine-Eyed Demon Elders Association. His power is not weaker than that of Jiu Sheng. The leader of the Eye Demon Clan.

Able to demonize any creature and turn it into a living puppet.

Back then, he sneaked into the human race's Zhongzhou and Shenzhou and killed many giants among the emperors. His strength was undoubtedly close to that of the supreme emperor.

He fought against Emperor Shenwu once and escaped. His strength was terrifying.

He can use spatial alienation to pull people into an alien space, and constantly move the original place of confrontation so that no trace of him can be traced.


Seeing this information, Su Chen's eyes narrowed.

Now he finally knew why Huai Kong's coordinates were not found when he came.

"It's a bit difficult!" "Huai Kong, you have to lock your position so that I can find him!"

Su Chen felt a little impatient.

Judging from the news, this demon Jiu Sheng's strength is very terrifying.

Although Huai Kong has a sin in his hands, he is probably no match for this person.

another place

"I didn't expect that your Excellency is actually Yao Jiu Sheng. You are constantly moving my position so that no one can find the place where we are fighting."

Huai Kong looked at Yao Jiu Sheng.

My heart was extremely shocked.

During this period of fighting, he didn't notice anything strange. The opponent's strength was a bit scary.

"You know who I am, then you should also know that you can't escape in my hands. How about I give you a chance, be loyal to me, and let me demonize you."

The man in green looked at Huai Kongdao in the pit.

A person who is willing to be demonized will have better growth attributes than one who is severely injured and demonized by him.

"Making me loyal to you, you think you can do that!"

Huai Kong's aura began to gather, and he fought with his back to the wall.

"If you had discovered the abnormal movement in space earlier, maybe I might not be able to capture you, but now that your strength has plummeted, I am optimistic about you and that's why I gave you such a chance!"

"Follow me and you won't suffer any loss. I will rule this world in the future."

The man in Tsing Yi spoke arrogantly, he actually wanted to rule this metaworld.

"If you want to use this to win me over and conquer me, you are looking down on me, right?"

"And you want to rule this metaworld. It's really a dream. The master of this world can only be the master of my [human world]!"

Huai Kong said coldly.

Hear Huai Kong's words.

Yao Jiu Sheng, a man in green, his face darkened! "How presumptuous. Your life is in my hands. Since you don't value your own life, let me let you feel the fear of death. I believe that in the face of death, you will kneel down and beg me for mercy."

"Really, I don't believe it!"

At this moment, Huai Kong's eyes became piercing, and a blazing flame burned on his body. The fire emitted surged out like a tide, forming circles of tyrannical energy ripples. , collided with the void, burning the void.

He held the long knife tightly in his hand, and his body exuded a frightening murderous aura.


Huai Kong strode towards Yao Jiu Sheng, and with every step he took, the ground would shake.

At the same time, the aura of flames on his body continued to become more intense.

When he rushed in front of Yao Jiu Sheng, the temperature emanating from his whole body melted the void under Yao Jiu Sheng's feet, forming dark rock flows.
"What a powerful fire energy, but it's still just a dying struggle!"

Yao Jiu Sheng's face looked very dull and he raised his palms.

When he raised his palm, a strange rune appeared in his palm, and his palm immediately began to devour the surrounding power.

Palm, slap it out with one palm.


When he claps his palm, the heavenly sin in Huai Kong's hand is also chopped out,

The two forces collided together.

The sin in Huai Kong's hand began to absorb the power in his body, became fierce, and resisted the demon Jiu Sheng's palm.

One is an imperial weapon covered in flames, and the other is a monster monster that can swallow power.

Both forces were extremely powerful, dividing the entire world into half red and half black.


The two forces collided, and a gap opened in the space in front of Huai Kong and Yao Jiu Sheng.

Keep expanding, half a meter, one meter, two meters...

The void crack quickly separated, expanded to about 13 meters in width, and extended dozens of miles to the left and right, forming a huge space crack.

"This is the time!"

Suddenly, Huai Kong gathered his strength.

His body turned around and rushed into the void.

That palm slapped Huai Kong.

But Huai Kong has rushed into the void.


Yao Jiu Sheng's expression changed and he followed in.

The woman in black from before also quickly followed.

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