
Jiuhan Palace

It is the largest palace in the ice and snow world. From the outside, it looks extremely majestic, with carved railings and jade bricks.

In the palace.

On a pool of water that was emitting cold air, a figure sat cross-legged and suspended, and waves of cold air continued to pour into the figure from the pool.

The figure is wearing a white dress, giving people a feeling of purity and purity, and the face is shrouded in cold air and cannot be seen clearly.

The legs that sit cross-legged are long and slender, and the exposed parts are extremely white, shining with crystal luster when in contact with the water vapor in the pool.

Autumn water is like sacred jade and bones, which can be described as the exposed skin of this woman.

In the cold pool.

There is a huge snow lotus. The whole snow lotus is shining brightly, and the brilliance like water waves is slowly flowing. It is indescribable and magical, making the place full of aura and colorful clouds. The whole snow lotus looks like it is carved from divine jade. , in this palace, there is a bright and dazzling light.

One of the breaths reflected the woman sitting cross-legged on the pool, as if they were one body.

"Palace Master, Tianfo Origin, one of the five branches of the Huanxi Tianfo Sect, has been expanding towards our northern territory!"

A figure walked toward the pool with lotus steps. The figure's long blue skirt slid gently on the jade floor, like a blue ribbon moving. With a beautiful face, she looked at the woman in the pool and said.

The woman above the pool was majestic, her closed eyes slowly opened.

The body stood up, and the cold air above the pool seemed to dissipate in an instant.

The dazzling snow lotus in the middle of the pool turned into a white light and entered the woman's body. The woman moved her steps and her body appeared outside the pool.

Only at this moment did I see the woman's face clearly. It was exquisite, like a fairy in the cold moon.

It was Han Qingcheng, the first palace lord of Jiuhan Palace.

As his name suggests, he conquers the country and conquers the city!

"Happy Buddha Sect, are they the ones taking the lead?"

"This is going to completely break the previous agreement. We will send people to inform the other palace owners and go to Jiuhan Court to attend the meeting. There are some things that should be made known to them."

"Besides the Happy Buddha Sect, are there any other big things happening in the outside world?"

Han Qingcheng, a woman in a white dress, looked at the blue group of women and said.

The woman in the blue dress is her deputy, Qi Yuying, who has been helping Han Qingcheng handle matters in the palace.

"In China, after the ruins of the Origin God Dynasty appeared, chaos arose. The Fierce God Palace, Changsheng Taoist Temple, and Qinglonghui attacked the Zhenwu Temple. The Zhenwu Temple counterattacked and is now attacking the Full Moon Canyon, a stronghold of the Dead and Living."

"During the battle, the ruins of the Immortal Truth Dynasty appeared. I just got the news that the restrictions outside the Immortal Truth Dynasty began to collapse."

Qi Yuying said in a deep voice.

"The Truth Immortal Dynasty in recent ancient times was very powerful. If it appears at this time, the Celestial Dynasty forces in the China region should occupy the ruins of the Truth Immortal Dynasty!"

"China is probably going to be in chaos now!"

Han Qingcheng frowned slightly.

"Palace Master, after the fall of Emperor Zhenwu and the unification of the three clans, the world has been in chaos. Now it depends on who is stronger and who can survive until the end!"

"But Palace Master, China is too far away from us. Our focus now is to deal with the Origin of Heavenly Buddha!"

"I'm afraid they just want to take this opportunity to attack our snowy region and capture our snowy region!"

Qi Yuying looked a little solemn when she said this.

The two of them were talking and heading towards a palace.

At this moment, Qi Yuying also sent out a notice to inform the other eight palace masters of Jiuhan Palace to attend a meeting in Jiuhan Palace.

in a palace

Yao Yue, who was dressed in white and outshines the snow, frowned slightly when she received the notice.

"Sister, what happened?"

