Mizusawa Center.

The scarlet eyes of a deep black dragon were looking at the two people who appeared above the water.

"Is the ruins of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth opened? Is it going to return?"

"Can those of us who were imprisoned by the Immortal Dynasty of Truth be able to return smoothly this time?"

The voice was low, and there was a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"It's not easy to have such a strong body at such a young age?"

"The person who came here is not good. I'd better not stand up and let others take action!"

After the dragon finished speaking, he sank into the depths of the water and was not prepared to interfere in the affairs on the shore.


Su Chen tore the body of a dragon with his palm, and gurgling blood fell into the water, turning the surrounding water into a sea of ​​blood.

Several more dragons soared into the sky and charged towards Su Chen.

It's just that these dragons are very strong to other people, but in Su Chen's eyes, they are just precious medicines that swallow blood essence and enhance physical strength.

There was no holding back at all.

The force of the fist blasted out, causing the void to tremble, and struck the dragon's body, immediately shooting out a dragon's blood and flying horizontally.

Su Chen's fists at this moment were opening and closing like a fierce god. Each punch was so powerful that it seemed like it could break the stars. It was very astonishing and extremely powerful.

This can only appear after cultivating physical strength to a certain level.

"Isn't there a limit? Every time he swallows the essence and blood of a dragon, his physical body can improve a little. Is there no limit to his physical body?"

Fairy Yunxue who was watching the battle had her eyes focused.

He was surprised that Su Chen could continue to improve his physical strength after devouring so many dragons.

"Dare to massacre my Shui Ze Jiao Long clan!"


That's when.

A dark black dragon soared out of the sky, spitting out a mouthful of black light and shooting towards Su Chen's back.


A huge force of blood appeared on Su Chen's back, blocking the black light, but the powerful force also shook Su Chen far away.

This dragon exuded the power of the Great Emperor. As he spoke, his body transformed into a middle-aged man wearing black armor.

The middle-aged man looked at Su Chen fiercely, as if he wanted to swallow Su Chen in one gulp.

"The dragon of the Great Emperor Realm!"

Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

His realm has not yet entered the realm of the Great Emperor, but his physical strength has reached the realm of the Great Emperor.

Using other treasures and powers, the strength will inevitably become stronger, but in that case, too much will be exposed in front of Fairy Yunxue, so Su Chen did not show other powers.

And this moment.

A pitch-black warhammer appeared in the middle-aged man's hand. Black inscriptions were exuding on the warhammer, corroding the surrounding air.

It's a nice treasure.


The middle-aged man waved his arm, and the war hammer struck directly at Su Chen.

The war hammer burst out with a powerful force, quickly pushing the air wave out, turning it into a huge arc, and impacting out.

In this air wave, there was also a biting chill, eroding towards Su Chen.

"This is a good war hammer! Combined with my Explosive Ape and the power of the Kirin in my left arm, I'm afraid it can unleash a different kind of power!"

Su Chen thought in his mind, but his body immediately moved, swayed, and disappeared under the war hammer.

When he appeared again, he was already ten feet away.

One hit missed.

The middle-aged man let out a light sigh and stared at Su Chen, who was ten feet away, with some surprise: "The void here is suppressing the space. You are actually able to tear apart the space and move your body. Your physical strength is beyond my expectation."

Along the way, Su Chen was constantly exploring the suppression of the void on him.

After a period of exploration, his current physical strength can resist the short-term void suppression in this world and achieve short-distance void movement.

"I really need the essence and blood of the Great Emperor Realm dragon. I can't do anything to you in this swamp, but if you come out, then I'll give you all your essence and blood!"

Su Chen snorted coldly.

As he spoke, a soft sound pierced the void.

A layer of black battle clothes appeared on Su Chen's body, flashing with metallic luster and overflowing with sacred black brilliance.

"Clang, clang..." The sound continued, the armor chirped softly, clear and clanging, and the black air flowed on it.

A blood-colored halberd appeared in his palm, and the evil energy shot into the sky.

Su Chen slowly raised the halberd in his hand.

The bloody light of the war halberd flows like a blood moon, exuding a terrifying evil aura.

this moment.

Su Chen's body revealed endless murderous intent.

But he can't just use physical strength. Physical strength can become stronger when combined with some of his techniques, but he doesn't want to show his physical perfection.

"What a terrifying evil spirit!"

Fairy Yunxue looked at Su Chen's armor and the halberd in his hand, her eyes slightly moved.

Su Chen was violent before, but at this moment he put on the armor and held the halberd, his violent aura was covered up, and he became like an unparalleled warrior.


The battle armor vibrated and made a clanging sound. The halberd in his hand was waved, and the bloody evil aura filled the halberd.


Su Chen moved his body and waved his sword, slashing diagonally towards the middle-aged man's neck. He was ruthless and wanted to chop off his head, very decisively and simply.

The middle-aged man's eyes narrowed.

A phantom of a dragon appeared around him, and waves of terrifying power poured into the war hammer.

Rotating warhammer.

Drawing it on the bloody halberd, it made a clear sound that penetrated the clouds, like the roar of a yellow bell.


The moment the war hammer collided with Su Chen's halberd, he felt a terrifying power coming from his war hammer.

His body was shaken violently and he flew far away.

But it wasn't serious. His pupils shrank. He didn't expect that Su Chen was stronger than him.

The dragon itself is a type of dragon, bloodthirsty, cruel and possessing great power.

But now he was defeated by Su Chen in terms of strength.

The middle-aged man scolded lightly.

A mysterious black energy wave surged out.

His eyes turned black, and at this moment, layers of power fluctuations appeared on the water, rushing towards the middle-aged man.

"He is mobilizing the power within Mizusawa!"

"Stop him!"

Fairy Yunxue said from the side.

"Stop me, this is the water country, how can you stop me!"

The middle-aged man said coldly.

"Xuanbing Jiaolong!"

At this moment, the war hammer in his hand was raised again.

A black dragon appeared above the war hammer and roared. The surrounding space began to freeze when the dragon roared.

"Freeze and shatter you all here!"

The middle-aged man roared and struck away with the war hammer in his hand.

The dragon with terrifying coldness charged towards Su Chen.

"Somewhat delusional!"

Su Chen's halberd did not slash, but raised his left arm and punched out.


A huge unicorn shadow appeared above his fist.

Behind this unicorn shadow, the surrounding cold air automatically moved towards the bullying shadow.


The unicorn shadow roared, and its body instantly turned into a hundred feet, soared into the air, opened its huge mouth, and swallowed the flying dragon in one mouthful.


The middle-aged man looked shocked when he saw this scene.

At this moment, Su Chen's body disappeared in the blink of an eye, penetrated the void, and appeared in front of the great dragon dragon. With a wave of his halberd, a sharp light flashed.

The middle-aged man's head flew up. (End of chapter)

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