The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1583: Blood-eating insects appear again, and the Immortal Dynasty’s Jade Seal is obtained.

"Another golden lottery card, really good!"

Su Chen couldn't help but look happy.

"You can't get things just by entering the hall. This hall is not without danger!"

Seeing Su Chen's face showing joy.

Fairy Yunxue on the side couldn't help but said.

He looked into the hall with a vigilant expression.

The hall was full of cracks, but from the broken golden light, one could know how grand the hall was at that time.

"This is the main hall of the Immortal Court of Truth. Are there any ghosts or monsters?"

Judging from the external momentum, even if the Immortal Dynasty of Truth is ruined, it can still have a strong power to intimidate.

Just when he talks.

In the main hall, some bloody shadows continued to appear on the ground.

These shadows changed rapidly, turning into ferocious bloody beasts.

The ferocious beast is in the shape of a wolf, and its body is huge, nearly five meters.

The body is covered with scales with sharp and vicious thorns, the eyes are scarlet, and the body exudes an extremely cold and fierce aura.

There was bloody saliva flowing from the corner of his mouth, and he stared at Su Chen and Fairy Yunxue fiercely.


Su Chen looked startled

How could there be so many ferocious bloody beasts in the Immortal Dynasty Hall?

This is the main hall of the Immortal Court of Immortal Dynasty.

How could these things appear?

His eyes couldn't help but look at Fairy Yunxue beside him. Her face became serious, but her eyes seemed to have known for a long time.

"When the Truth Immortal Dynasty was defeated, the emperor of the Truth Immortal Dynasty killed some powerful enemies, and the remaining souls and blood of the powerful ones were transformed!"

"There are these things in my inherited impression. They can devour the body and the soul at extremely fast speeds!"

Fairy Yunxue said in a deep voice.

"Remnant soul, remaining blood!"

Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.


That's when.

The blood-eating insects that had devoured a lot of flesh and blood in Su Chen's body suddenly woke up from their dormant state.

And he expressed a strong intention to devour these bloody ferocious beasts towards Su Chen.

"I'll deal with these!"

Fairy Yunxue said.

Su Chen had been taking action before, so she also wanted to show her strength.

The sword appeared in his hand.

A thunderous sword energy appeared on his body.


"It's up to me to deal with it!"

Su Chen dragged Fairy Yunxue behind him. If it weren't for the blood-eating insects in his body that wanted to devour these ferocious beasts, he would not have taken action. Look at Fairy Yunxue's methods, but now Fairy Yunxue cannot be allowed to take action. .

Being dragged behind her, Fairy Yunxue looked startled.

"Although your physical body is strong, these ferocious beasts are transformed by residual souls and residual blood, so they are difficult to kill. I have practiced the Heavenly Thunder God-killing Sword Technique and can restrain these beasts very well."

Fairy Yunxue said.

"We don't need to do it ourselves, just keep an eye on it!"

Su Chen said.


At this moment, an approaching bloody beast rushed toward Su Chen.

"The ferocious beast, I have always needed it, you can give it a full meal!"

Su Chen said coldly.


Countless blood-eating worms flew out of Su Chen's body. The blood-colored ferocious beast that was rushing towards Su Chen was covered by countless blood-eating worms before it could reach Su Chen.


The miserable roar echoed throughout the entire hall.

There was fear in the eyes of the bloody ferocious beasts that appeared around them.

But the blood-eating insects that Su Chen flew out are constantly multiplying.

The entire palace was suddenly filled with countless blood-devouring insects. These blood-devouring insects were extremely fast. Those bloody beasts that wanted to escape were all covered and were constantly eating the bloody beasts.

The bloody ferocious beast roared and roared, and blood-devouring insects kept falling off, but these blood-devouring insects reproduced too fast. As the blood-eating insects continued to multiply, the bloody beast was quickly devoured.

Behind Su Chen, Fairy Yunxue saw this scene.

His face changed slightly.

She didn't expect Su Chen to have such a method.

Even if you were covered by these bugs, you might turn into ashes in the blink of an eye.

The roar gradually died away.

Those blood-eating insects turned into a ball of red air and poured into Su Chen's body.

"Without any breath coming out, how did those bugs disappear!"

Fairy Yunxue was shocked,

"Fairy Yunxue, tell me if there is any danger inside, and we will solve it as soon as possible!"

"The Truth Immortal Dynasty is powerful, but when the ruins of the Truth Immortal Dynasty appear, there will be many masters coming, and the external restrictions may not be able to stop the time you said!"

Su Chen said.

"No, the last step is just a bloodline test, and I can get the two-yi fusion bead!"

Fairy Yunxue said.

Now Su Chen gave her too many surprises, and she felt that she couldn't control Su Chen.

Therefore, it is also necessary to obtain the Liangyi Fusion Bead as soon as possible.

The two of them headed towards the back of the ruined palace.

In the rear is a large palace.

Within the palace, there was only a fallen stone platform.

Fairy Yunxue walked towards the fallen stone platform.


When Fairy Yunxue approached the stone platform, a breath appeared on her body. This breath quickly turned into a figure. The figure was blurry, but the figure was somewhat similar to Fairy Yunxue.

Heading towards the stone platform.

Suspended on the stone platform.


At this moment, Fairy Yunxue let out blood again.

Blood dripped on the stone platform.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared on the stone platform, and the light rushed into the sky.

The dragon shadow that disappeared before appeared in this luster.

"The Immortal Dynasty of Truth, the bloodline of the winner, the Immortal Dynasty of Truth, and the inheritance of the Immortal Court begin!"

A low voice sounded in Su Chen's ears.

The dragon shadow spit out three things from his mouth, a bead with crystal luster, a jade box, and finally a point of light.

The light spots appeared and poured directly into Fairy Yunxue's eyebrows.

Fairy Yunxue looked at the shiny beads.

As for the jade box, Fairy Yunxue raised her hand, and a force appeared on the jade box and flew towards Su Chen.

Su Chen grabbed the jade box.

"Inside this jade box should be the jade seal of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth!"

Su Chen opened the jade box.

Exuding a crystal luster, a jade seal the size of a palm appeared in Su Chen's hand. The jade seal had a dull luster, without a trace of energy, and there was nothing special about it.

[A banned Jade Seal of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth will reward you with a golden lottery card. 】

"The sealed jade seal of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth!"

Su Chen looked at the introduction and knew that this jade seal was sealed.

"No wonder it doesn't have any luster, but if this jade seal is unblocked, I'm afraid there will be movement. Leave here first, then unblock it, and absorb the truth and fortune of the Immortal Dynasty inside!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

He looked at Fairy Yunxue.

That bead also merged into Fairy Yunxue's eyebrows.

Fairy Yunxue's whole body was floating, and her whole body exuded a unique aura. If it was said to be a fairy from the dust before, now this fairy aura still carries a power, a kind of power unique to the royal family.

"If you take that bead, you might also be able to get a golden lottery card!"

Su Chen felt a little regretful.

But being a human being? Sometimes we also have to pay attention to credibility,

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