Lian Xing, who was on the side, saw her sister Yao Yue frowning and couldn't help but ask. "The Lord of the First Palace has come out of seclusion and called us to go to Jiuhan Court!"

Yaoyue said in a deep voice.

"Sister, the first palace lord's departure should be about the origin of Tianfo and the Huanxi Tianfo Sect. They are now constantly eroding the boundaries of our snowy land!"

Lian Xing has been paying attention to some movements in the snow area.

"Let's go and have a look. There is news from the Lord that the ruins of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth have been discovered!"

"It seems that China is going to be in chaos. Huanxi Tianfo Sect probably wants to take this opportunity to attack our snowy region, the source of Tianfo. They want to take this opportunity to expand the land of Buddhism!"

As Yao Yue spoke, she led Lian Xing towards Jiu Hanting.

Jiuhanting is the largest palace in Jiuhan Palace. It covers an extremely large area. It is simply a palace on earth. The white marble steps are carved with dragons and phoenixes, and the ice crystal-like door shines dazzlingly under the sun. Looking from a distance , this is the heaven on earth.

Nowadays, Jiuhan Palace has nine major palaces, each of which governs the affairs of its own palace.

In name, the first palace owner rules the Jiuhan Palace, and the other eight people have the same status.

Of course, the first palace owner is not the real owner of the entire Jiuhan Palace. Except for the first generation founder, no one can occupy that position.

As for why the first palace master can command the other eight people, it is mainly because there are rumors that the first palace master of Jiuhan Palace is a giant among emperors. He can fight against the supreme emperor in the snowy land. Strength determines everything.

When Yao Yue and Lian Xing stepped into the main hall.

There were already three beautiful figures sitting on the seats on both sides of the palace. Yao Yue nodded slightly and found a seat to sit down.

"Sister Yaoyue, I haven't seen you for a while, and your strength seems to have improved again. Your strength has improved so fast!"

"I don't know when you will step into the giants of the emperor. By then, you will be on an equal footing with the first palace lord!"

When Yao Yue sat down, a voice sounded in the hall.

The person who spoke was a woman with blue hair. She was wearing a light blue dress, with a curvy body, and her eyes were looking at Yao Yue deliberately.

Judging from the tone of her voice, the blue-haired woman had some hatred towards Yao Yue, otherwise she would not praise Yao Yue so much.

Yaoyue's eyes turned cold, but she didn't answer her words.

She is not a person who likes to talk a lot, and it is much easier to do things than talk. It's just that this is Jiuhan Court, and it's not suitable to do things for the time being.

Seeing that Yao Yue made no move, the blue-haired woman who spoke out had a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

She originally wanted to seduce Yao Yue and take advantage of her, but what she didn't expect was that Yao Yue ignored her.


All he could do was snort. ,

At this time, the other four palace masters also entered the hall one after another.

"The Palace Master summoned us here probably because of the affairs of the Huanxi Tianfo Sect. The Huanxi Tianfo Sect has been extending its reach deeper and deeper recently. I'm afraid there will be a battle between us!"

One of them spoke.

"It's not that serious! Hasn't Huanxi Tianfo Sect been doing this kind of thing all these years?"

"I don't think they dare to do anything more extreme!"

"You think things are too simple. They have liberated and robbed fifteen cities in the north in a row. Such actions are not too much!"

Before Han Qingcheng arrived, discussions started in the hall.

Yao Yue said nothing, but her heart condensed.

Except for the first palace lord, the strongest ones in Jiuhan Palace are only at the top emperor level.

With such power, there is no way to fight against her. She learned about the Huanxi Buddha Sect. Why didn't the Huanxi Buddha Sect directly attack the Jiuhan Palace? If they take down the Jiuhan Palace, they can take over the Snow Territory.

Could it be that the Huanxi Buddha Sect is afraid of something?

There is a secret behind Jiuhan Palace!

Yao Yue thought that this time the Lord of the First Palace summoned them, he might tell them some information.

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