The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1578: 9 dragons cast the tripod body, the giant among the fleshly emperors

Fairy Yunxue who was talking seemed to sense something. She looked at Su Chen and saw Su Chen's blazing light.

His eyes were stunned.

Because the way Su Chen looked at her was very special. It wasn't the kind of desire a man has for a woman, nor was it a special possession. Instead, it was the kind of look he was looking at like a mascot.

"Hurry up and activate this Jiuding. I really want to see how far my physical strength has reached!"

Su Chen said without any embarrassment.

"it is good!"

Fairy Yunxue's palm was scratched again, and a stream of blood fell on the giant bronze cauldron.

"Bleeding again!"

Su Chen couldn't help but shake his head.

Fairy Yunxue was bleeding for the second time.

When Fairy Yunxue's blood fell on the giant cauldron, the giant cauldron burst out with bright light, and a terrifying force shook Su Chen's palm away.

Nine dragon shadows hovered above the tripod.

The terrifying power began to sweep around, forming a storm, squeezing Su Chen's body towards the outside world.


at this moment.

The aura of the violent ape on Su Chen's body surged, and in the blink of an eye, his body transformed into several dozen feet, which was extremely terrifying.

Huge evil energy swept around him, crushing the void around him.

This Nine Dragon Cauldron is extraordinary, Su Chen must suppress him and take him away.

Although the reward has been obtained, how can such a good thing be left to others?


Put your hands together.

The condensed storm began to condense under Su Chen's huge palm, and was finally picked up by Su Chen and headed directly towards the city below.


The city below was in ruins, and the palace itself was instantly reduced to dust under this storm.


In an instant, Su Chen appeared next to the giant cauldron.

His hands suddenly hugged the giant cauldron.


A huge surge surged above the giant cauldron, and bang bang, the sound of a terrifying power explosion exploded where Su Chen's palm came into contact with the giant cauldron.

The terrifying power fluctuated, causing Fairy Yunxue's body to retreat continuously.

He looked at Su Chen.

This is the first level of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth!

The Lord of the Immortal Dynasty rules all things, and the strong are all under the leadership of the Immortal Dynasty. If you want to obtain the inheritance of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth and one of the royal bloodlines, you must also have brave subordinates. If you don’t have brave subordinates, then you have to be yourself. Has great strength.

Break the restrictions of the Heavenly Palace of Truth on your own.


Su Chen felt as if he was competing with the nine giant dragons in the giant cauldron.

"I didn't expect that the Immortal Dynasty of Truth would disappear for such a long time, and that the Nine Dragons in this cauldron would still be so powerful!"

Su Chen's physical strength was fully activated.

When he used his true energy, he felt that his true energy was actually affected, and the power emitted was less than 1% of the normal power, so he could only use his physical strength.


At this moment, Su Chen exploded all his physical skills, and his body continued to collide under these forces.

But the dragon shadows in the Nine Dragon Giant Cauldron also erupted more and more brilliantly, as if the greater the resistance they encountered, the stronger they would be able to erupt.

"This can't go on like this!"

Su Chen looked at the dragon shadow inside the Nine Cauldrons and thought to himself.

If this continues, his physical strength cannot be maintained for long. No matter what, his physical strength is only at the level of the Great Emperor, and has not yet broken through to the top Great Emperor.


A flash of light flashed in Su Chen's mind.

His eyes looked at the nine dragon shadows in the giant cauldron.

The reason why this giant cauldron can explode with such power is because of these nine dragon shadows. If all nine dragon shadows are swallowed, then the power of this giant cauldron will disappear.

in mind.

Su Chen put down the giant cauldron.

Fairy Yunxue, who was not far away, looked startled when she saw Su Chen's actions.

"You shouldn't give up like this!"

Regarding Su Chen, during this period of contact, Su Chen was not someone who gave up easily, he was just a bit arrogant and domineering.

This hasn't happened yet, so why give up like this?


In his gaze, Su Chen's palm suddenly grasped a dragon shadow in the giant cauldron.

"If you stop me, I will eat you!"

Su Chen looked very violent, with a ferocious light flashing in his eyes, and a giant hand grabbed one of the dragon shadows.

With great force, he grabbed the dragon shadow out.

Then he opened his mouth and a huge suction force appeared.


The giant dragon roared and tried to break away from Su Chen's hand, but under the huge force and suction, it was unable to resist and was gradually swallowed into Su Chen's body.

The other eight dragon shadows in the cauldron roared and wanted to rush out of the giant cauldron, but there seemed to be a seal on the giant cauldron that prevented them from rushing out.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this scene, Su Chen laughed wildly on his face.

He had been wary of the other eight dragon shadows in the giant cauldron, but after seeing that they couldn't leave at all, he burst into laughter.


After Su Chen digested the first dragon shadow, his upper body robe shattered, and a dragon shadow appeared, and his power unexpectedly broke through to the top emperor level in an instant.

"I didn't expect this to increase my strength!"

Su Chen felt the power in his body, with surprise in his eyes.

It was the right time to follow Fairy Yunxue to the Immortal Dynasty of Truth this time!

Looking at the other eight dragon shadows, with an extremely fiery look, he grabbed another dragon shadow and swallowed it into his mouth.


Seeing Su Chen's violent state, Fairy Yunxue's eyes were horrified.

She didn't expect that Su Chen would be so violent and ferocious, swallowing the dragon shadow inside the giant cauldron.

His eyes fell on the dragon shadow on Su Chen. After swallowing the second dragon shadow, a second dragon shadow appeared behind Su Chen.

"Is that dragon shadow tattoo a tripod body made of nine dragons?"

"In this case, could he swallow the nine dragon shadows and become the nine-dragon-forged cauldron body of modern times?"

Fairy Yunxue had surprise in her eyes.

At this moment, Su Chen's face showed excitement.

He could feel his power rising wildly, and had a vague feeling that if he completely swallowed the nine figures, his physical body would be able to reach the level of the emperor's giant in one step.

“It’s so cool!”

Su Chen roared loudly.

The movements in his hands did not stop.

After he swallowed all the ninth dragon shadow.

[The host obtains the Immortal Technique, casts a tripod body from nine dragons, and is rewarded with a golden lottery card. 】

A piece of information appeared in Su Chen's mind.


"Nine dragons cast a tripod!"

Su Chen didn't expect that after devouring these nine dragon shadows, he would obtain such a skill.

Swallowing the luck of imperial power and pouring it into the dragon body can condense the Supreme Nine Dragon Cauldron, which is the cauldron in front of him.


Just when he looked at the Nine Dragon Bronze Cauldron in front of him.

Cracks appeared on the Nine Dragon Bronze Cauldron, and then it shattered into a ball of powder and dissipated in the space.

This space suddenly became dark.

The last trace of the dragon energy of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth disappeared.

Fairy Yunxue saw this scene with clear eyes.

"Let's go into the palace!"

After Fairy Yunxue finished speaking to Su Chen, she quickly walked towards the palace.

Su Chen did not continue to feel the power in his body, but restrained his body, returned to its previous state, and quickly rushed into the palace.


At this moment, in the outside world, in the Full Moon Canyon, the restrictions imposed by the Immortal Realm of Truth began to fluctuate violently, and cracks appeared vaguely.

Some people who were groping for the restrictions had expressions of ecstasy on their faces.

The ruins of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth are about to be fully opened!

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