The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1582: Sneak attack, swallowing, Yuan Suiyun steps into the Supreme Emperor

"I don't know what's going on over there, Lord!"

Yuan Suiyun thought in his mind and looked at the three imprisoned dead and alive again.

After the physical bodies of these three dead and living beings were derived, their entire bodies were filled with radiance and vitality like a vast ocean.

However, these vitalities are constantly restrained and pouring into the bodies of the dead and alive. Gradually, the body surface is no longer shiny, like dead wood. The vitality inside no longer flows out. The body has shriveled up. Compared with the previous sparkling and translucent, it is as if Like rags

The internal organs of the three dead people also stopped functioning at this moment. Compared with the vigorous vitality in the past, they are now lifeless.

But Yuan Suiyun's eyes narrowed as he watched, and he saw what was going on inside the bodies of these three dead and living people.

The bones in the bodies of the three dead and living people were all gray, no longer white and clean, as if they were about to decay and wither.

But in this silence, there is also a special aura circulating, maintaining the function and life of the other party's body.

"Is that the source of death?"

Yuan Suiyun's heart moved slightly.

"Good! Good!"

Seeing the changes in these three dead and alive, the old man in gray robe laughed wildly, with greed in his eyes.

Suck with both hands

Three figures were sucked into his hand.

"You have absorbed all the sources of immortality from those three guys. Now it is up to me to absorb the source of death in your bodies. I will be able to step into the supreme emperor in one step. Yan Laocheng will not deceive me!"

A terrifying suction force appeared in the palm of the gray-robed old man.

The source of death energy that had just condensed in the bodies of the three people was pulled by this huge suction force and slowly left the other party's body.

It began to pour towards the palm of the gray-robed old man.

When this source of energy poured into the opponent's palm.

A stream of air also appeared on the gray-robed old man's body and began to swallow up the incoming Source Qi.

In the process of the continuous influx of these three sources of energy.

The aura of the gray-robed old man began to surge, and the vitality soared to the sky, and the energy of life filled the palace.

At this moment, the energy and blood in the gray-robed old man's body began to surge.

Like the tide.

Yuan Suiyun can sense this fluctuation of energy and blood even if he observes it in the dark.


Under this fluctuation of energy and blood, the gray-robed old man's heart began to beat strongly, like a drum beating in a coffin, making a loud banging sound. If ordinary people saw it, they would be shocked.

The originally white bones became a little shiny at this moment, crystal clear, and at the same time exuded strong life force.

The previous hidden wounds on his body also began to be repaired at this moment.

Skin, guts, bones.

keep changing.

It's like going through a baptism.

"What a strong power!"

"The Immortal, the Dead, what kind of existence are they!"

Yuan Suiyun looked at the changing old man in gray robe, his eyes alert and not relaxed at all.

He wants to take action at the moment of the opponent's final transformation.

Swallow the essence of the opponent.

The body of the gray-robed old man was constantly reborn, and during this process his aura began to condense, impacting the Supreme Emperor.

"Today is when I attack the Supreme Emperor!"

The old man in gray robe laughed loudly.

A dangerous light flashed in Yuan Suiyun's eyes.

The body transformed into a black bat and descended instantly.

Extremely fast!

In the blink of an eye, he appeared behind the opponent, opened his huge mouth, and exposed his ferocious fangs.

The fangs penetrate the opponent's screen,


Insert it into the other person's throat.

The old man in gray robe who was laughing wildly suddenly felt the power in his body flowing away like a tide, and he was shocked.

I want to mobilize the power in my body to resist this devouring force.

He struggled with his body to get rid of Yuan Suiyun.

But when he mobilized his power, he felt that his soul seemed to be sinking into a sea of ​​blood. In the sea of ​​blood, a huge bat was staring at him with scarlet eyes.

His soul was thus fixed in the sea of ​​blood.

One time

It was as if he had lost all motivation. He could only watch helplessly as the other party swallowed up his strength.

"How could this happen, how could this happen, who are you, who are you?"

I screamed in my heart, but no voice came out.

As for the three dead and living people in front of him, the source of death in their bodies was absorbed and turned into skeletons again. The remaining souls had disappeared and fell to the ground.

Looking at the three corpses in front of him.

The old man in gray robe thought of his fate.

Will be like them!



Want to get back into action.

Just gradually, his eyes turned scarlet, and he forgot to resist, just like that without any resistance, all the aura on his body was swallowed up by Yuan Suiyun.


At this moment.

Yuan Suiyun let out a low roar.

The aura on his body began to surge, and the bloody aura began to permeate the entire underground palace.

In an instant, the underground palace turned into a sea of ​​blood.


In the sky above the underground palace, a huge bloody bat figure soared into the sky.

Huge bats appear over the Full Moon Canyon.

"That is!"

"Supreme Emperor, Bloody Bat, there is someone who becomes the Supreme Emperor, and he is a member of the demon clan!"

Seeing this, some people were horrified. This was a sign that the demon had broken through to the level of the Supreme Emperor.

The blood-devouring monk was confronting the Emperor of Origin when he saw the bloody bat, with strong greed in his eyes.

The bloody bat seemed to have sensed the blood-devouring monk. It raised its head and glanced at the blood-devouring monk, then quickly converged and disappeared.

"What a rich blood!"

"Monster, I didn't expect that a demon would take this opportunity to devour the blood. This is killing several giants and powerful men in the emperor!"

The blood-devouring monk spoke.

The Emperor of Origin looked at the direction in which the huge bat disappeared and said: "Monk Blood Devourer, the energy and blood in the opponent's body is very strong, and he has just broken through, but this is your chance, don't you go and take a look?"

"He and I will meet again. As for now, there are cracks in the ban on the ruins of the Immortal Truth Dynasty. We should enter the ruins of the Immortal Truth Dynasty first!"

The blood-devouring monk said in a deep voice.


The Origin Emperor's eyes narrowed slightly, his body turned, and he headed towards the ruins of the Immortal Truth.

"When we meet, Lord Buddha, I will swallow you!"

The blood-devouring monk showed a ferocious look on his face and left quickly.

Inside the underground palace.

"I didn't expect that after breaking through to the Supreme Emperor, there would be such strong aura fluctuations!"

Yuan Suiyun restrained his aura and focused his eyes.

He is not a person who likes to be watched, he likes to be in the dark.

He glanced over and saw an old man in gray robe lying on the ground. At this moment, the old man in gray robe was still breathing. Yuan Suiyun wanted to save his life. There was someone behind this person. He wanted to know who it was?

The figure moved and turned into a black shadow in the palace.

Not long after he left.

A divine soul suddenly appeared in the underground palace.

The divine soul was the one that Yan Wuyan escaped from. The divine soul appeared next to the gray-robed old man. When he saw the condition of the gray-robed old man, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"I'm making a wedding dress for someone else. Is there a demon lurking here, taking advantage of the opportunity to take action?"

Yan Wuyan looked solemn.

Among the ruins of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth.

The Palace of Truth.

Su Chen just stepped into the hall with Fairy Yunxue.

A message appeared in front of me.

[Yuan Suiyun stepped into the Supreme Emperor and was rewarded with a golden lottery card. 】


"Yuan Suiyun has stepped into the Supreme Emperor, and his luck is very good. I really came to the right place this time!"

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