The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1572: Immortal fog surrounds, the Immortal Dynasty of Truth is born

Su Chen's eyes narrowed. He didn't expect Fairy Yunxue to have the royal bloodline of the Truth Immortal Dynasty, which meant that she was a descendant of the Truth Immortal Dynasty.

In this case, it would make sense for the other party to know what was going on inside.

As for choosing yourself.

It should be because he saw that his combat power did not pose a threat to her.

"Sister, why would you choose an outsider instead of me!"

At this time, a low voice of resentment came from somewhere.


Su Chen's eyes narrowed and he looked towards the place where the sound came from.

It turned out to be Li Yifan from Zhenwu Temple.

Seeing Li Yifan appear, Fairy Yunxue's expression changed slightly. She did not expect that Li Yifan would appear here.

"Why are you here?"

Fairy Yunxue said with a cold look.

"Senior sister, don't you think that I can inherit the power of the royal family of the Truth Immortal Dynasty?"

Li Yifan said.

"You, the Li family, want the imperial power of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth. You are delusional!"

Fairy Yunxue said with a cold look.

When she finished speaking, Su Chen's figure beside her moved and punched Li Yifan.

After punching out, the terrifying fist power turned into a monstrous bloody flame, killing Li Yifan.

Such people can be dealt with simply and crudely.

Talk about anything, it’s a waste of time.

"you wanna die!"

Li Yifan himself had murderous intentions towards Su Chen, and when he saw Su Chen attacking him, his face looked ferocious.

The long sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed out. The terrifying sword energy instantly tore the void apart and attacked Su Chen.


The sword energy shattered.

"With this little strength, you dare to come here to seek death!"

Su Chen snorted coldly.

"Hurry up and open the ruins of the Immortal Kingdom of Truth. This guy must have some tricks up his sleeve when he comes!"

Su Chen sent a message to Fairy Yunxue.

Before entering the Immortal Dynasty of Truth, Su Chen would not explode into stronger strength.

And this Li Yifan was obviously ordered to come.

There must be ways to save lives.

Just exposing his current strength may not necessarily kill Li Yifan, who has a trump card.

So a message was sent to Fairy Yunxue to ask her to open the ruins of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth.

The sword energy was shattered. Li Yifan's expression changed. He didn't expect Su Chen to take action right away, so he hurriedly retreated.


Su Chen's fist landed on the ground.


The rocks at the foot were broken.

"You're such a loser and you want to compare yourself to me. I really don't know why!"

While Su Chen was speaking, a spear appeared in his hand, and he and the gun merged into one, and rushed towards Li Yifan.

The gun's light flashed and its sharp edge was revealed.


Li Yifan immediately drew his sword to resist.

The long sword collided with the spear, the void exploded, and a terrifying force hit Li Yifan, and Li Yifan's body retreated.


At this moment, the spear in Su Chen's hand moved, unleashing a shocking force, forming a storm and heading towards Li Yifan.

Although the power was strong, it was not so strong that Li Yifan could not fight back.

In this case, Li Yifan will not be allowed to use his trump cards.

Once the power here is too strong, it will definitely attract attention, but Su Chen doesn't want to attract such attention.

Li Yifan stepped back, but a storm swept over him.

His complexion changed drastically.

He kept retreating and used his long sword to continuously attack to weaken the power of the storm. Of course, this caused his own true energy to continue to gush out.

"Yang Chen, you are looking for death, you are looking for death, do you know who I am?"

The defensive Li Yifan growled.

"If you take action against me, you and that old woman won't be able to get out of the Full Moon Canyon!"

Li Yifan said sharply.

But when he was roaring.

A shocking murderous intent filled the air above his head, and a sharp spear appeared from the storm.

"This!" Li Yifan was startled when he saw the spear.

He looked shocked.

It was as if his movements had stopped.

Waiting for Su Chen's spear to pierce his eyebrows.

At this moment, Su Chen suddenly felt a violent death energy suddenly appear above his head in the void.

Su Chen's eyes narrowed.

He turned around and shot out towards the place of death.


The two forces collided, Su Chen's figure moved slightly, and the opponent's body was knocked back.


"A person from the dead and alive?"

Su Chen knew this person. It was the woman standing behind Gui Wuying, holding a battle helmet in her hands. He did not expect that the other party would help Li Yifan.

"Li Yifan, are you colluding with the living and the dead?"

Su Chen said with a cold look.

"Hmph, this loser is worthy of colluding with me. If he hadn't been useful, I wouldn't have saved him at all!"

A woman appeared and said coldly.

He didn't even care about Li Yifan.

"Can Hanxiao, you deserve to die!"

Li Yifan's face turned ferocious. He was not worried about the attack from Su Chen's spear just now. As long as Su Chen's spear attacked him, his trump card would be triggered. At that time, Su Chen would be hit by energy, and he could strike with one blow. Kill the opponent.

And this time.

A bloodstain was drawn in Fairy Yunxue's palm, and the bloodstain dripped on a piece of white jade pendant.

Appeared on the jade pendant.

An illusory dragon shadow.

The dragon shadow soared into the sky, making a roaring sound, and flew towards the crack in the valley.

After the dragon shadow flew in, in the crack, the sea of ​​clouds steamed and the mist surrounded it, just like a fairyland on earth. At a glance, the fairy lights bloomed, making people dazzled.


Suddenly, mountains and rivers appeared in the sea of ​​clouds, and above the rivers, a palace emerged. The palace was above the clouds, magnificent and filled with fairy spirit.

It's like a heavenly palace.

It makes people fascinated.

"Immortal Imperial Court!"

Su Chen was slightly shocked.

This is similar to the previous appearance of the ruins of the Origin God Dynasty.


At this time, Fairy Yunxue grabbed Su Chen and headed towards the palace.


Seeing this, Can Hanxiao grabbed Li Yifan with his palm, and a breath grabbed him, heading towards Su Chen and the others.

She kept staring at Fairy Yunxue, so when the other party moved, she also moved.

Of course, she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to deal with Su Chen and the others, so she caught Li Yifan. She was able to come here because she followed Li Yifan. She also heard Li Yifan's words and knew that Li Yifan had tricks on him.

And Li Yifan has a grudge against Su Chen.

With her help, when the time comes, she only has to deal with Fairy Yunxue.


At this moment.

A ray of light instantly enveloped the four people, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"That is?"

At this moment.

Someone saw the appearance of the Immortal Palace.

"The Immortal Dynasty of Truth, you have started the Immortal Dynasty of Truth!"

Gui Wuying, who was fighting Yan Wuyan, changed his expression.

He has occupied the Full Moon Canyon for countless years, so he naturally knows that there are ruins of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth in the Full Moon Canyon.

I have been trying to open the ruins of the Truth Immortal Dynasty for these years, but I couldn't. Unexpectedly, when the Zhenwu Temple attacked today, the ruins of the Truth Immortal Dynasty were opened.

"This has nothing to do with me. What I want is for you to die!"

Yan Wuyan said without changing his expression.

"Look, that's the ruins of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth. The ruins of the Immortal Truth Dynasty are on the Full Moon Canyon. Let's rush in!"

At this time, someone in the audience shouted, his face full of excitement, and he was about to rush forward.

"The ruins of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth, the ruins of the Immortal Dynasty, charge!"

As he shouted, some people watching the battle quickly moved towards the Full Moon Canyon.

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