Li Wuxie's eyes were cold, and he let out a heavy groan, and his whole body was filled with energy.

"Evil intention, dark thunder knife!"

He shouted softly and grabbed it hard with his palm.

Thunder, lightning and evil energy gathered together and turned into a long black knife, slashing towards the falling lotus.


An unparalleled sharp sword light made a harsh roar and collided with the bloody lotus. The bloody lotus quickly disintegrated under the sword.

But in disintegration.

The body of the blood-devouring monk burst out.

"Vajra Blood Buddha Body!"

With a low roar, a huge blood Buddha body with terrifying Buddha-nature runes appeared and slapped Li Wuxie.

The swastika characters in the palm of the hand enveloped the void.

Covering heaven and earth.

"Evil spirit, thunder body!"

Li Wuxie also roared, and his whole body turned into a huge body filled with thunder and lightning. The evil energy of thunder and lightning rolled around his body. He also shot it with one palm. The two forces collided, the void shook, and the earth shook for a moment.


The terrifying void trembles.

The expressions on the faces of those who were watching the battle changed. They did not expect that the people from the Qinglong Society would fight with the blood-devouring monks from the Blood Buddha Temple as soon as they appeared.

This side of the Zhenwu Temple.

Yan Wuyan and Mr. Mu had serious eyes.

"The Qinglong Club has attacked the Zhenwu Temple, and now they are out to snatch this boundary monument. We should join forces to kill the people of the Qinglong Club!"

Yan Wuyan's eyes flashed with cold light.

What happened to the Zhenwu Temple last time, when Qinglonghui took action, many people from the Zhenwu Temple were killed.

Now is an opportunity and they should seize it.

"You got the blood-devouring monk, you can take action!"

Yan Wuyan was the one who gathered the immortals this time, and he was the one who brought the blood-devouring monk here. It was absolutely fine for him to help the blood-devouring monk.

Zhenwu Temple is not easy to take action for the time being.

Yan Wuyan glanced at Mr. Mu thoughtfully, his eyes darkened, but he did not hesitate.

If he is in danger, Mr. Mu will also help him.

"That girl Yun Xue should be around here. You have to find her as soon as possible. As long as you find her, you will have the opportunity to take away the boundary monument and leave in time. As long as you return to the Zhenwu Temple, you have nothing to worry about!"

Yan Wuyan sent a message to Taoist Yunmu.

"Blood-devouring monk, let me help you!"

Yan Wuyan shouted lowly, and in the blink of an eye, he headed towards Li Wuxie.

Li Wuxie sensed it and suddenly turned around to look at Yan Wuyan, his eyes gleaming with cold light.

"A remnant soul dares to attack me and let me swallow you!!"

He abandoned the blood-devouring monk and rushed towards Yan Wuyan quickly.

Yan Wuyan is now just condensing the power of his remaining soul. If he can swallow up the power of his remaining soul, his strength will be even greater.

"You think you can take action against me because you think I'm a remnant soul?"

"The sword body and soul are united into one!"

At this time, Yan Wuyan gave a low shout, and a giant sword emitting bright sword light appeared between his eyebrows.

The long sword and his body became one, and a terrifying sword intent erupted from his body, and his body also began to change and completely condensed.

"Sword body?"

Seeing this scene, Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.


In Su Chen's gaze, the aura on Yan Wuyan's body continued to rise, turning into an unparalleled giant.


He shouted loudly and struck towards Li Wuxie to kill him.


Extremely terrifying murderous intent surged out in an instant and penetrated directly towards Li Wuxie's body.


Li Wuxie's body flashed with lightning, shattering the murderous intent, and he struck out with one palm. The thunder and lightning condensed in his hand, and with boundless terrifying aura, as if it contained a whole world, he swatted towards Yan Wuyan.

"Blood Buddha Vajra Fury!"

At this moment, the blood-devouring monk sneered and growled.

The blood energy on his body swelled, and the blood runes condensed on his arm. He punched Li Wuxie on the back, and cooperated with Yan Wuyan to attack and kill Li Wuxie.

All of a sudden!

Li Wuxie is in danger.

"This Li Wuxie's strength is pretty good, but facing two supreme emperors, I'm afraid he can't stop him!" "And the young master he just flew in the air, the one who doesn't know is you!"

Fairy Yunxue looked at Su Chen.

What Li Wuxie just said was not that they [Qinglong Club] wanted, but that the Young Master wanted.

This is a big difference.

By asking Su Chen this way, she was actually testing Su Chen. She wanted to see what his current opinion was on Li Wuxie's situation.

"Li Wuxie is not that easy to deal with!"

Su Chen had a sneer on his lips.

His eyes were looking at the battle in the void.

Not only Su Chen and the others were paying attention to this scene.

As for the Origin Emperor and others when they paid attention to Li Wuxie, their eyes were focused on Ling Donglai who was standing in the void.

Ling Donglai just stood there without any movement.


The sword light struck and the fists struck.

Li Wuxie didn't care about the falling Buddha's palm at all, but stared at Yan Wuyan fiercely.

I am taking action against people. If you dare to take action against me, then I will kill you.

"If you dare to take action, you will die first!"

Li Wuxie's palm fell on the sword light, and the sword light shattered with a click, and then endless thunder and lightning evil energy enveloped Yan Wuyan.


The back was punched by the blood-devouring monk.


Blood spurts.

A huge crack appeared in the chest, and with the help of this power, the body hit the front of Yan Wuyan.

He slapped the opponent's chest hard with his palm.

"Damn you!"

Yan Wuyan didn't expect that Li Wuxie could be so cruel. Instead of resisting the blood-devouring monk, he attacked him with all his strength.

Cracks appeared on his body, and terrifying thunder and lightning and evil energy poured into his body. The sword energy in his body was suppressed by these two forces, making him glow with pain, and his soul was also turbulent at this moment.

He only used the long sword to fuse himself, but he did not completely let the long sword replace his body.


"Come out!"

Li Wuxie roared, and a vortex of evil energy appeared on his body, and the vortex began to pull at the power of the soul in his sword body.

"Blood-devouring Monk, kill him, kill him!"

Yan Wuyan growled.

Seeing this, the bloodthirsty monk once again burst out with tyrannical power.


The palm was shot again, a huge bloody palm, covering the sky and the sun, as big as half the sky, and fiercely covered Li Wuxie.

The body of the God of Thunder.

At this moment, Li Wuxie roared.

A huge thunder body appeared behind him, resisting the palm of the blood-devouring monk.

"Come out!"

Li Wuxie, on the other hand, gave him a hard grip.

Yan Wuyan's soul was actually grabbed out of the body.


The sword body shattered, and the power of the vortex enveloped Yan Wuyan's soul.


At this moment, Mr. Mu took action and slashed out with a sword light.

The sword light struck the whirlpool.

The swallowed Yan Wuyan soul took this opportunity to escape, but the power above the soul dissipated, a lot of power was devoured in his body, and his strength became extremely weak.

"Damn it!"

"Blood Buddha giant pestle!"

The blood-devouring monk had a ferocious look on his face. He clenched his palms tightly, and a huge blood-colored Buddha pestle appeared and thrust towards Li Wuxie's body.

He wants to nail Li Wuxie to this blood pestle!

"Zhenwu Tianshen Sword!"

The man who took action, Mr. Mu from the Zhenwu Temple, also took out his sword at this moment, and a bright golden sword appeared in the sky.

The sword light shone brightly on the heaven and earth, and it also headed towards Li Wuxie to kill him.

Once he takes action, he doesn't hold anything back.

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