The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1573 Buddha’s golden amulet, the origin of the emperor appears

"Damn it!"

"You are trying to destroy my Full Moon Canyon!"

Seeing this scene, Gui Wuying's pupils changed drastically. It was too cruel. This move from the Zhenwu Temple was too cruel.

The ruins of the Immortal Dynasty can make people crazy.

If these people rush into the Full Moon Canyon, the Full Moon Canyon will definitely be destroyed.

"Whatever back-up you have, it's useless!"

Yan Wuyan looked at Gui Wuying and said coldly.

Under such a general trend, no matter how many back-ups the Full Moon Canyon has, it cannot stop this general trend.

Ruins of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth.

It makes people crazy, and now that the Zhenwu Temple is taking action against the Full Moon Canyon, the Full Moon Canyon must also be targeted.

Surrounded by wolves!

No chance to leave!

"Everyone in the Full Moon Canyon listens to the order and retreats!"

Gui Wuying gave a low shout and ordered the people in the Full Moon Canyon to retreat. Such fearless resistance would only be destroyed.

He didn't want the remaining people in the Full Moon Canyon to suffer losses.

"Retreat! They can't retreat!"

Yan Wuyan snorted coldly.


At this moment, he rushed into the crowd of Full Moon Canyon.

A figure punched a row of guards in the Full Moon Canyon with a violent punch. In an instant, the row of guards turned into blood mist under his fist.


The figures rushed forward to snatch the blood from these people.

If one person takes action, the people who follow him will also take action. As long as there are some benefits, people will go crazy. What's more, the Full Moon Canyon has existed for such a long time, and there must be some enemies.

Now, this is the time for revenge, how could you miss such an opportunity?

For a time, the smell of blood filled the entire Full Moon Canyon.


Yan Wuyan was the first to take action, and his sword energy broke through the air. The terrifying aura combined with the sharp and unparalleled sword energy could be described as destroying the world and destroying the world. It is definitely not an exaggeration.

Being in the center of the sword energy, Gui Wuying was extremely solemn.

Yan Wuyan's sword energy also contained a Buddhist energy, which not only relieved the death energy that erupted from his body, but also eroded his mind.

He couldn't suppress this kind of Buddhist aura for a while.

Putting him in a passive state, his body was eroded by the sword energy, causing his clothes to be torn and sword marks to appear.

There is a trace of Buddha's light above these scars.

Make it difficult for scars to heal in a short time.


One punch.

The fist blasted the air and forcibly dispersed the oncoming sword energy. The aftermath of the impact was immortal, causing Gui Wuying's physical body to vibrate.

"Gui Wuying, after today, there will no longer be anyone like you among the dead and alive!"

At this moment, Yan Wuyan was holding a sword in one hand, with overwhelming momentum, and the Buddha's light shining on his body, like a peerless Buddha.

His own strength is extremely strong, but now with the help of the power of Buddhist patterns and the combination of the two, he has become powerful to a terrifying level.

Even if Yan Wuyan was actually at his peak, it would be difficult to resist him.

While talking.

Yan Wuyan slashed down with his long sword, and the sword energy bombarded down like a river, threatening to completely submerge the opponent.

"If you want to kill me, you deserve it!"

Gui Wuying roared.

Biting the tip of his tongue, a mouthful of blood gushed out. Not only did his aura not slump, but it seemed as if he had received some nourishment, and he instantly climbed to a terrifying level.

this moment.

The intention of the fist reaches straight into the sky.

The aura of unparalleled iron blood filled the air, like an invincible cavalry.

Under this iron cavalry, there is also a death aura unique to the dead and alive, which resists the falling Buddha's light.

Facing the sword energy that was bombarded by Zhanluo.

Gui Wuying had an awe-inspiring aura, and there was no trace of fear on his face.

"I have lived without shadow for countless years. Can you kill me if you want? What's more, you want to kill me?"


"Not worthy yet!"

The words fell.

An earth-shattering punch struck directly.

