The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1577 The symbol of imperial power of the Immortal Dynasty, 9 of the 1 tripods, golden lotter

Behind the Dark Thunder Gate.

It is a huge dilapidated city.

Huge stone pillars broke across and smashed countless palaces. Many palaces were left in half and in ruins. At first glance, this city was a real ruin. If I had to say something, I can only say that this city has been around for a long time. trace.

In front of them was a moat, dozens of meters wide and endless in length. It had dried up and it was impossible to tell what was in the moat.

Looking up towards the sky, there is a floating palace above these palaces.

It was wrapped with layers of mist-like fairy energy, but the palace was a little tilted, as if it was about to fall down at any time.

"Is this the Immortal Court of Truth?"

Su Chen looked at this scene and said in a deep voice.

It was like going through an extremely brutal battle, completely different from the outside.

In such a brutal battle, I'm afraid there won't be many treasures.

I felt slightly disappointed.

"This is the Immortal Kingdom of Truth, exactly like what I dreamed of!"

Fairy Yunxue looked at the fairy court in front of her and said, with loneliness in her eyes.

The Immortal Dynasty of Truth, the Immortal Dynasty in modern times, can be said to be extremely powerful, but now it has become like this.

"Exactly the same as in your dream?"

Su Chen was a little confused, but he didn't expect Fairy Yunxue to reach this point in her dream.

"Yes, I have been dreaming about this since I awakened the royal bloodline of the Truth Immortal Dynasty!"

"The jade seal of the Truth Immortal Dynasty you want is in the Heavenly Palace of Truth, and what I want is also in it!"

Fairy Yunxue said while looking at the palace floating in the middle of the city that was about to fall.

"over there!"

"Then let's get going!"

Su Chen's eyes showed eagerness,

Coming here with Fairy Yunxue, there is no way he would show that he has no pursuit at all.

The Jade Seal of the Truth Immortal Dynasty was in that palace. In order to avoid accidents, he had to get it as soon as possible.

Seeing the eagerness in Su Chen's eyes, Fairy Yunxue's expression did not change.

If Su Chen showed no desire or desire, then she would doubt Su Chen's motives.


Fairy Yunxue and Su Chen kept leaping above the ruined palace, and soon appeared below the palace.

"Follow me! This Immortal Court Order will allow us to enter the suspended palace without any resistance."

A ray of light enveloped the two of them again.

Their bodies flew into the air and landed on the suspended palace square.


The moment their bodies fell.

A huge golden dragon shadow erupted from the dilapidated palace. The dragon shadow roared, and the fairy court order on Fairy Yunxue's body instantly shattered.

And the terrifying power swept towards their bodies.

Su Chen's body's true energy burst out, but as soon as the true energy exploded, it was dispersed by a terrifying force.

A sense of terror and danger arose in his heart.

It is a force that he cannot resist with his current strength.

Instinctively, he almost used the power of the Supreme Emperor.

But at this moment, a golden aura erupted from Fairy Yunxue. After this golden aura erupted, the golden dragon shadow appeared and looked down at Fairy Yunxue, then disappeared. ,

"So scary!"

The pressure on his body disappeared. Su Chen looked at the direction in which the golden dragon shadow disappeared, and frowned slightly.

I was extremely surprised in my heart. I didn't expect that the Immortal Dynasty of Truth had disappeared for countless years, but the remaining dragon soul aura was still so powerful.

"Even if the Immortal Dynasty of Truth is destroyed, his broken dragon soul is still very powerful. Even if the Supreme Emperor comes, he may not be able to get a good deal!"

Fairy Yunxue said.

As he spoke, he led Su Chen toward the palace entrance. Before the palace gate.

Fairy Yunxue stopped and looked at a huge bronze cauldron in front of the palace. Nine green dragons were carved on the edge of the cauldron, which was extremely powerful.

"In modern times, there were nine immortal dynasties, and each of them had a Nine Dragon Cauldron. This is a symbol of the immortal dynasty's status!"

"We are going to enter the palace, first you have to lift this giant cauldron."

"You can lift this Nine Dragon Cauldron so that we can enter the Palace of Truth Immortal Dynasty. If not, we can only think of other ways!"

"This is the first test to enter the palace!"

Fairy Yunxue looked at Su Chen and said.

"So you invited me here. Is this the real purpose?"

Su Chen looked at the giant cauldron in front of him. There was nothing special about the giant cauldron, just like ordinary bronze.

There is no divine brilliance or immortality!

"This is just an ordinary giant bronze cauldron. I should have no problem lifting it with my physical strength!"

Su Chen didn't see any difference in this giant cauldron in his eyes.

But the other party said that this was the tripod that was the symbol of the Immortal Dynasty.

It should be extraordinary in itself.

But why has the Immortal Dynasty of Truth been destroyed and this giant cauldron still remains in the palace? Shouldn't it have been snatched away by the opponent long ago?

I was very confused.

But his right hand also landed on the giant cauldron.

[One of the Nine Dragon Cauldrons, a symbol of imperial power in recent ancient immortal dynasties (not activated), will reward you with a golden lottery card. 】

"Not activated, it is really one of the Nine Cauldrons that is the symbol of the Immortal Dynasty!"

Su Chen was slightly shocked when he saw this.

He didn't expect that this was still one of the Nine Cauldrons in front of him, but it was currently in an inactive state.

"This Jiuding needs me to pour it with the blood of the royal family of the Immortal Truth Dynasty before it can be activated and play its role. As for whether you can lift it, it's hard to say!"

Fairy Yunxue looked at Su Chen and said.

"You should believe me!"

"Activate him and I will lift him!"

Su Chen didn't want to delay outside. He wanted to go in and look for things in the royal family, bit by bit.

Even if you can't improve your strength, you can still get lottery cards.

What's more, one of these nine tripods can get a golden lottery card, so the Jade Seal of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth will definitely get one as well.

Two bottoms, it’s really not a loss to come in this time.

"This Fairy Yunxue is very lucky!"

"Take another wave!"

Su Chen thought in his mind, but instead of drawing the gold one, he drew the three purple lottery cards he had.

Now that Fairy Yunxue has just entered the Immortal Dynasty of Truth, her luck should not have reached its peak. When she gets the inheritance of this Immortal Dynasty or gets what she wants, her luck will reach its peak and she summons Mu Yingxiong. Is it possible to summon Wuming and the Holy King?

In this case, Mu Yingxiong, Wuming, Shengwang, the three giants, can appear in the name of Tianwaixian Tower.

Tianwai Fairy Tower also needs to become famous.

[Obtain a body of the supreme emperor from the future of Yaoyue, a body of a great emperor from the future of Lianxing, and obtain a forbidden talisman of the emperor. 】


Su Chen didn't expect that he would use three purple lottery cards to draw out three things like this.

Not to mention the first two, the last one was the Emperor's Forbidden Talisman. Su Chen checked it out and was surprised. It was effective against emperor-level powerful people. Even the Supreme Emperor could restrain it for 1 seconds.

Although three seconds are very few, three seconds is an era in front of a strong person.

"Big bang!"

The eyes looking at Fairy Yunxue became fiery.

Be sure to draw lots of draws around this girl and leave when your luck is exhausted.

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