The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1581: The battle for the nine cold palaces, the jellyfish Yinji appears

"Palace Master, are you doubting the newly promoted Palace Master Yaoyue?"

Qi Yuying said beside her.

"There's no problem with her identity. She came up from under the Tianmen, but her strength improved a little too fast, so I have some doubts!"

"But others are also suspicious. After they entered Jiuhan Tianchi, you took the opportunity to intervene in the affairs of other palaces. Now that I have shown the power of the Supreme Emperor, I should be able to unify the entire Jiuhan Palace."

Han Qingcheng said in a deep voice.

Hearing Han Qingcheng's words.

Qi Yuying's face showed excitement, her master was finally going to rule the entire Jiuhan Palace.

There is a rule in Jiuhan Palace. If you want to become the master of Jiuhan Palace, you must learn the Moon God Guanghan Jue of Jiuhan Palace.

But this Han Qingcheng has never been able to get started.

Of course, this Moon God Guanghan Jue was not spread out, but was held by Han Qingcheng.

As long as you don't show up, no one else will.

"Also, pay attention to the appearance of the Zhenxian Dynasty ruins in China, and report back one by one what happened inside."

"Also, the Truth Immortal Dynasty is one of the nine great Immortal Dynasties in modern times. It has ruled the same area for hundreds of thousands of years. If it appears at this time, I believe that the Dongsheng Immortal Dynasty should also appear soon. We need to pay attention!"

"We were unable to participate in the Immortal Dynasty of Truth this time. When the next ruins appear, we, Jiuhan Palace, must participate!"

Han Qingcheng ordered.

"My subordinate understands!"

After Qi Yuying accepted the order, she bowed and prepared to leave, but she seemed to think of something again and said, "Palace Master, Kuishui City, a strong man appeared over there. She killed the Lord of Kuishui City and occupied the city. City, rename Kuishui City to Shenshui Palace!"


"Who is this person? What is his strength?"

Han Qingcheng said.

Although the Snowy Region has become a snowy region, not all places are covered by heavy snow. There are also some hot springs in the snow. Kuishui City is one of them. It has rich water resources and is one of the important cities in the Snowy Region.

Jiuhan Palace rules the Snow Territory, but rarely manages the forces below. However, some important cities still need attention.

"This person's name is Jellyfish Yinji, and her strength should be at the half-step Great Emperor level!"

Qi Yuying said.

"Half-step Great Emperor, the Yuan world has changed, and many people's talents have begun to change!"

"Go recruit her!"

Han Qingcheng said.

She wants to take full control of Jiuhan Palace, which means she wants to become the lord of the Snow Realm, so she needs to recruit some powerful potential subordinates.

As for whether she can recruit Jellyfish Yinji, she believes in the status of Jiuhan Palace in the Snow Land.


The ninth house of Jiuhan Palace.

Yaoyue's expression became solemn.

"Sister, the first palace master is probably going to become the master of the Jiuhan Palace. This time she opens the Jiuhan Tianchi. On the one hand, it will enhance your strength. On the other hand, I am afraid she will use this to intervene in the affairs of the palaces!"

Lianxing said in a deep voice.

"The Yuan world is changing. It's normal for her to want to take charge of Jiuhan Palace. However, in addition to the two parties you mentioned, she may also investigate the eight palace masters!"

Yaoyue said in a deep voice.

"Investigating the eight palace masters, does she suspect that there are people from the Huanxi Buddha Sect among the eight palace masters?"

Lian Xing's intelligence is not inferior to that of her sister Yao Yue, so she immediately understood the meaning of Yao Yue's words.

"And we are probably the key suspects!"

"After I enter Jiuhan Tianchi, the ninth palace cannot be messed up. You can also take the opportunity to infiltrate other palaces."

Yaoyue said.

Having been in charge of the Ninth House of Jiuhan Palace for such a long time, Yao Yue has already captured all the people in the Ninth House.

As the person in power herself, she would not allow the Ninth House to escape her control!

Moreover, this time Han Qingcheng came out of seclusion and did things in an unusual way. This was also her opportunity. She wanted the master of Jiuhan Palace.

