A void breaks
A figure fell from the void.

It is Huaikong.

A huge pit appeared on the ground, and Tian Sin fell to the side.

"So strong, the remaining strength, when hit, the body seems to be broken at any time!"

Huai Kong was severely injured at this moment. He knelt on one knee and pressed his hands to the ground. The skin all over his body was bursting with blood and his body seemed to have turned into ceramic.

All it takes is an external force to touch him and his body will fall apart.

At this moment, he didn't even have a chance to use elixirs in the dark to recover from his injuries.

He just gave it his all.

Exploding the power of blazing flames, using the power of blazing flames to burn the surrounding void, detecting the nodes of the place where they are located, and finally bursting out with all their power, using the aftermath of the two people's attacks to crack the void.

Escape into the void.

Just leave the space controlled by the other party.

The Lord can appear beside him.

Head-to-head confrontation.

He is no match for the demon Jiu Sheng. He can only escape from the opponent's alien space in this way and let the Lord help him.


"I didn't expect you to escape!"

"It's just where you can escape!"

"Now I can easily press you to death, but before you lose me, I will show you the pain of demonization!"

Yao Jiu Sheng stood in mid-air, looking calm and calm, and a black energy appeared in his palm.

This black energy appeared, and the surrounding world suddenly became cold.

"Demonize me, I don't believe it." Huai Kong shook his head.

Yao Jiu Sheng sighed: "I didn't expect that a person like you would be so afraid of death. Do you really disappoint me?"

"Is it really that easy to demonize me? Haven't you ever thought about why I escaped here?"

Huai Kong's eyes looked towards one place.

Yao Jiu Sheng also followed Huai Kong's gaze and saw a man wearing a [Human World] robe and mask walking out slowly.


Huai Kong saluted Su Chen with difficulty.


The demon Jiu Sheng's expression condensed.

"Yao Jiu Sheng, if you want to demonize your subordinates, do you have to get my permission first?"

Su Chen slowly came towards this side, revealing a coldness in his eyes.

"[Human World] Su Qingchen!"

Seeing Su Chen appear, Yao Jiu Sheng said with a cold look.

"I didn't expect you to know me. It's such an honor. Let me see the strength of the young master of the nine-eyed demon clan today!"

Su Chen said,

"See my strength, I can't see through your strength, but you are definitely not the supreme emperor. Your voice tells me that you are very young. The reason why you can become the lord of Huakong should be due to your status in the [human world] It’s not ordinary!”

Yao Jiu Sheng showed a half-smiling expression.

This expression seemed to see through everything about Su Chen.

What he cares about is the powerful supreme emperor.

But the Supreme Emperor didn't appear immediately, but this person came, so he didn't need to care.

"It seems you are very confident in dealing with me!"

Su Chen didn't expect this demon Jiu Sheng to be so quick-thinking.

"Of course, if you are the Supreme Emperor, you should be the one to show the strength of the Supreme Emperor in Yan Lingtian's mansion, rather than having a Supreme Emperor appear [in the human world]."

"Your strength is not that of the Supreme Emperor, why should I be afraid of you!"

"Just in time, I will demonize you and let me know more things about [the human world]!"

Yao Jiu Sheng's eyes showed a ferocious look.

At this moment, Yao Jiu Sheng's figure began to change, all his facial features disappeared, and nine closed eyes gradually appeared.

"It's an honor for you to see the power of my nine eyes!"

The sound came from Yao Jiu Sheng.

No mouth, just a mental wave!
All nine eyes start.

The power of terror swept across, the sky was filled with dark clouds, and the wind and clouds were surging, as if a force that could destroy the world appeared.

In this destructive power, nine eyes emerged from the dense dark clouds. In one place!
Zhenyuanzi, who had been intercepted by Duanlang and the others, is now surrounded and killed by Duanlang and Pojun. As for Zhenyangzi, he is surrounded by the First Evil Emperor and his refined Ci Withered Demonic Body, and the aura on his body Chaos can't stop the attack at all.

The First Evil Emperor's sword light penetrated into the opponent's body.

Ci Ku grabbed the opponent's body with his palm, and a wave of demonic energy spread out from it and began to devour the power in Zhen Yangzi's body.

"Senior brother, save me!"

Mayoko growled for help.

"Save you. Now your senior brother also wants someone to save you. Damn it, what happened to this demon nine lives?"

Zhen Genzi yelled and cursed.

"Shouldn't you be going to save Huai Kong there? Why are you surrounding us?"

Under the bombardment of Duan Lang and Po Jun, Zhen Yuanzi's body was knocked backwards and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

At this time, nine eyes appeared in the void, making him look happy.

"If you don't go to save Huai Kong, under these nine eyes, everyone will be imprisoned, up to and including Supreme. If you don't go to save your companion, he will die."

Zhenyuanzi hopes to use this to let Duanlang and the others go to rescue Huai Kong.

And in that case, he would have a chance to escape,

Just when his voice fell.

A dragon claw pierced through his body, forming a suction force that swallowed up the power in his body.

"This, you guys!"

"My lord has gone there himself, why should we go!"

Duan Lang snorted coldly.

The other hand raised up and took off the opponent's head.

His eyes were looking into the void.

Su Chen is here.

Nine eyes appeared in the void, making Su Chen freeze slightly.

His eyes looked at the demon Jiu Sheng.

"The power of the nine-eyed demon is indeed not simple. It's a pity that you are facing me!"

Su Chen directly used the power of the Supreme Emperor at this moment, and the terrifying power shot straight into the sky. The nine eyes that appeared earlier were directly shattered by the rushing power.

"I heard that you can fight against the Supreme Emperor. I wonder if you can take my blow!"

Su Chen's eyes were cold.

At this moment, his body was high and he controlled life and death.


The nine eyes on Yao Jiu Sheng's face suddenly changed.

"You are also the Supreme Emperor, how is this possible!"


This is the only thought in his mind now.

Although he had fought against the Supreme Emperor once, Su Chen felt to him that the aura was too violent and stronger than the ordinary Supreme Emperor.

"Extreme sun, blazing sun!"

Right at this moment.

Su Chen punched out.

The fist emitted terrifying flames like the sun, and was about to devour the demon Jiu Sheng with one punch.

"Nine Eyes Seal!"

At this moment, Yao Jiu Sheng's nine eyes emitted nine rays of light, trying to block Su Chen's fist, but Su Chen's fist moved forward, and the nine light beams directly shattered under the force.

"Life or death!"

Just when Su Chen's fist fell on Yao Jiu Sheng.

He let out a low drink.

The body exploded under the fist.

But Su Chen's eyes narrowed as he punched.

Because just when the fist touched the opponent, one of the opponent's eyes was shattered, and the woman in black who was not far away seemed to disappear instantly, replacing Yao Jiu Sheng, and Yao Jiu Sheng's life breath disappeared.

"Something weird! Is this the demon's ability?"

"See you next time, you won't have the chance to leave!"

Su Chen said coldly.

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