"So easy!"

Seeing Su Chen swinging his halberd and cutting off the opponent's head, Fairy Yunxue looked stunned.

That is the dragon of the Great Emperor Realm,

Even if he were to face this great emperor-level dragon, he would not be able to win so easily.

"That Qilin!"

"It's ice attribute. This Yang Chen is really not simple, but this should be his trump card!"

Fairy Yunxue pondered in her heart.


Su Chen raised his hand and grabbed the middle-aged man's body. A suction force appeared in his hand. In an instant, all the blood and essence on the man's body was absorbed by Su Chen.

Then he grabbed the black war hammer with his palm.

[Obtain the emperor-level mid-grade, Xuanbing Warhammer, and be rewarded with a purple lottery card. 】

"not bad!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

In the future, combined with his Qilin Arm, even the terrifying burst of cold air can instantly freeze the opponent regardless of the violent force.

After freezing, the opponent can only be smashed alive by him.

"The delay here is a bit long, we should rush to the Immortal Court as soon as possible!"

Su Chen looked at Fairy Yunxue and said.

"There are more than one Great Emperor Realm dragon in this swamp. If you kill them like this, it may not be easy for us to cross this swamp!"

Fairy Yunxue said.

"It doesn't matter, just make them afraid!"

As Su Chen spoke, he jumped up and appeared above the water.

The war hammer he had just obtained instantly appeared in his left hand.


Streams of ice essence filled the air in his hand, covering the war hammer, and then the war hammer fell to the water in an instant.


Under this power, Mizuze quickly formed a vortex.

But the whirlpool began to freeze instantly, and the freezing speed was very fast. In the blink of an eye, the lake under Su Chen's feet was completely frozen.

"Fuck, so cruel!"

He left the black dragon earlier and was shocked when he saw that the place where he was was frozen.

"Are people so cruel nowadays?"

"Is this a warning? A guy in the form of a Great Emperor, possesses huge ice power, and a unicorn shadow has just appeared. This person has a lot of background, but I don't know if anyone will stop them again!"

Black Dragon thought secretly in his heart.

Fairy Yunxue was also shocked by Su Chen's move.

So arrogant.

"Let's go! Time is running out!"

Su Chen said.

Fairy Yunxue said it would be an hour, but there would definitely be many Wushang Emperors gathered outside, and there might even be powerful people in the Transcendence Realm. The restriction imposed by the Truth Immortal Dynasty might not be able to last for long.


Fairy Yunxue was in the air, flying towards one place.

Su Chen followed suit.


The two crossed the swamp and appeared in a ruined city. Huge broken stone pillars could be seen everywhere.


Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. He could tell that these broken stone pillars should be supporting something.

"This is the Immortal Palace of Truth, the outskirts of the Immortal Court. After we pass through these ruins, we will enter the Immortal Court of the Immortal Palace of Truth!"

Fairy Yunxue looked at the stone pillar in front of her and said.

"The Immortal Court of Truth!"

Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.


If he can be named after this, then the Lord of the Immortal Court is absolutely powerful.

"Xian Nai is a practitioner who appeared in recent times. I don't know how to distinguish Xian Nai!"

Su Chen said.

"Then Granny Long didn't tell you?"

Hearing Su Chen's question, Fairy Yunxue was slightly confused, but then she seemed to understand something. "You haven't stepped into the Immortal One yet. In recent times, it's normal that Grandma Long didn't tell you about the differences in strength among immortals. But I don't know much. I once heard Master say that stepping into the immortal world is just the first step, and it will be based on the following. Cultivation is divided into five levels!"

"As for which five levels, Master has not made it clear."

Fairy Yunxue said.

"The immortals are divided into five levels!"

Su Chen's expression paused slightly.

He didn't expect that immortals were divided into five levels.

"This world is more extraordinary than he imagined!"

At this moment, Su Chen thought to himself.


Su Chen was flying in the air just now, but there was a pressure that suppressed him from flying in the air.

"This place is close to the Immortal Court, and flying is prohibited. Although the Immortal Dynasty of Truth has been destroyed, the remaining forbidden power is still there. This is still the outer perimeter. If you try to fly in the inner perimeter, your body will be squeezed and seriously injured in an instant!"

Fairy Yunxue stepped on the gravel and said.

"In such a situation, with such a powerful restriction on the periphery, the Immortal Dynasty is really extraordinary!"

Su Chen couldn't help but think of Li Xunhuan and Shen Lang, who had never appeared. They were both descendants of the immortals.

No wonder he was strong when he was born.

Especially Shen Lang.

Su Chen guessed that when the other party walked out of Ten Thousand Immortals Island, his strength was definitely higher than that of the Supreme Emperor.

The speed of their feet was not slow.

He quickly penetrated the forest of stone pillars, but after passing through the forest of stone pillars, Su Chen did not see the fairy court.

Instead, he appeared in a world full of darkness and thunder.

"You can't feel it outside at all, so how come here the sky is filled with thunder?"

Su Chen looked towards the sky.

Above the sky, a black vortex gathered, and the sound of thunder came from there.

Bombardment above the ground.

It made the ground beneath his feet tremble.

"The Dark Thunder Gate, one of the four gates of the Fairy Garden!"

“I didn’t expect that we would go through this door!”

Fairy Yunxue said in a deep voice while looking at the dark thunder in the sky and the earth.

"Dark Thunder Gate, the thunder and lightning here is a bit scary. We may not be able to resist it for long with our strength alone!"

Su Chen said in a deep voice.

"We don't need to resist! I have the Immortal Dynasty of Truth and the Immortal Court Order. These thunders will not attack us!"

When Fairy Yunxue spoke, a token appeared in her hand. There was a trace of silver light flowing on the token, and there was a hidden majesty in the silver light.

There are two words in the middle of the token [Truth]


A ray of light came out from the token, wrapping Su Chen and her together.

Step into this dark and thundering world.

In the dark world, the consciousness was affected, but after entering this dark thunder world, Su Chen saw a huge portal with the words "Dark Thunder Gate" engraved on it.

When Su Chen looked, a terrifying dark thunder seemed to appear in Su Chen's mind.

Su Chen was startled, thinking about using power to get rid of this dark thunder.

The fairy court order on Fairy Yunxue moved slightly, and the dark thunder in Su Chen's mind disappeared.

"The Dark Thunder Gate is the gate through which the Immortal Realm of Truth executes prisoners and allows slaves to walk!"

"The resentment and evil spirit here are very strong, especially the four words "Dark Thunder Gate", which condensed the evil spirit of the entire Truth Immortal Dynasty for an era. The resentment, although countless years have passed, is still very strong and cannot be watched!"

Fairy Yunxue said.

"It's really powerful. This time I may be able to get a lot of good things in the Immortal Dynasty of Truth!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

The more powerful the Immortal Dynasty of Truth is, the more treasures it must have left behind.

That way he will gain a lot.

Thinking of this, a glimmer of light flashed in the depths of his eyes, and he couldn't wait to enter the Fairy Court of the Immortal Palace of Truth. (End of chapter)

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