The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1590: The evil spirit is soaring into the sky, don’t be evil, the supreme master orders Dong


"Do you have that strength? Monk Blood Devouring, how about we join forces to destroy them first, and then, each of us will fight for this boundary monument based on our own abilities?"

Yan Wuyan looked at the bloodthirsty monk and said.

The blood-devouring monk's eyes moved slightly. He had fought against the body of the Origin Emperor, and his strength was very strange. He had no chance of winning.

Now that the ruins of the Truth Immortal Dynasty are changing, he cannot locate the space, so he invites experts to come.

Because the region of the Immortal Realm of Truth merges with the Yuan World, the space is changing all the time. If it is transmitted here, it may be transmitted to other places. He also needs partners at the moment.


That's when.

Heaven and earth change with thunder.

A black figure appeared in the thunder.

Thunder originally represented justice, but this thunder was black, giving off a sense of incomparable evil and giving people a very cold feeling.

Everyone looked towards the figure in the black thunder and lightning.

Those figures stood in the air, and there was a black evil aura among the black thunder and lightning.

The evil spirit is permeated, giving people an indescribable feeling, desperate and ruthless.

Black evil energy emitted from the opponent's body like a tide, and when combined with the dark thunder and lightning, this power seemed to be able to destroy everything.

"This! How scary!"

Everyone on the earth felt this power and was horrified.

That terrifying dark evil energy is like an evil spirit that devours all living things in the world. Wherever it passes, any life will be annihilated in the darkness.

They couldn't imagine that if they were enveloped by that black evil energy, they might immediately turn into fly ash and scatter in the void.

"Who is this person? His aura is stronger than the others!"

Some people thought with horror in their hearts.

"How can we [Qinglong Club] not participate in such a good thing?"

The figure was wearing a gray robe, with a cold face and cold eyes. He walked out of the evil thunder and lightning whirlpool in one step, with an unparalleled aura and aloofness.

Like a terrifying evil king of hell, it is the evil god Li Wuxie.

"Blue Dragon Club!"

Seeing Li Wuxie appear, the Emperor of Origin, Zi Di Yuanfen, was physically and mentally shocked.

The people from the [Blue Dragon Club] were arranged by him to go to Huangzhou.

His eyes were looking at Li Wuxie, not Li Xunhuan and the others.

"Another supreme emperor!"

Li Wuxie had never appeared before, so he hadn't seen it.

I was also surprised that another supreme emperor appeared in the [Qinglong Club].

"No, there is someone beside him!"

When the evil energy in the sky dissipated, there was still a person standing behind Li Wuxie.

When the Origin Emperor Zi Diyuan saw the figure, his eyes showed a cold look, and the person who appeared gave him a sense of danger.

Although Li Wuxie appeared with unusual aura, it did not put any pressure on him. However, the man who was still standing gave him a sense of danger and looked at that figure.

Several other Supreme Beings also looked at the people beside Li Wuxie.

The figure was wearing green clothes, very majestic, and his eyes were extremely deep, as if everything was under his control. The aura around him was restrained. There was no pressure or shuddering aura, but it made them feel a kind of feeling in their hearts. Feeling of palpitations.

This person is stronger than Li Wuxie who appeared first.

"That is!"

Next to Su Chen, Fairy Yunxue looked at the person next to Li Wuxie with horrified eyes.

She inherited the ruins of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth, and her perception of this area is much stronger than that of ordinary people. Except for the Supreme Emperor, who can compare with her, no one else here has as strong a perception as hers.

She looked at this person, and her heart seemed to have been suddenly penetrated by a sharp sword.

"This person is very scary!"

Fairy Yunxue said in horror.

"[Qinglonghui] Ling Donglai!"

At this time, Su Chen said softly.

The voice was so low that only Fairy Yunxue could hear it. "[Qinglonghui] Ling Donglai!"

Fairy Yunxue didn't expect Su Chen to know this person.

He looked slightly startled.

Su Chen looked at Ling Donglai who appeared, and was shocked. He was worthy of being a supreme master. In just a short period of time, his practice had reached a terrifying level.

"Mr. Ling's cultivation speed is really shocking!"

Yuan Suiyun also stepped into the level of the Supreme Emperor, and he could sense the terror that Ling Donglai was experiencing now.

"Who are you two?"

At this time, the Origin Emperor Zi Diyuan looked at Ling Donglai and said.

"[Qinglong Club] orders Donglai, [Qinglong Club] Twelve Hall Masters are fierce!"

If he actually came, he would definitely tell his name.

"Ling Donglai, don't be evil!"

The Origin Emperor Zi Diyuan's eyes were startled. Ling Donglai from the [Qinglong Society] had heard of his name. There was someone here among the dead and alive who knew his name.

But he got news that this person had just stepped into the Supreme Emperor.

But with such strength, how could it be possible that the opponent had just stepped into the role of Supreme Emperor?

Looking towards the others.

Others shook their heads, they had no information about this person.

When looking at each other, they made eye contact, as if they were discussing something.

For such a strong person to come here, it must be for the boundary monument. I'm afraid they need to deal with these two people first.

"It seems they want to join forces to deal with the [Blue Dragon Society], but Brother Yang, how did you know this person's name is Ling Donglai!"

Fairy Yunxue looked at Su Chen and asked with some doubts.

"Some people here also know it, they just didn't say it!"

Su Chen looked at Granny Long.

Granny Long knew about Ling Donglai, but Ling Donglai's strength now was different from Ling Donglai's before.

"These are the people I invited!"

"Of course I know!"

Su Chen looked at Fairy Yunxue and said.

"how is this possible?"

Fairy Yunxue was startled when she heard what Su Chen said. She didn't believe what Su Chen said.

"Our young master wants this boundary monument of the Immortal Realm of Truth. Can you guys part ways with it?"

At this time, Li Wuxie spoke, his eyes scanning everyone.

"You are very arrogant!"

The blood-devouring monk looked at Li Wuxie and said with a cold look.

"Why do you have any objections!"

Li Wuxie glanced at the blood-devouring monk, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and the terrifying air flow that merged with the evil energy and dark thunder and lightning around him headed towards the blood-devouring monk without caring.

When Li Wuxie stepped into the Supreme Emperor, he had not yet had a good fight with anyone.

Li Wuxie himself is an evil god-like figure who doesn't care about anyone. What's more, after absorbing an evil corpse and stepping into the realm of the supreme emperor, the evil energy in his body has reached its peak.

Coupled with the fusion of thunder and lightning power, he looks very violent.

An evil light flashed in his eyes, and countless evil thunder and lightning erupted from his side, rumbling and surging, and he waved his huge palm towards the blood-devouring and killing people.

The evil energy of thunder and lightning mixed in the palm of his hand, tearing the void apart.

"Damn! Madman!"

The blood-devouring monk did not expect that Li Wuxie would attack him like this. He cursed and let out a roar, rising into the sky. Endless blood-colored light erupted from all over his body. With a mighty force, he made a powerful move in his hand, and the space shattered. A wave of An extremely terrifying aura surged down from the space channel in an instant.


A huge bloody lotus flower, carrying terrifying swastika runes, bombarded towards Li Wuxie.

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