"Moon God Guanghan Jue, is there any news!"

The first palace lord Han Qingcheng has never been able to become the nominal lord of the Nine Cold Palace because she has not learned the Moon God Guanghan Jue. Therefore, if Yao Yue wants to become the nominal lord of the Nine Cold Palace, she needs to learn the Moon God Guanghan. tactic. During this period of time, she has been asking Lian Xing to investigate the Moon God Guanghan Jue to see if it can be obtained from other places.

If you want to practice the Moon God Guanghan Jue of Jiuhan Palace, you must first get the secret book of the Moon God Guanghan Jue.

Directly asking Han Qingcheng, the lord of the first palace, is obviously telling the other party that he wants to become the true master of Jiuhan Palace.

Then there will be a direct confrontation between them.

Now Yao Yue doesn't want to confront Han Qingcheng.

The other party also mentioned Dongsheng Immortal Dynasty and Xianting Yueshen Palace, which she needed to know.

"Nine Cold Tianchi, we may have to fight for it, but we can't keep such a low profile!"

Yaoyue said in her mouth.

"By the way, sister, Miss Huanwen has arrived in Hanhai. The news from her side is that the Huanxi Tianfo Sect is secretly sending experts to the northern border of our snowy region. They may launch a full-scale attack on the northern border of Jiuhan Palace in the near future. !”

Lian Xing thought of something and said.

"The vast sea is now completely occupied by the Heavenly Buddha Source. It is not peaceful. Let her be careful there!"

Yaoyue said in a deep voice.

She didn't let Hanhan come to the Snow Territory, and now the Jiuhan Palace in the Snow Territory is not safe either.

As he spoke, he opened the window in front of him.

A wave of cold air poured into the hall.

In front of her eyes was a vast expanse of white snow-capped mountains.

"After this storm, I will completely control Jiuhan Palace!"

"When will Jellyfish Yin Ji be able to break through to the Great Emperor Realm!"

Yao Yue then asked.

"Jellyfish Yinji has already captured Kuishui City and obtained the Kuishui Dzi Pearl. Coupled with the continuous gathering of Yuanshi on the Lord's side, I believe that after my sister comes out of the Nine Cold Heavenly Lake, she should be able to step into the realm of the Great Emperor. !”

Lian Xing said.


Yaoyue nodded.

Jellyfish Yinji is another move of Yao Yue.

Because she didn't know when Huanxi Tianfo Sect would take action against Jiuhan Palace, she invited Jellyfish Yin Ji to come to the Snowy Land and occupy one side.

This can cause changes in the snow area.

It also allowed her to see clearly some of the conditions in Jiuhan Palace.

Of course, if Yao Yue takes charge of Jiuhan Palace in the future, he will not let Jiuhan Palace dominate the Snow Territory alone. Other forces will need to appear to balance the Snow Territory.

"Lord, what's the situation over there? Can you arrange for some experts to come?"

Han Qingcheng gave her an unusual feeling.

Yaoyue still needs to make some preparations.

"The ruins of the Immortal Kingdom of Truth are very unusual. Many people have gone there. I'm afraid they won't be able to support us for the time being!"

Lian Xing shook his head.

Yuan Suiyun persuaded many people to go to the ruins of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth.

"Is that so? Then wait until the Lord comes out from the ruins of the Immortal Kingdom of Truth!"

Yaoyue said in a deep voice.

Full Moon Canyon, inside the Burial Wood Palace

The old man in gray robe looked excitedly at the three bodies in front of him that he had sealed with secret techniques.

The three skeletal bodies were derived from the immortal energy of Old Monster Tu and the others, but the gray-robed old man had been prepared, or it was not that he was prepared, but that Yan Wuyan had a plan, and these three bodies were He trapped easily.

Now, as long as he swallows the source of death in these three people and cooperates with his own strength, he can step into the realm of the supreme emperor.

dark place!

Yuan Suiyun looked at this scene with surprise in his eyes.

He was waiting for the gray-robed old man to devour these three dead and living beings. When he was about to break through, he would devour the opponent's energy and spirit, increase his own strength, and plant a bat mark on the opponent to control him.

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