That punch. It was the most powerful punch that Gui Wuying could muster at his peak strength.

Concentrated energy and spirit.

With one punch, the power of the punch is overwhelming.

The terrifying power bursts out, even if the mountain is in front of you, it can still be destroyed.

boom! ! !

The two forces collided fiercely, a huge roar came from the sky and the earth, and surging air waves swept across.


An energy storm filled the sky.

After the storm energy disappeared, the two figures appeared.

At this moment, Yan Wuyan clenched his sword tightly, looked at Gui Wuying, and frowned slightly.

Gui Wuying's aura was a little sluggish, but his expression did not change.

"Explode the source of your life and death, but how much can you explode?"

Yan Wuyan said coldly.

Both are supreme emperors, and the two of them are the dead and the immortal walking around. They often fight against each other, and their strength is almost the same. But now that he has used the Buddhist patterns to suppress Gui Wuying, Gui Wuying's current strength is simply not comparable to that of Gui Wuying. He rivals.

He believed that as long as the battle continued and most of Gui Wuying's death energy was consumed, he would be able to kill the opponent.

Therefore, it is only a matter of time before he dies without a shadow.

Facing the cold-eyed Yan Wuyan, Gui Wuying wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth vigorously, his eyes full of murderous intent and disdain.

"I didn't expect that your cooperation with Buddhism would really disgrace you Immortals. The strongest people among you Immortals back then were all converted by Buddhism and became the Dharma Protectors. It seems you want to do the same!"

Gui Wuying said coldly.

"Gui Wuying, don't say anything else, it's useless. If I kill you and take away the source of your death, my strength will definitely get closer!"

"As for Buddhism, I'm just cooperating with them. They want to convert me. Do you think they can do it?"

Yan Wuyan said coldly.


While speaking, he raised his other palm, and the Buddha patterns that appeared on his body began to condense.

A Buddha is condensed with golden luster all over his body.

Seeing this Buddha,

Gui Wuying felt a sense of depression from it.

"Buddha's golden amulet!"

At this moment, a deep voice sounded around the two of them.

Gui Wuying's face showed joy, while Yan Wuyan's expression changed, and he looked around with a gloomy face.

"Yan Wuyan, you can't get out of here today!"

Gui Wuying smiled.

He knew that the Origin Emperor was ready to take action. As long as the Origin Emperor took action, Yan Wuyan would die.

Even if he had a trump card, it would be useless.

Yan Wuyan looked towards one place with his eyes and mouth, where a figure appeared, wrapped in a black robe, but the other person stood there, making a kind of terror rise in his heart.

His eyes were extremely solemn.

"I didn't expect that you would also invite this old antique from the dead and alive! But did you invite him here to die?"

Yan Wuyan spoke, his eyes suddenly flashing with excitement.

After saying that, a blood mark suddenly appeared in his palm, and the blood went towards the golden Buddha.

In the blink of an eye, it turned blood red, Yan Wuyan's face was pale and bloodless, and his aura was completely depressed.

"Use the blood of my immortal being to sacrifice this golden Buddha, and it will turn into a blood Buddha!"

Yan Wuyan shouted lowly.


The sun seemed to disappear, and the world instantly became dark.

The blood-colored Blood Buddha rose into the sky, its body covered with blood-colored light shining on the heaven and earth, and its red eyes fell on the appearing figure.

"The Blood Buddha is just a shadow!"

"You should show up in front of me!"

The figure appeared, and a terrifying emperor's blood energy suddenly appeared on his body. The blood energy condensed into a dragon shadow and rushed towards the Blood Buddha instantly.

Then the palm of his hand suddenly moved towards Yan Wuyan.

"First use your source of immortality to help me improve!"

The voice was cold and stern, and as he spoke, his palm penetrated the void and appeared on the opponent's body.


The palm passes through the opponent's body.

"Blood sacrifice, complete blood sacrifice, how is it possible?"

But at this time, the expression of the man in black robe changed slightly, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

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